XQE-PLN-0161 The prompt \'startDate\' is used multiple times with conflicting data types: date, timest


With Dynamic Query Mode (DQM), the message is presented due to promptName being referenced in the Filter expression, for example:

case ?dateFilter?

when 0 then (


[BeginingDate] <= ?endDate? AND

[EndingDate] >= ?startDate? OR

[EndingDate] is null



when 1 then ( … )

when 2 then ( … )

when 3 then ( … )

when 4 then (


[BeginingDate] <= cast(cast(extract(year;?startDate?);VARCHAR(4))+'-01-01';DATE) AND


[EndingDate] >= cast(cast(extract(year;?startDate?);VARCHAR(4))+'-12-31';DATE) OR

[EndingDate] = 2999-12-31 OR

[EndingDate] is null






DQM attempts to bind the ?startDate? prompt parameter to a data type, however ?startDataum? resolves two conflicting data types:

1) [EndingDate] is a Query Item with its data type of DATE therefore ?startDate? resolves to Date.

2) The second argument of the extract function accepts a DateTime and therefore ?startDate? resolves to DateTime/TimeStamp.

With Compatible Query Mode (CQM), for 1) it is the same as DQM and for 2) the ?startDate? is resolved to a Date.

If there was no prompt page, and if the filter expression was defined as:

[BeginingDate] <= cast(cast(extract(year;?startDate?);VARCHAR(4))+'-01-01';DATE)

with DQM, the user would be prompted with a DateTime prompt where the user can enter date and time values. With CQM, the user would be prompted with a date prompt where the user can only enter a date value, no time value is allowed. DQM is therefore the preferred approach.

Resolving the problem

To avoid the DQM message, a Prompt Macro can be used to bind the parameter to a specific data type.

In this case, #prompt('startDate','date')# and the filter expression will therefore be:

case ?dateFilter?

when 0 then (


[BeginingDate] <= ?endDate? AND

[EndingDate] >= #prompt('startDate','date')# OR

[EndingDate] is null



when 1 then ( … )

when 2 then ( … )

when 3 then ( … )

when 4 then (


[BeginingDate] <= cast(cast(extract(year;#prompt('startDate','date')#);VARCHAR(4))+'-01-01';DATE) AND


[EndingDate] >= cast(cast(extract(year;#prompt('startDate','date')#);VARCHAR(4))+'-12-31';DATE) OR

[EndingDate] = 2999-12-31 OR

[EndingDate] is null



