Unable to export the entire contents of the Cognos 8 Metrics Package


Let’s start to say i’m not a regular Metric Studio user… :-\

I have Cognos 8.4 Metric Studio installed and after testing the studio i like to export the entire Metric Store database… The export runs fine, but the Note and Policies are not being exported from the Metrics Package somehow?

i get the following error.
DIS-RUN-3307 Failed to export ‘policies’ data from package "package name"
DIS-RUN-3307 Failed to export ‘notes’ data from package “package name”

any idea how i can export the policies and notes as well???


The Metric Store may still be referencing a user/group or role that has been deleted from your LDAP. Synchronize metric store users with external namespaces before running the export task.


  1. Log into the Metrics Package.
  2. Select ‘Metric Maintenance’.
  3. Run the task ‘Synchronize metric store users with external namespaces’.
  4. Run the task to export the content again.