UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "attach"

Can somebody…anybody please help me with this error message below. My enviornment is Windows Server 2008 and the database type is DB2. I have been stuck on this issue for an entire week!

Data Manager v8.4.27.78 – Copyright © 2008 Cognos ULC, an IBM Company. All rights reserved.
jobstream – start run on DC4RATIONAL03.LMASRATIONAL.COM (05-Nov-2010 17:05:07)

DM-DBM-0402 UDA driver reported the following:

UDA-SQL-0031 Unable to access the “Rational Data Warehouse” database.

UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation “attach”.

DM-DBM-0306 UDA driver error connecting to ‘Rational Data Warehouse’.

DM-LIB-0300 Error initializing variable ‘ETL_DATEID’ to:

DM-BLD-0004 JobStream ‘RQMAll’ is not a valid specification.

jobstream – failed (05-Nov-2010 17:05:11)



it looks like you are using datamanager to connect to a DB2 database server?

check the following things:

  1. Is the DB2 server a supported version
  2. is the DB2 client installed on all the reporting servers?
  3. Has the DB2 client the same version as the DB2 server?
  4. Can you connect to this database with the DB2 client installed on the Cognos Server?