RSV (Report Service) Errorcodes
Topic | Replies | Views | Activity | |
About the RSV (Report Service) Errorcodes category | 0 | 1402 | March 6, 2017 | |
RSV-SRV-0003 The report specification contains an error at line '1' | 2 | 4055 | December 19, 2012 | |
RSV-SRV-0056 The Report Server process did not initialize properly | 6 | 3860 | October 28, 2010 | |
RSV-SRV-0040 An application error has occurred | 1 | 4715 | May 31, 2010 | |
RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back | 0 | 4195 | May 21, 2010 | |
RSV-SRV-0030 The user does not have the assigned capability to use HTMLItem | 0 | 2221 | May 21, 2010 |