Transformer Error Messages

This section lists IBM Cognos Transformer error messages for which additional help is provided.

A user was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a user by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the user.
This error occurs when a script that uses Model Definition Language (MDL) requires an object that Transformer cannot find. In this case, the object is the ID for an authenticated user (CAMID).
The problem may be that the object was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

The view of an ancestor custom view restricts the operation you requested.
You have attempted to override a security setting that was imposed at a higher level in the view hierarchy. Security for this object is inherited from the ancestor custom view.
If you require access to a category that is inaccessible due to access controls placed on its ancestor, you can
remove the restrictions imposed by the ancestor custom view
create a new custom view at the ancestor level, with the appropriate security
selectively add users from the lower-level custom view to the ancestor custom view, so that these users can access the required information

Custom views are not allowed to perform the operation you requested.
You have tried to perform an operation that Transformer does not support.

You cannot view the categories in a dimension that an ancestor custom view has restricted.
This error message may appear when you make updates to a model using an MDL script. Under normal circumstances, the Transformer Windows interface prevents you from viewing all of a dimension for which a custom view is applied in an ancestor custom view.
Verify that the MDL script is correct, and that you have specified the correct object identifier for each of the objects referenced.
If descendants of the protected ancestor in the custom view do require access to the entire dimension, you can
change the properties of the ancestor custom view so that all categories are included
Note: If you use this option, all members of the subordinate custom view (the one for which you are trying to include the categories) will gain access to the entire dimension. Add specific users from the subordinate custom view (the one for which you are trying to include the categories) to the relevant ancestor custom view
However, this will give the users access to all information that is accessible by the ancestor custom view.create a new custom view in which the categories are included, adding users to it as required to meet your reporting needs.

An ancestor custom view excludes this measure.
This error message may appear when you make updates to a model using an MDL script. Under normal circumstances, the Transformer Windows interface prevents you from including a measure that is excluded in an ancestor custom view.
Verify that the MDL script is correct, and that you have specified the correct object identifier for each of the objects referenced.
If the custom view for which you want to include the measure does require access to that measure, you can
change the properties of the ancestor custom view in which the measure is excluded
Note: If you use this option, all members of the subordinate custom view (the one for which you are trying to include the measure) will gain access to the measure.
add specific users from the subordinate custom view (the one for which you are trying to include the measure) to the ancestor custom view in which the measure is included
However, this will give the users access to all information that is accessible by the ancestor custom view.
create a new custom view in which the measure is included, adding users to it as required to meet your reporting needs

Transformer could not read the data source.
You have specified an invalid data source, or a file format that is not appropriate for the type of data source defined in your model.
For example, this error may occur if you are using an .iqd file as a data source with a 32-bit ODBC driver, and the driver setup specifies the wrong transaction level. It may also occur if the required security information is lacking or the tnsnames.ora file references an incorrect SQL *Net connection string.
To resolve the problem, ensure that your source file is valid, and that it uses a format that is appropriate for the type of data source defined in the model.
For example, if you are using an .iqd file with a 32-bit ODBC driver, try changing the transaction level from Repeatable Read to Read Uncommitted, and enter a user ID and password in the Client Access driver setup.

No records were found in data source data_source_name; the file is empty.
You have tried to generate categories from an empty input file. The file exists, but contains no records that Transformer can use.
One of your source files may have been inadvertently overwritten by an empty file, or the process that creates your source files may have failed and created a file with no records.
To resolve the problem, ensure that each source file associated with the data in your model contains the correct data. You can confirm the name of the file associated with a data source in the Source tab of the Data Source property sheet.

file_name is not a valid file name.
You have specified an invalid file name for a PowerCube or a data file that is related to a data source.
To resolve the problem, check the name of the file you entered, and verify that it is correct.

There is not enough memory available.
There is insufficient memory for Transformer to perform some operation.

Solution for Windows
Close as many open applications as possible. If this fails to correct the problem, save your model, exit, and then restart Transformer. You may need to restart Windows.
If this is a recurring problem, you may need to augment computer memory in order to continue working on the model or PowerCube.

Solution for UNIX/Linux
Try lowering the MaxTransactionNum setting. You may also need to increase the memory setting on your data server. For information about optimizing UNIX/Linux production environments, see Guidelines for Optimizing Production Environments.
Note: If you are working on an HP9000 computer, the problem may be the data region setting. Try increasing the MAXDSIZ kernel setting.

Transformer cannot create the file file_name.
Transformer is unable to create a file.
To resolve the problem, ensure that you are not attempting to overwrite a read-only file, and that the file is not currently locked by another process.

Transformer cannot write in the model temporary file. Please check if there is enough free disk space in the temporary directory.
This error usually indicates that there is insufficient disk space for the temporary work files.
To estimate how much disk space you need to create a cube, multiply the size of all data sources by 3.5. To locate the temporary work files, check the Directories tab of the Preferences property sheet.
Then, to resolve the problem, free up the required amount of disk space on the work file drive and repeat the failed process.

Transformer cannot open the file file_name.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the path and file name are correctly specified in the Directories tab of the Preferences property sheet.
If this error occurs when you are running an MDL script from the command line, the problem may be that the script contains the command SavePY and you are also using the -s command line option to save the file in .py? format. If so, try removing the -s option.

Transformer cannot open the file file_name.
You have tried to generate categories or create a PowerCube, and Transformer is unable to find one of the source files associated with a data source used by the model.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the source files are correctly specified on the Source tab of each Data Source property sheet, and that you have access to the drives and directories where these files are stored.
If you have specified an alternate source file for the PowerCube on the General tab of the PowerCube property sheet, ensure that the alternate source file exists.
If you are building cubes in a multiple-cube model, ensure that the source file information is complete and correct for all cubes, including disabled cubes.

Transformer cannot read the database database_name defined in PowerCube.
Transformer cannot open the database specified as the data source.
If you used an .iqd file as the data source in your model, do the following:
Check the size of the query to see if it exceeds the SQL limit and, if so, try removing some of the columns in the report that the .iqd file is based on.
Ensure that the appropriate access was granted, and that the database user ID and password are valid.
Confirm that the report that created the .iqd file runs successfully.
If you are using Transformer to generate a PowerCube on an HP-UX 10 server computer, and the data source is an .iqd file that accesses a Sybase database, ensure that the following requirements are met:
Open Client must be installed on the HP-UX server computer.
The Sybase and DSQuery environment variables must be set.
The Sybase /bin directory must be in the path.

Only data source input files of the following types are supported in this mode data_source_list.
You are using Transformer on a UNIX/Linux server but are not specifying an accessible data source.
To resolve the problem, specify a data source that your UNIX/Linux server can access, and then rebuild your PowerCube or cube group.

The argument for command line option -k is invalid.
When trying to pass database login information to Transformer using the -k command line option, an invalid entry has been detected.
To resolve the problem, ensure that you enter a valid value for the -k option.

The database name in the command line is blank.
When trying to pass database login information to Transformer using the -k command line option, there is no database name provided.
To resolve the problem, ensure that you enter a valid database name .

Unable to delete file file_name.
Transformer is unable to delete a model file.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the file is not currently locked by another process, and that it is not a read-only file.

Cube Group cube_group_name (and possibly others) contains cubes based upon key orphanage categories. Due to the temporary nature of these categories, the data in these cubes may belong to other cubes within their respective cube groups.
Transformer has created a key orphanage in the target level for a cube group. This can happen in models for which the following conditions exist:
The model uses multiple data sources.
The model contains one or more cube groups.
The data in the specified data sources does not provide sufficient information to connect a category to one of the target categories in the cube group.
In the PowerCubes list, Transformer generates a cube definition for the key orphanage category within the cube group. You cannot delete this cube. However, the problem will be automatically corrected if a subsequently processed data source contains data that can provide the path from the orphaned category to the source category in the target level.
Alternatively, you can resolve the problem by adding information to the model that eliminates the need for both the key orphanage and the orphaned cube. This can be done in one of the following ways:
Manually assign the categories in the orphaned category to one of the others in the target level, assuming you know which one they belong to.
Determine what data is missing in your original data source, and either supply that data or add a new source with the information needed to complete the path from a category in the target level to the orphaned categories.
If a key orphanage is created and later deleted during a single cube generation process, the resulting cube group will have an invalid status.
Transformer can eliminate a key orphanage when all of its descendants are placed under other categories in other cubes within the cube group. In such cases, you must regenerate the cube group so that the data is moved into the correct cubes.

A data input conversion or overflow error has occurred.
This error occurs when the data for a measure is too large for the storage type that is specified for it. This can arise if a measure includes decimals, or is assigned a large input or output scale.
To resolve the problem, try to minimize the Input scale property, as specified on the General tab of the Column property sheet, and the corresponding Output scale, as specified on the General tab of the Measure property sheet.
If this does not work for your model, change the Storage Type property on the General tab of the Measure property sheet to a larger storage type.

You did not include any dimensions. Transformer cannot create a PowerCube.
You have tried to create a PowerCube in which all the dimensions are omitted.
To resolve the problem, open the PowerCube property sheet and click the Dimensions tab. Ensure that at least one dimension is not set to Omit Dimension.

You did not include any measures. Transformer cannot create a PowerCube.
You have tried to create a PowerCube in which all the measures are omitted.
To resolve the problem, open the PowerCube property sheet and click the Measures tab. Ensure that at least one measure is not set to Exclude.

Double quotes were changed to single quotes in the source value, label, description, sort value, or some other text field. This action was taken to avoid syntax errors in MDL.
When Transformer generates MDL, it uses double quotes to define the model. This message informs you that double quotes in the source data have been changed to single quotes so that Transformer can distinguish between the source data and the structure of the model.

You did not include any dimensions in PowerCube cube_name. The cube was not created.
You have tried to create a PowerCube in which all the dimensions are omitted.
To resolve the problem, open the PowerCube property sheet and click the Dimensions tab. Ensure that at least one dimension is not set to Omit Dimension.

Data source data_source_name is not related to any dimension so it cannot be processed.
You have tried to generate categories using a data source that is not associated with any level in any dimension in the model. This can happen when you add a data source to the model without specifying that at least one dimension is derived from that data source.
To resolve the problem, associate a data source with one or more dimensions in your model.

Consolidation for the PowerCube cube_name (and n others) is suppressed because a before-rollup calculation was also defined.
When a model includes a calculated measure with a timing of Before Rollup, consolidation is suppressed for all cubes containing that measure.
This allows the consolidated records to be written to the cube as specified. If Transformer were to perform its own consolidation pass, there would not be sufficient detail in the PowerCube records to perform the before rollup calculation correctly.
If you want cube records to be consolidated, ensure that the cube does not contain calculated measures with a timing of Before Rollup.

Sorting and consolidation for the PowerCube cube_name (and n others) must be performed to determine correct state measure values.
This message informs you that, in spite of any contradictory settings for consolidation in the PowerCube property sheet, one of the following model settings dictates that consolidation is required:
A setting other than Default is specified for Duplicates rollup.
A setting other than Pre-sorted is specified for consolidation.

n data input conversion or overflow errors occurred. See the log file for details.
In one of the data source files for the model, the value specified for a measure is either too large or uses an invalid storage type.
In the log file associated with the model being updated, a line such as the following appears:
(TR1703) A data input conversion or overflow error occurred at source record number 100 for measure 'Revenue' in source file 'path\filename'.Use the logged information to identify which input data records contain invalid source values, and then make the required corrections.

The temporary file for source file source_file_name and PowerCube cube_name is empty. Check that your source file contains data.
During the PowerCube creation process, Transformer has been unable to find data for use in a PowerCube. This can happen if
your source data file is empty
you have applied one or more views that exclude all the data for all dimensions in a cube
the timing for all data sources is such that none of them are used to create PowerCubes
the data source containing measures for your model is associated with categories in an alternate drill-down path.
the source file contains BLOB (Binary Large Object) fields, which Transformer does not support
If your source file is an .iqd file, and you have IBM Cognos Impromptu installed, rerun the report in Impromptu and ensure that data is being returned.

The PowerCube cube_name (and n others) may require consolidation. Consolidation can't be performed because of before-rollup calculations or because a cube is designated as using Direct Create.
This message informs you that Transformer cannot perform consolidation because there are conflicting settings in the model.
For example, consolidation cannot occur if the model contains calculated measures with a rollup timing of Before Rollup because the consolidation process would eliminate from the PowerCube the records required to perform the before-rollup calculation.

Data source data_source_name is turned off for cube generation, and the process has halted.
This message can arise if the model contains structural data sources, and no transactional (or measure) dat.
Ensure that the PowerCube Creation box on the General tab of the Data Source property sheet is selected, if you want this data source processed during cube generation.

There are no columns for AutoDesign to use.
Transformer is unable to locate columns for use in the AutoDesign process.

Ensure that the columns in the data sources for your model have not been deleted.

Transformer has detected invalid allocation specifications. These allocations will be removed. Do you want to continue?
A calculated measure was allocated and then deleted from the model.
Choose Yes to have Transformer change the allocation on which the measure was based to N/A, if the allocation applies to a level, or Constant, if it applies to an entire dimension.

You didn't specify a server data source. Do you want to continue?
This error occurs if you try to generate categories on a UNIX/Linux server but have not specified a data source that the server can access.
To resolve the problem, specify a data source that resides on, or is accessible by, your UNIX/Linux computer.

This model was built with a system language setting of language_setting, which differs from the current setting. The language setting dictates the sorting rules used in category ordering. Do you want to resort all ordered categories?
This message appears when a model populated on a computer with one language setting is moved to a computer with a different language setting.
Your PowerCube will still generate successfully, despite this warning message.

Error encountered while trying to save preferences to path_name\cogtr.xml
This error may be caused by insufficient space on your hard disk or by an inaccessible cogtr.xml file.
If the problem is caused by insufficient disk space, either create more disk space or switch processing to another drive. If the problem is caused by an inaccessible cogtr.xm file, ensure that cogtr.xml is not open or marked read-only.

A PowerCube group was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a PowerCube group by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the PowerCube group.
This error occurs when a script that uses Model Definition Language (MDL) requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a PowerCube group.
The problem may be that the PowerCube group was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

A calculation definition was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a calculation definition by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the calculation definition.
This error occurs when a script that uses Model Definition Language (MDL) requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a calculation definition.
The problem may be that the calculation definition was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

A category set was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a category set by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the category set.
This error occurs when a script that uses Model Definition Language (MDL) requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a category set.
The problem may be that the category set was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

You cannot move a category outside its drill-down path.
On the diagram for a dimension that has an alternate drill-down structure, you have tried to move a category from one drill-down path to another.
To avoid this problem, only move categories within the scope of their own drill-down paths.

A regular category cannot be the parent of a special category.
Under normal circumstances, the Transformer Windows interface does not allow you to make a regular category the parent of a special category. However, this error message may appear if you try to perform this action using an MDL script.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the ID numbers used in the MDL script refer to objects for which the stated action is valid.

You must specify a category code when you create a manual category.
You have tried to create a category manually, in a manual level, and you have omitted the category code. By default, Transformer will try to assign a unique category code to each of the categories you create.
This category code is displayed in the Category code box on the General tab of the Category property sheet. Do not delete this category code.

Another category already has this category code. Each category requires a category code that is unique within the dimension.
When creating or modifying a category manually, in a manual level, you have changed the category code so that it conflicts with an existing category code. By default, Transformer will try to assign a unique category code to each of the categories you create.
This category code is displayed in the Category code box on the General tab of the Category property sheet. If you modify this code, ensure that it does not conflict with an existing category code.

You must specify a source value for a category in a source level. You can do this from the Source tab in the Level property sheet.
You may have inadvertently deleted the source value associated with a category. Source values are required for categories in all source levels. Categories in manual levels derive their source values from their category codes.
To resolve the problem, edit the source value on the Category property sheet to provide the correct value, or delete the category and allow Transformer to regenerate it.

This action would result in two categories with the source value source_value under different parent categories in level level_name, which is designated as unique. The action is cancelled.
You have tried to specify that the categories within a level are unique when Transformer has verified that they are not. This can occur when you
create an alternate drill-down structure and allow Transformer to designate the convergence level as unique
change the source value of a date category in such a way that two identical date categories appear in the same level
select the Unique option on the Source tab of the Level property sheet
The category values in a convergence level that connects multiple drill-down paths must be unique. Similarly, in order for Transformer to be able to directly relate source column values to categories in a level, the category values in that level must be unique.
If a level is at the convergence of an alternate drill-down path, or if your data source contains a column for a level that lacks the ancestor levels needed to provide its context, you must ensure that each category in that level is unambiguously identifiable by its value alone.
For example, suppose the convergence level, City, is found in a Regions dimension that contains the levels Country, State, and City. To avoid uniqueness problems, ensure that your source data qualifies all identically named cities so they can be unambiguously identified. For example, the city Burlington is found in the states Massachusetts and Vermont, so you modify your source to add qualifiers for the names Burlington-MA and Burlington-VT.

The share reference category is not a category in the same dimension.
You have tried to apply a share using a level or category that is in another dimension.
To avoid this problem, when you set up a share, make sure you set it to a level or category in the same dimension as the categories to which you apply the share.

You cannot move a category into or out of a convergence level.
On the diagram for a dimension with multiple drill-down paths, you have tried to move a category either out of or into a convergence level.
To avoid this problem, make sure that you do not move the categories in a convergence level out of that level, or move new categories from other levels into the convergence level.

The share category ID is invalid. A share category ID must be the object identifier of another category in the same dimension.
You have tried to specify an invalid share. Each share
must involve an existing category
must be relative to a higher level in the same dimension
must be identified by a share object identifier
To view the object identifier for each object, select the Object identifier check box on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

You cannot delete or move the root category of a dimension.
The root category provides much of the information that is required by the dimension, including the label that is provided for display in the reporting components.
Do not delete a root category. If you want to remove an entire dimension from the model, select it on the dimension map, not the diagram, and click Delete Dimension.

In a regular diagram, you can only connect to categories in a level above or below the original level. You cannot connect to categories in the same level.
You have tried to connect two categories in the same level.
Ensure that you only connect a category to an ancestor or descendant category. If the category that you want to connect to is at the wrong level, restructure your model so that all levels are correctly positioned in the dimensional hierarchy.

You can only create subdimensions below categories that are in a source level.
You have tried to create a subdimension based on a category in a manual level. Transformer does not permit the creation of a subdimension below a manually-created category.
When creating a subdimension, make sure you choose a source category.

A subdimension cannot be rooted in this level. This level is above a convergence level in a dimension that contains alternate drill-down paths.
You have tried to create a subdimension in one of the paths of an alternate drill-down structure. Subdimensions are permitted in dimensions with only one drill-down path or, in an alternate drill-down structure, at or below the convergence level.
To avoid this problem, ensure that subdimensions are positioned at or below the convergence level.

You cannot move this category because its position is determined by its Order Value property.
You have tried to move a category manually on a diagram when the OrderBy value for the category has been set by one of the following methods:
an OrderBy column was specified for the level in which the category resides
an OrderBy value was explicitly specified for the category in the Order Value box on the Category property sheet
Ensure that you only move categories for which no OrderBy value is specified.
Alternatively, use one of the following methods to change the order of categories for which an OrderBy column is specified:
Choose another OrderBy column for the level, and have Transformer re-order the categories based on this new OrderBy column.
Disable the current OrderBy settings by choosing the blank entry at the bottom of the SortBy Column list on the OrderBy tab of the Level property sheet.
Tip: You can order the categories manually by moving them on the diagram and then re-enable the OrderBy settings.

Rollup can only be disabled for special categories.
The Transformer Windows interface does not allow you to clear the Category rollup check box when you are working with regular categories. However, this error message may appear if you try to disable rollup for a regular category using an MDL script.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the ID numbers used in the MDL script refer to objects for which the stated action is valid.

A category was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a category by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the category.
This error occurs when a Model Definition Language (MDL) script requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a category.
The problem may be that the category was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

The source value for a date category in a month level must be numeric. Also, it must be in the format MMDD, unless specified otherwise in the Date tab of the Column property sheet.
This error can occur if the source value for a date category was inadvertently changed or deleted.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the Source value on the General tab of the Category property sheet uses the same date format as that specified on the Time tab of the Column property sheet.

The drill category cannot be deleted in a dimension with a single alternate drill down.
You have tried to delete the last drill category in a dimension. Each dimension must contain at least one drill-down path.
Instead of removing the last drill-down path in the dimension, do one of the following:
Delete the entire dimension and, if desired, recreate it with the new drill-down structure and levels you want.
Create an alternate drill-down structure first, then delete the drill category you no longer want.

A category cannot be created below a convergence level when the parent of that category is above the convergence level.
You have tried to create a new category below the convergence level of an alternate drill-down structure, and the new category descends from a category above the convergence level of an alternate drill-down structure. This is not a valid action.
Instead, on the diagram, create a new category at the convergence level by dragging the pointer from an ancestor level to the convergence level. Make sure you do not drag the pointer too far to the right.
Another solution is to create new categories that descend from categories in or below the convergence level.

Partitioning can only be specified for categories in a primary drill-down path.
You have tried to specify partition numbers for categories in the alternate drill-down path of a dimension with an alternate drill-down structure. Partitioning is only supported in the primary drill-down path.
To resolve the problem, determine which categories in the alternate drill-down path have partition numbers specified, then change their partition numbers to zero (0).
Tip: If you are unsure which categories in the alternate-drill-down path are partitioned, an easy way to isolate categories with partition numbers other than 0 is to save the model as an .mdl file. You can then open the .mdl file using any text editor and search for the string NewPartition, to locate all levels or categories with partition level numbers other than 0.

A partition cannot be specified for root, special, or leaf categories.
You have tried to specify a partition level number for a category for which partitioning is not permitted.
To resolve the problem, ensure that you have only assigned partition level numbers to regular categories located above the lowest (leaf) level in each dimension.
Note: If a partition level number is assigned to a category in a level that is excluded, cloaked, or summarized, that category effectively becomes a leaf category in the resulting PowerCube. As a result, partition level numbers cannot be assigned to these category types. However, you can assign a partition level number to the root category of a subdimension.

Changing the primary drill-down path from drill_down_pathname will cause any allocations and partitioning information to be removed from the current primary drill-down path. Do you want to continue?
Transformer supports partitioning and measure allocation only in the primary drill-down path of a dimension. If a dimension has an alternate drill-down structure, the partitioning and measure allocation cannot be in the alternate path.
If you specify partitioning or measure allocations within the primary drill-down path, and you later change the primary drill-down path to an alternate path, Transformer erases the existing partitioning and allocation information.
To fix your model, you must partition on the levels and categories in the new primary drill-down path, and also fix the measure allocation used in the new primary drill-down path.

A drill-down category cannot be filtered.
This error occurs when you create a Model Definition Language (MDL) script that tries to exclude a drill category. The Transformer Windows interface does not allow you to exclude a drill category.
To avoid this problem, when you reference an object in MDL, make sure you use the correct object identifier or object name.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

Manual categories in this dimension cannot be created because the dimension is locked.
You cannot create categories for a dimension that is locked.
To create a manual category for a locked dimension, clear the Prohibit automatic creation of new categories check box on the General tab of the Dimension property sheet.

A column was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a column by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the column.
This error occurs when MDL syntax requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a column.
The problem may be that the column was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier. Or, if the column name changed, the object name may differ between MDL and the Windows interface.
MDL derives the object name from the Original name box on the General tab of the Column property sheet. The object name for the Windows interface is taken from the Column name box on the same tab.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

The specifications for the date format and the level of detail are inconsistent. Confirm these specifications in the Column property sheet.
You have specified conflicting properties for the Date input format and the Degree of detail on the Time tab of the Column property sheet.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the date format provides sufficient information for the specified Degree of detail. For example, if you specify a Degree of detail of Day, meaning that the date values represent days, and the measures in the input records represent daily values, then you cannot specify a Date input format of YM because this does not provide sufficient detail to populate a time dimension containing days.

The data class in the Column property sheet is not compatible with the storage type in the Measure property sheet. Change the data class or change the storage type.
The data class of a column is not compatible with the storage type of a measure that is based on that column. For example, if your database stores the Cost measure as a non-numeric varchar, when you try to change the data type in Transformer to numeric, an error occurs.
If your data source is an .iqd file and you have IBM Cognos Impromptu installed, you can resolve the problem in the source file. Change the data definition for the column using the string-to-number function, save the .iqd file, and then use Transformer to replace the faulty column.
For non-IQD sources, you must change the data type for the column in your source database.

Column column_name is referenced by name in one or more dimensions, levels, measures or currency tables. Deleting or modifying the column name can cause these associations to be lost. Do you want to continue?
You have tried to delete a column that is currently being used in the model. Deleting a column that provides category or measure values will cause the objects in the model to lose their association with any source column.
To avoid this problem, do not delete any columns required by your model.

An association was expected but not found. Either you have referred to an association by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the association.
This error occurs when an MDL script requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is an association.
The problem may be that the association was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

One association_type association from datasource_name data source is already defined.
A second association_type association from the same data source is not allowed.
This error occurs when you try to specify a second association of the same type for the same data source.
To resolve the problem, either remove the unwanted association or make the association reference a different data source.

One association_type association named association_name is already defined.
This error occurs
on the Windows interface, if you try to create an association when an identical association already exists
with MDL, when your script defines an association more than once
To resolve the problem, remove the unwanted association or make the association reference a different data source.

The columns in data source data_source_name don't match the data source.
The data source has changed and one or more of the columns in the model can no longer reference its corresponding data source item.
When you create a model, the columns in each data source are saved as part of the model definition. If you reorder, add, delete, or rename the items in the data source, Transformer detects that the columns in the model no longer match those in the data source, and flags any mismatches in the Modify Columns dialog box.
Steps for Text Data Files or IQDs
In the Data Sources list, select the query whose columns you want to modify, and from the Tools menu, click Modify Columns.
For data source items that do not appear as columns in the model, select the items in the Source list and click Add.
For columns that you want to remove from the model, select the columns in the Model list and click Remove.
For unmatched columns identified by a plus sign (+) in the Matched to Source column in the Model list, do one of the following:
To manually match query items to columns, select a data source item in the Source list and a column in the model, and click Match.
To allow Transformer to automatically match query items to columns, click Auto Match. Review any messages that appear and click OK.
Steps for IBM Cognos 8 Data Sources
In the Data Sources list, select the query whose columns you want to modify, and from the Tools menu, click Modify Columns.
If there are columns in the model that cannot be matched to data source items, you will get a warning message. Click No to keep these unmatched columns in the model.
If you click Yes, Transformer deletes the unmatched columns.
For data source items that do not appear as columns in the model, select the items in the Source list and click Add.
Tip: Click Refresh Source to refresh the source list for the data source. Click Validate to check whether columns in the model violate any Framework Manager governor settings.
For columns that you want to remove from the model, select the columns in the model list and click Remove.
For unmatched columns identified by and X in the Matched to Source column in the model list, do one of the following:
To manually match query items to columns, select a data source item in the Source list and a column in the model, and click Match.
To allow Transformer to automatically match query items to columns, select the columns in the model and click Auto Match.
If Transformer provides one or more locations in the data source that may be appropriate for unmatched columns, do one of the following:
If one of the locations is an appropriate match, select the location and click Next or Finish.
If none of the locations are an appropriate match, click Match by reference instead and click Next. From the Candidates list of data source items, click the one that you want to match to the column or click Leave unmatched.
Repeat step 6 for each mismatched column that Transformer attempts to resolve.
For any mismatched items that Transformer cannot suggest locations for, Transformer presents possible name changes for your review. From the Candidates list, click the item that you want to match to the column to or click Leave unmatched.

This action will cause one or more cubes to be deleted in the Cube Group cube_group_name. Do you want to continue?
You have performed some action that will cause Transformer to delete one or more cubes from a cube group. This can happen
if you delete a category that is in a level used to define the cube group
This includes the deletion of categories using the Clean House command.
if you create a dimension view that excludes, cloaks, or suppresses one or more of the categories used to define the cube group
if you set the Inclusion setting on the Category property sheet to either Suppress or Exclude for a category in the level that defines the cube group
if you use the diagram to either suppress or exclude one of the categories that defines a cube within a cube group
For example, suppose that you create a cube group based on States in a States dimension that contains levels State and Outlet. Assume that the State level contains categories State01, State02, and State03, and that Transformer creates three cubes within the cube group, one for each state. If you then create and apply a dimension view that suppresses or excludes State01, the cube for State01 will also be removed, unless you click No to prevent the deletion.
To avoid disrupting your cube group structure, click No, then fix your model design.

A PowerCube was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a PowerCube by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the PowerCube.
This error occurs when MDL syntax requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a PowerCube.
The problem may be that the PowerCube was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

You cannot delete this PowerCube because it belongs to a cube group.
Transformer will not allow you to delete a cube that belongs to a cube group.
Instead of deleting the entire cube from the group, you can create a dimension view that excludes the data associated with the category you want to remove.

Category category_name has been excluded from Cube Group cube_group_name. A PowerCube cannot be created in this cube group.
You have tried to create a cube group, but no cubes were created. The problem may be that the category or level used to create the cube group is suppressed, excluded, or cloaked.
Modify your model design to avoid creating an invalid cube group structure.

In Cube Group cube_group_name, one or more cubes are based on temporary key orphanages that will be removed. Regenerate the cube group to place the data previously in the key orphanage cubes into other cubes in the cube group.
Because at least one of the cubes in the cube group was based on a key orphanage, Transformer has repaired the path from the orphaned categories to link to an existing source category in the target level for the cube group.
To resolve the problem, regenerate the cube group so that Transformer can place the orphaned data into the correct cube.
For example, assume that cube generation occurs based on data sources A, B, and C, generating the cube group in the following stages:
Data source A is processed, and the categories in the target level are generated as part of that process.
Data source B is processed and, during processing, a category is encountered that does not belong to any of the existing target categories. Moreover, no new data exists in data source B to provide a new target category. As a result, Transformer places the orphaned category under a key orphanage, starting at the target level, and a cube for that key orphanage is generated.
Data source C is processed, and new data is provided that places the orphaned category under one of the existing target categories. As a result, the key orphanage is no longer required.
Because the data from data source B was originally placed in the orphaned cube, it is necessary to regenerate the cube group. This allows Transformer to place the data from data source B into the correct cube in the group.

A total of n rows in the currency data were rejected because they did not match any date in the model.
The most common cause of this error is that the date loaded from an external data source is in a different format from the date format set in Transformer. For example, the date format in the external data source is YMD but the Transformer setting is DMY. It is also possible that the dates in your currency data do not correspond with the other dates in your model.
To resolve the problem, fix the date format on the Time tab of the Column property sheet. Or, in your MDL script, adjust the Format parameter in the Column definition statement.

The currency table populate failed.
This error occurs when Transformer cannot find the source files needed to populate the currency table.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the data file name and path are correct or, if the currency source is an .iqd file, check the database connection string.

Currency table Date column not found.
The Date column you specified does not exist, or you did not specify a Date column.
To resolve the problem, make sure Transformer can access the source files needed to populate the currency columns for Date, Rate, and one or both of Label and Country Code.

Currency table Rate column not found.
The Rate column you specified does not exist, or you did not specify a Rate column.
To resolve the problem, make sure Transformer can access the source files needed to populate the currency columns for Date, Rate, and one or both of Label and Country Code.

The currency table Label or Country Code column is mandatory.
The Label or Country Code column you specified does not exist, or you did not specify at least one of them.
To resolve the problem, make sure Transformer can access the source files needed to populate the currency columns for Date, Rate, and one or both of Label and Country Code.

The conversion rate entered is invalid. It either contains invalid characters or is less than or equal to zero.
The source file that supplies values for the Rate column contains invalid data.
To resolve the problem, ensure that all conversion rates are positive numbers. The data cannot contain negative, zero, or non-numeric characters.

Level level_name has no date function. Transformer will not generate any date categories if they follow a non-date level.
A non-date level is positioned in the time dimension in such a way that Transformer is unable to generate categories for any lower levels that may have date functions specified.
During category generation, Transformer proceeds down the levels of the time dimension, as indicated by the date function for each level. When Transformer encounters a level without dates, generation stops and no date categories are generated in the levels below.
To avoid this problem, make sure you do not drag a column from the Data Sources list and inadvertently create a new level in the time dimension.
To resolve the problem, specify a date function for the level on the Time tab of the Level property sheet.

Levels in this time dimension are not in their natural order (year, quarter, month, day). Please re-order the levels.
An operation such as the following has been performed on date levels in the time dimension:
The date functions for one or more date levels were changed so that the levels are no longer in the proper order.
The date levels in the time dimension have been reordered manually.
In an MDL script, a date level has been incorrectly referenced.
To resolve the problem on the Windows interface, reorder the date levels so that they follow the mandatory pattern for a time dimension: year, quarter, month, week, and day. For an MDL script, ensure that you reference the object using the correct object identifier or object name.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

More than 1000 date categories have been generated from your specifications. Do you want to continue generating date categories?
You have asked Transformer to generate date categories in a time dimension. After one thousand categories, you are prompted with this warning, to give you the opportunity to stop category generation and free up system resources for other types of processing.
You can ignore this warning message if your model contains a large number of date categories; for example, if you have a custom time period with a leaf level that includes minutes or seconds. However, if you suspect that you have a runaway process, discontinue category generation and verify that your time dimension is properly defined by checking the Time tab settings on the Dimension, Drill Category, and Level property sheets.

The earliest date is invalid.
You have specified an invalid Earliest date on the Time tab of the Dimension property sheet.
Verify that the dates you specify are in the valid range: between 19000101 and 99991231 inclusive. Also, the input format for earliest and latest date values must be YYYYMMDD.

The latest date is invalid.
You have specified an invalid Latest date on the Time tab of the Dimension property sheet.
Verify that the dates you specify are in the valid range: between 19000101 and 99991231 inclusive. Also, the input format for earliest and latest date values must be YYYYMMDD.

The date is not valid.
You have specified a date that is not valid, or specified a date prior to 1990 when using the Clean House command.
Ensure that the date is later than 1989, either by typing it in the format configured for your system, or by selecting a valid date from the embedded calendar.

The earliest date is larger than the latest date. Make the earliest date smaller, or make the latest date larger.
You have entered an invalid combination of Earliest date and Latest date on the Time tab of the Dimension property sheet.
Ensure that the Latest date value is later that the Earliest date value.

Invalid date format.
You have tried to specify an invalid date display format on the Time tab of the Dimension property sheet.
Ensure that the date format you have specified is a valid one.

The current period cannot be a special category.
You have tried to set the current time period to the value represented by a special category.
Use a regular category rather than a special category to set the current period.

The date levels specified for this dimension are not allowed. Ensure that lunar and calendar date level functions have not been combined.
You have combined both calendar and lunar levels within the same drill-down path of a dimension that contains an alternate drill-down structure.
When specifying date level functions in a time dimension, lunar time periods and calendar time periods cannot be combined within a single drill-down path. For example, it is invalid to have lunar years and calendar months in the same drill-down path.
To resolve the problem, structure your time dimension so that date level functions are specified correctly. Ensure that within a single drill-down path, all date functions are exclusively lunar periods or calendar periods.
In addition, if you have a time period in which alternate drill downs of type Calendar and Lunar converge, ensure that the convergence level is Day and not Year, Quarter, Month, or Week.

The date specified by the year's start-day does not match the weekday specified by the week's start-day. Both dates must fall on the same day of the week.
You have created a lunar drill-down path in which the year-begin date does not match the day on which the week begins. Because lunar years contain 52 weeks, the date on which the year begins must match the day designated as your weekly start-day.
For a lunar time dimension, on the Time tab of the Drill Category property sheet, verify that the Year begins and Week begins on properties coincide.
For example, for a drill-down path that uses lunar time periods, if you set the Year begins property to 20070101, ensure that the Week begins on property is set to Monday, because January 01, 2007 occurred on a Monday.

level_name is not a valid convergence level in this time dimension.
The drill-down paths leading to the convergence level do not share the same set of date categories, for one of the following reasons:
Lunar and calendar drill-down paths are combined.
Existing drill specifications make this convergence level illegal.
Review the documentation about creating convergence levels in the time dimension and make the necessary adjustments to your model.

The current period for dimension dimension_name was not changed because category category_code was not found.
You have tried to change the current date from the command line using the -t option. Transformer was unable to find the category code specified on the command line.
Verify that you specified the correct category code for the category you want to use to set the current date.

The interval between the year start-days for alternate drill-down paths drill_down_name1 and drill_down_name2 in dimension dimension_name must be equal to one or more whole units of time as represented by the convergence level.
You have created an alternate drill-down structure in the time dimension and specified incompatible dates for the Year begin days in each drill-down path.
Correct the settings on the Time tab of the appropriate property sheet, so the dates in each drill-down path align correctly.

A signon was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a signon by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the signon.
This error occurs when MDL syntax requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a signon.
The problem may be that the signon was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

The signon may not be deleted or have its name changed because it is associated with a data source.
You have tried to remove or change the name of the signon in Transformer, which is an illegal action.
To resolve the problem, do not remove or change the name of the signon in the database connection definition. Transformer must use this name when connecting to the database.

There were changes to the (default) earliest date and latest date. This will cause date categories to be deleted from this dimension.
You have made changes to the range of dates Transformer uses to generate date categories.
Ensure that you do not inadvertently change these default values. If the changes are intentional and you proceed, all the categories in your time dimension will be deleted.

The date level settings could generate in excess of n categories. Do you want to continue?
Transformer warns you that it is about to generate an excessively large number of date categories. This can happen when you have specified a relatively wide range of dates to include in the generation of date categories and the time dimension includes low levels, such as Day.
In cases where your model requires all these dates, you can ignore this message. However, if you only need two or three years of data, narrow the range in the Time tab of the Dimension property sheet before you generate the categories for your model.

The associated column that is specified for dimension dimension_name cannot be found in the Data Sources list.
Transformer is unable to find a column to match the one specified as the column associated with a regular time dimension. This can happen when
the source file for a data source has changed
you delete or change the name of a source column
you change the column name specified on the Time tab of the Time Dimension property sheet
Ensure that the Column name specified on the Time tab of the Dimension property sheet matches a column in one or more of your data sources.

A dimension was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a dimension by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the dimension.
This error occurs when MDL syntax requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a dimension.
The problem may be that the dimension was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

This dimension contains an alternate drill-down path with a convergence level. All drill-down paths that share this convergence level must use the same calendar type. A mixture of calendar and lunar date functions is not supported.
In a time dimension, you have tried to set the convergence level for two alternate drill-down paths of type Calendar and Lunar to some level other than Day.
Adjust your model so that the calendar and lunar year drill-down paths converge as required, at the Day level.

Please specify a column for a regular time dimension.
You have tried to create a Regular time dimension without providing the name of a column that provides date values for the categories in the dimension.
On the General tab of the Dimension property sheet, specify the name of a data source column that provides date values for the dimension.

Measure measure_name is an allocated measure in dimension dimension_name. Cube group cube_group_name is based on this dimension. This measure will not appear in the PowerCube (.mdc file) unless an external detail level is specified for the cube group.
An allocated measure was used in a PowerCube (.mdc file) that is part of a cube group, but the cube group was not defined with an external level of detail.
Specify an external level of detail, to ensure that measure values required to perform the allocation are available in the PowerCube.

The Impromptu Query Definition contains a syntax error.
You have tried to use an.iqd file as a data source, but the contents of the .iqd file have become corrupted.
Verify that you are using the correct .iqd file. If you have IBM Cognos Impromptu installed, try to recreate the file, or investigate using Framework Manager to resolve the problem.

IQD Data Source file file_name contains one or more BLOB data columns. BLOB data columns cannot be handled by Transformer.
Transformer does not support the Binary Large Object (BLOB) data type.
If you have IBM Cognos Impromptu installed, try to recreate the .iqd file, omitting the column or columns with the BLOB data, or use Framework Manager to resolve the problem.

The import file file_name has an invalid keyword on line n.
There is an invalid keyword in the MDL script.
Check that all the keywords are spelled correctly on the specified line.

Transformer detected a syntax error at line n in file file_name.
There is an error in the MDL. This message is generally followed by one or more additional error messages, which may be further explained in the online help, organized by TR number.
To resolve the problem, first check the specified line, looking for obviously erroneous, invalid, or corrupt data. Fix or comment out (delete) the problem line and repeat the action to see if the process completes successfully. Alternatively, open the model on the Windows interface and run Check Model.
For information about the MDL syntax to use, see the Transformer Developer Guide.

Transformer detected a model error at line n in file file_name.
There are several conditions that could cause this error. However, this error message is generally followed by one or more additional messages. On the Windows interface, you can search the index for information about these error messages, organized by TR number.
For information about the MDL syntax to use, see the Transformer Developer Guide.

The object for the object ID given on line n is the wrong type in file file_name.
This error is generated when an object identifier specified in the .mdl file exists, but is being applied to the wrong object type.
For example, suppose 117 is the object identifier for a level but in the .mdl file, a category is identified with the object identifier 117.
To resolve the problem, use a different object identifier. Object identifiers can be any number greater than 100 and less than 4,294,967,296.

The import file file_name contains a string on line n which contains a new line character.
This error indicates that there is a newline character on the specified line in your source file.
First, check that there is no newline character on the specified line. Then, try saving the model as a .mdl file, open it, and repeat the action that initiated the error message.

The associated column you specified for measure measure_name cannot be found in the Data Sources list.
In defining the measures for your model, you have inadvertently specified the name of a column that does not exist.
Ensure that the name of the column you specify for a source measure matches the name of a column in the Data Sources list.

This measure is used as a weight by measure measure_name.
You have tried to delete a measure that is used as a weighting for a Regular, Time state, or Duplicates rollup.
Before you try to delete a measure, make sure it is not being used as a weighting factor for another measure.

This measure is referenced by calculated measure measure_name. Please redefine the calculated measure.
You have tried to delete a measure that is referenced by another measure.
You cannot delete this kind of measure from a model unless you first redefine the calculation or calculated measure that uses it.

The calculated measure cannot use Before Rollup timing because it refers to a calculated measure with an After Rollup setting.
You have tried to specify a rollup setting for a calculated measure that references another measure, but the setting you chose conflicts with that used for the referenced measure.
Redefine the timing settings so that both measures use the same type of rollup. For example, you cannot specify a regular timing of After Rollup for a calculated measure M1, if M1 is referenced in the expression for calculated measure M2, and the timing for M2 is Before Rollup.

A measure was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a measure by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the measure.
This error occurs when MDL syntax requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a measure.
The problem may be that the measure was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

The type of Time State Rollup used must be the default because there are multiple time dimensions.
Your model contains more than one time dimension, and when setting the type of time-state rollup, Transformer has detected rollups other than the default.
If your model contains more than one time dimension, set each one to the default time-state rollup. If a time-state rollup other than the default is required for one of your time dimensions, use that time dimension in a separate model.

Measure measure_name can be in multiple data sources, but only if the lowest levels in each regular dimension associated with those data sources are identical.
This error is generated when Transformer detects a measure that obtains source values from columns in two or more data sources, but the data sources are not associated with the same levels and dimensions.
For example, suppose you have two data sources that contain source values for the Revenue measure. The data sources are not related in any other way. Both data sources have columns that are used as source values for levels in different dimensions. Transformer cannot perform rollups correctly because it does not know how to associate measure values with specific categories.
To resolve the problem, we recommend that you only obtain measure values from multiple data sources if all of those data sources contribute to the same dimension. Then, to ensure that each measure gets properly applied, create an unambiguous relationship between the measures in each data source and the dimensions in your model, using one of the following methods:
Reconstruct your data sources so that all measure values are obtained from a single source.
Redesign your model so that the data sources that provide measure values contribute to the same dimension.
Tip: Use the Show Scope command to see which data sources contribute to a particular dimension.

Data sources associated with measure measure_name include levels only in the alternate drill downs and not in the primary drill down for dimension dimension_name. No source values will be in the cube for this measure.
In constructing the data sources for your model, you have created a measure-containing (transactional) data source that provides only category values in alternate drill-down paths. However, for measure values to be written to the PowerCube, they must be associated with the primary drill-down path.
Check the scope of the measure by using the Show Scope command. Then redesign your model or source file for the measure so that the required columns provide category values for the levels in the primary drill-down path.

A data source was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a data source by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the data source.
This error occurs when MDL syntax requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a data source.
The problem may be that the data source was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

Choosing the 'Maximize Data Source Access Speed' option may increase processing speed in some cases but Transformer will no longer detect multiple instances of source values in levels marked as Unique. Neither will it do unique moves.
This message warns you that choosing the Maximize Data Access Speed optimization option for a data source disables unique moves and uniqueness error-checking.
If you want to retain these capabilities, be sure to select the Verify Category Uniqueness optimization option. Transformer can then check to see if the data is unique in your data source, and enable use of the Unique Move feature for the data source.

Transformer could not open the model file.
The .py? or .qy?-format file that you are attempting to open is not valid.
To resolve the problem, you can restore the model from a .mdl backup file, or upgrade to the current version of Transformer (.pyj) and migrate your models as .mdl files.

The category category_name in the dimension dimension_name has n immediate descendants. This number should normally be close to 7. More levels may be appropriate in this dimension.
This message is a design recommendation and will not affect your ability to generate categories or create PowerCubes.
Categories with too many immediate descendants yield reports that are difficult to use. For example, in a time dimension with only two levels, Years and Days, each Year category has 365 immediate descendants. Navigating through the resulting reports would be difficult.
To improve OLAP performance and usability, add manual levels to create a structure that limits the number of immediate descendants at each parent level. We recommend a child:parent ratio of 10:1 or less. In the above case, add intermediate levels for Quarters and Months.
Tip: You can change the warning level by changing the default Warn when the number of child categories exceeds setting located on the General tab of the Preferences property sheet. The default value is 35.

A data input conversion or overflow error occurred at source record number n for measure measure_name in source file file_name.
This error may be caused by an incorrect data type for the measure.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the data type is valid for, and matches, the values stored in your data source.

The wrong ID stamp was detected on cube_name. This often happens when the model is not saved after creating a PowerCube.
Transformer has detected an inconsistency between the model and the PowerCube that you are trying to update.
This can occur when you try to update an incrementally updated PowerCube using a version of that cube other than the one the model was most recently saved with. For example, if you save a model after creating a PowerCube using February data, you cannot restore the January version of the PowerCube without raising this error.
To resolve the problem, click OK at the prompt to proceed with the incremental update and click Cancel to set the PowerCube status to Invalid. You must then Adopt the cube, to reset the status to OK.

Incremental update of cube_name cannot proceed because of the status_name status of an existing PowerCube.
Transformer has detected a condition that prevents it from proceeding with an incremental update to a PowerCube.
For example, if you try to incrementally update a PowerCube while the cube is being viewed in a reporting component, the update may fail and the cube status may be reset to FAILED. If you then attempt to recreate the cube, Transformer will not allow the operation because the cube may already contain some of the data from the most recent increment. Reprocessing that increment could result in some data being added to the cube twice.
To resolve the problem, do one of the following:
Revert to a backup copy of the model and its PowerCubes, saved prior to processing the most recent increment, and retry. When you see a second warning indicating that the time stamps on the PowerCube and model do not match, proceed with the update, accepting the risk that you might thereby duplicate some of the cube data.
Adopt the existing cube and rerun the incremental update, having first confirmed that, if the cube was open in another component, its data has not changed.
Rebuild your cube using the combined data from all increments.
After you resolve the problem, you can proceed with new increments in the normal way.

Transformer cannot gain access to database database_name with signon information <user ID, password>.
This warning message is generated when a database signon fails when using an IQD data source. The cube may still generate successfully despite the warning.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the Prompt for password box on the General tab of the Signon property sheet is not selected during model creation.

The main dimension is required in the PowerCube Group.
In a PowerCube group, you have tried to omit the dimension containing the level that defines the group.
You cannot omit this dimension. If you want to omit a portion of the dimension, use a custom dimension view. Be aware, however, that omitting one of the categories that defines a cube in the group by using the Exclude or Cloak action will cause that cube to be deleted from the group.

The main dimension is required in the time-based partitioned PowerCube cube_name. It has been omitted for custom view view_name.
In a time-based partitioned cube, you have tried to omit the dimension containing the level that defines the cube, for the specified custom (security) view.
You cannot omit the entire dimension. If you want to omit a portion of the dimension, create a custom dimension view.

This dimension cannot be omitted for this custom view because it is the main dimension for time-based partitioned PowerCube cube_name and the custom view has been added to that cube.
For a custom (security) view in a time-based partitioned cube, you have tried to omit the dimension containing the level that defines the time-based partitioned cube.
You cannot omit this dimension. If you want to omit a portion of the dimension, create a dimension view instead.

You have specified a label column. Please specify an associated column also.
This message suggests that you may have inadvertently deleted the associations or roles from a Level property sheet.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the source information is complete and correct.

A level was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a level by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the level.
This error occurs when MDL syntax requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a level.
The problem may be that the level was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

A date function has been chosen but the dimension is not a time dimension.
This message appears when date functions are set for a dimension that is not a time dimension.
To specify that the dimension is a time dimension on the Windows interface, set the dimension type on the General tab of the Dimension property sheet to Time. In MDL, include the option DimType Date in the Dimension definition statement.
Alternatively, remove the date functions entirely.
Note: On the Windows interface, you may need to temporarily select the Time dimension type on the General tab of the Dimension property sheet so you can open the Time tab and delete the appropriate date function(s).

You made level level_name into a convergence level that connects two or more alternate drill-down paths. Categories in convergence levels must have unique source values. Can there be two categories in this level with the same source value?
You have created a convergence level but have not designated it as unique. Uniqueness is set by selecting the Unique check box on the Source tab of the Level property sheet. Or in MDL, it is set by the option UniqueCategories True in the Level definition statement.
If you select No in answer to the message prompt, the setting is changed to Unique and the required convergence level is automatically created.
If you select Yes, the convergence level is not created.

You are creating a level as a convergence level that connects two or more alternate drill-down paths. Categories in convergence levels must have unique source values. Is this level truly unique?
You have created a convergence level but have not designated it as unique. Uniqueness is set by selecting the Unique check box on the Source tab of the Level property sheet. Or in MDL, it is set by the option UniqueCategories True in the Level definition statement.
If you select Yes in answer to the message prompt, the setting is changed to Unique and the required convergence level is automatically created.
If you select No, the convergence level is not created.

This is not a unique level.
This error indicates that you have a problem related to level uniqueness. This can occur when
you disable some error-checking options so that Transformer no longer verifies that unique levels contain unique categories
you use multiple data sources in a model and do not define levels associated with columns from multiple data sources as unique
you create an alternate drill-down structure that requires a unique convergence level, and the uniqueness property is not set
you specify that a level is unique and Transformer detects that it is not
there is some other problem with the source data
To resolve the problem, examine your source file and ensure that the data is valid for your model.

The level level_name cannot be deleted because it is referenced by PowerCube cube_name.
You have tried to delete a level that defines a PowerCube group, which is not allowed.
If you want to delete the level, you must first delete or modify the PowerCube group so that Transformer no longer uses the categories in that level to define which cubes are included in the cube group.

The level level_name is designated as unique. Source value source_value was used in an attempt to create a category in the path drill_path_1. source_value already exists in level level_name in the path drill_path_2.
This error indicates that you have a problem related to level uniqueness. This can occur when
you disable some error-checking options so that Transformer no longer verifies that unique levels contain unique categories
you use multiple data sources in a model and do not define levels associated with columns from multiple data sources as unique
you create an alternate drill-down structure that requires a unique convergence level, and the uniqueness property is not set
you specify that a level is unique and Transformer detects that it is not
there is some other problem with the source data
To resolve the problem, examine your source file and ensure that the data is valid for your model.

Transformer has detected n attempts to create a category in more than one path. Refer to the online help for a detailed explanation of level uniqueness.
This error indicates that you have a problem related to level uniqueness. This can occur when
you disable some error-checking options so that Transformer no longer verifies that unique levels contain unique categories
you use multiple data sources in a model and do not define levels associated with columns from multiple data sources as unique
you create an alternate drill-down structure that requires a unique convergence level, and the uniqueness property is not set
you specify that a level is unique and Transformer detects that it is not
there is some other problem with the source data
To resolve the problem, examine your source file and ensure that the data is valid for your model.

A convergence level in an alternate drill-down path must be unique.
This error indicates that you have a problem related to level uniqueness. This can occur when
you disable some error-checking options so that Transformer no longer verifies that unique levels contain unique categories
you use multiple data sources in a model and do not define levels associated with columns from multiple data sources as unique
you create an alternate drill-down structure that requires a unique convergence level, and the uniqueness property is not set
you specify that a level is unique and Transformer detects that it is not
there is some other problem with the source data
To resolve the problem, examine your source file and ensure that the data is valid for your model.

You are trying to sort a date level in descending order. This will create incorrect relative-time calculations. Do you want to continue?
Transformer uses the ordered set of categories in a time dimension to perform relative time calculations for relative time categories. If you reverse the order of the categories in the time dimension by sorting them in descending order, Transformer is no longer able to perform relative time calculations correctly.
To avoid this problem, when re-ordering categories in the time dimension, decide which aspect of the model is most important: the order of categories within the time dimension, or the relative time categories that are included within the time dimension.

A share object level must be an ancestor of a share target level.
You have tried to apply a share to one or more categories in a level when the share that is currently set is at a lower level than the categories to which you are applying the share.
To avoid this problem, when you apply a share, make sure that the share is based on an ancestor of the categories to which you are applying the share.

A share object level must be in the same dimension as its target categories.
You have tried to apply a share to one or more categories when the share is currently set to a category in another dimension. This is not supported.
To avoid this problem, when you apply a share, make sure that the share is based on an ancestor of the categories to which you are applying the share.

The share object ID is invalid. A share object must be an object identifier of a category or level in the same dimension.
You have tried to specify an invalid share. A share object must be
an existing category or level
at a higher level in the same dimension
specified by its object identifier
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

Partitioning can only be specified for levels in the primary drill-down path.
Typically, this error is written to the log file in response to an MDL script that attempts to specify a partition number for a level in an alternate drill-down path. The Windows interface does not normally allow you to specify partition level numbers in levels other than those in the primary drill-down structure.
To resolve the problem, verify that your partitioning is specified only for levels in the primary drill-down path. If partitioning is required for levels in an alternate drill-down path, consider making that path the primary drill-down path. Note, however, that changing the primary drill-down path will remove all current partitioning information from your model.

The Short Name column you specified for level level_name is not in the Data Sources list.
You have specified a column to supply Short Names for the categories in a level, and Transformer is unable to find the column that you specified.
To avoid this problem, ensure that the column name you specify matches one that is defined in a data source for your model.

The Description column you specified for level level_name is not in the Data Sources list.
You have specified a column to supply a description for the categories in a level, and Transformer is unable to find the column that you specified.
To avoid this problem, ensure that the column name you specify matches one that is defined in a data source for your model.

A view was expected but not found. Either you have referred to a view by an object name or object identifier that Transformer is unable to locate, or you have not referenced the view.
This error occurs when MDL syntax requires an object and is unable to find it. In this case, the object is a view.
The problem may be that the view was not referenced, or that it was referenced with an incorrect object name or object identifier.
You can verify Transformer object names and identifiers on the Windows interface. To make them visible, select the Object name and Object identifier check boxes on the Titles tab of the Preferences property sheet. The object name and identifier will appear in the title bar at the top of each property sheet, and also in a tool tip when your pointer hovers over an object.
You can also find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

Special categories cannot be summarized in dimension views.
This error typically appears in the log file in response to an action requested by an MDL script. Under normal circumstances, the Windows interface does not allow you to perform exclude, summarize, or cloak actions on special categories in a dimension view.
If you encounter this error, ensure that the category object identifier that you specified in the CatUpdate or CatMake statement does not refer to a special category.
You can find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

Special categories cannot be suppressed in dimension views.
This error typically appears in the log file in response to an action requested by an MDL script. Under normal circumstances, the Windows interface does not allow you to perform exclude, summarize, or cloak actions on special categories in a dimension view.
If you encounter this error, ensure that the category object identifier that you specified in the CatUpdate or CatMake statement does not refer to a special category.
You can find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

Special categories cannot be cloaked in dimension views.
This error typically appears in the log file in response to an action requested by an MDL script. Under normal circumstances, the Windows interface does not allow you to perform exclude, summarize, or cloak actions on special categories in a dimension view.
If you encounter this error, ensure that the category object identifier that you specified in the CatUpdate or CatMake statement does not refer to a special category.
You can find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

An apex action cannot be done with special categories.
This error typically appears in the log file in response to an action requested by an MDL script. Under normal circumstances, the Windows interface does not allow you to perform exclude, summarize, or cloak actions on special categories in a dimension view.
If you encounter this error, ensure that the category object identifier that you specified in the CatUpdate or CatMake statement does not refer to a special category.
You can find object identifiers in the .mdl file.

This dimension view cannot be deleted. It is pre-defined.
You have attempted to delete one of the following predefined dimension views:
All Categories
Omit Dimension
These default dimension views are created for every dimension, and are used to include or exclude entire dimensions from a PowerCube.
To avoid this problem, do not delete, reorder, or rename these predefined views.

This view is in use. If it is removed, references to it will use All Categories. Do you want to remove it?
You have tried to delete a dimension view that is currently being applied to one or more of the cubes in the PowerCubes list. By deleting the view, you remove any restrictions (exclude, summarize, cloak, or other actions) that were imposed on those cubes by the view. This can be an issue if you are creating cubes for specific audiences, and the removal of the view will allow some users to view data they should not be able to access.
Only respond Yes to this message if you are sure that removing the view will not allow users to access data that they should not be able to see. Take special care if you have used views to create cubes aimed at specific audiences.

The position of the pre-defined views 'All Categories' and 'Omit Dimension' cannot be changed.
You have attempted to move one of the following predefined dimension views:
All Categories
Omit Dimension
These default dimension views are created for every dimension, and are used to include or exclude entire dimensions from a PowerCube.
To avoid this problem, do not delete, reorder, or rename these predefined views.

The names of the predefined views 'All Categories' and 'Omit Dimension' cannot be changed.
You have attempted to modify the name of one of the following predefined dimension views:
All Categories
Omit Dimension
These default dimension views are created for every dimension, and are used to include or exclude entire dimensions from a PowerCube.
To avoid this problem, do not delete, reorder, or rename these predefined views.

An error occurred during the creation of a PowerCube.
There may be a problem with the temporary files created during the cube-building process.
Check the location of the temporary files, as specified on the Directories tab of the Preferences property sheet; for example, Data Temporary Files (dir1;dir2). If a directory is not specified, Transformer saves data temporary files in the data files location specified in IBM Cognos Configuration.
Another cause of the problem may be insufficient disk space on your system. Either free up more space for these temporary files or specify a different location for them.
If these adjustments do not fix the problem, try deleting all currently existing temporary files. They may have been corrupted.

An error occurred while saving.
Transformer was unable to save the model.
To resolve the problem, verify that the directory in which you are saving your model is one to which you have write access. If a model file with the same name already exists, verify also that the existing .py? file you are attempting to overwrite is not set to read-only.

Transformer has detected one or more suspended models. Show the list of suspended models?
Transformer has detected .qy? files that contain checkpoints indicating there are one or more suspended models. You can view a list of these suspended models, so you can try to recover them.
To resolve the problem, select one of the following options, as presented in the recovery dialog box:
The Open suspended model at last checkpoint option opens the selected model at the last checkpoint before failure, so you can view it and continue development from that checkpoint.
The Open last saved model and delete the checkpoint file option opens the selected model as it was last saved, and then deletes the corresponding .qy? file.
Note: If the model was not previously saved, Transformer cannot open it. Instead, you are again asked if you want to use the .qy? file to open the suspended model at the last checkpoint.

Suspended models were not found.
You have asked Transformer to view any suspended models that exist, and Transformer cannot locate any suspended models.
By default, Transformer stores suspended models with the extension .qy? in your temporary directory.
If you know that suspended models should exist because Transformer failed at some point, search your path for files with the .qy? extension.

The columns in data source data_source_name don't match the original source columns.
One of the source files associated with a data source has changed so that its columns no longer match the ones in the data source object defined for the model.
When you create a model, the columns in each data source are saved as part of the model definition. If you reorder, add, delete, or rename the columns in the source file, Transformer detects that the columns in the source file no longer match those in the data source, and flags any model columns that have changed on the Windows interface.
To resolve the problem, do the following:
Select the affected data source in the Data Sources list and, from the Tools menu, click Modify Columns.
For each changed column, click Match, Add, or Remove, to make the columns in the model match the columns in the data source.

The columns specified by the alternate data source for PowerCube cube_name do not match the columns in Data Source data_source_name.
The columns in an alternative source file specified on the General tab of the PowerCube property sheet do not match the columns in the data source defined in the model.
To resolve the problem, do the following:
Select the affected data source in the Data Sources list and, from the Tools menu, click Modify Columns.
For each mismatched column, click Match, Add, or Remove to make the columns in the alternate data source for the PowerCube match the columns in the data source.

There isn't a data source that is associated with dimension dimension_name.
The specified dimension has no data sources associated with it.
To resolve the problem, ensure that
you have included all the data sources required for each dimension in your model
the column names for each level match the name of a column in the Data Sources list
you have not created a dimension that contains only manual levels
you have not deleted a data source required for a dimension
you have not set the Timing property of the data source so that the data source is never used to generate categories for the model
you have not imported a column with a BLOB (Binary Large Objects) data type from an IBM Cognos package, which Transformer does not support

A column in data source data_source_name matches level level_name in dimension dimension_name by name. Values from this data source column cannot be related to categories in this level because insufficient context is specified in the data source.
This error appears on category generation if a data source column cannot be associated with some level in the model.
You can solve the problem in the following ways:
If the level you want to associate with the column contains only unique category values, select the Unique check box on the Source tab of the Level property sheet. This allows Transformer to directly associate the values from the column with the level. Transformer can then use columns from other data sources to obtain values for the ancestor categories.
Restructure your source files so that the data source named in the error contains all the required ancestor columns.
For all ancestor columns, ensure that the Data Class box on the General tab of the Column property sheet is not set to Ignore.

Dimension dimension_name contains an unbalanced category-tree in which not all leaf categories exist in the same level.
Transformer has encountered a condition in which not all leaf categories exist at the same level. This can occur when your model uses multiple data sources and those data sources generate categories for disjoint levels.
For example, suppose two data sources are used to generate categories for a Products dimension that contains the levels Product Line, Product Brand, and Item. If one data source contains values that generate categories down to the Item level, and the other data source contains values that generate categories to only the Product Brand level, then the dimension is unbalanced: leaf categories occur at different levels in the dimension hierarchy.
To avoid this problem, ensure that all data sources generate categories to the same level in the dimension. Also, ensure that the timing for each data source in the Data Sources list is set so that categories are generated using the appropriate data sources.

PowerCube cube_name does not contain any measures.
You have designed a Powercube that excludes all the measures referenced in the model.
To avoid this problem, on the property sheet for the PowerCube you are creating, click the Measures tab and ensure that you have included at least one measure.

Level level_name can't be reached in drill-down path drill_category_name for data source data_source_name. A level must either be the first source level, be directly below a source level, or be designated as a unique level. All measures in data source data_source_name will have zero values in the PowerCube.
The level that is identified in the error message is not accessible in the listed drill-down path.
To avoid this problem, ensure that all levels associated with columns in a data source that do not contain their ancestor levels are unique. Also, ensure that any identically-named columns exist in one or more other data sources, and that these other data sources also include the columns that generate categories for the ancestor levels.

Measure measure_name1 is referenced by the calculated measure measure_name2. These measures must have the same rollup timing.
You have specified calculated measures, one of which references the other, and which have conflicting rollup timings.
For example, suppose you create a calculated measure M1 with a Regular Timing of Before Rollup. You then create calculated measure M2 with a Regular Timing of After Rollup, and you reference M1 when defining M2. The rollup timings conflict.
To avoid this problem, ensure that the rollup timings specified for cross-referenced calculated measures do not conflict.

Regular measures measure_name1 and measure_name2 are referenced by the calculated measure measure_name3, which has a rollup timing of 'Before Rollup'. Therefore, both regular measures must be associated with the same data sources.
You have referenced two or more measures in a calculated measure that has a rollup timing of Before Rollup, but at least one component of the calculated measure is not available to provide the values for the calculation because the measures come from different data sources.
When referencing two or more measures in a calculated measure that has a rollup timing of Before Rollup, ensure that the source data for your model is structured so that all measures used in the Before Rollup calculated measure are contained in the same data file.

Level level_name has an allocation specified for measure measure_name1 using measure measure_name2. The referenced measure must include a lower level in its measure scope than the measure being allocated.
A measure that you have used to allocate another measure does not cover the portion of the dimension map over which you are attempting to allocate values.
For example, you have tried to proportionally allocate values for measure A to lower levels in a dimension using measure B. However, the domain for measure B does not include the levels in which you are attempting to allocate measures.
To avoid this problem, ensure that your allocation is based on a measure at the appropriate level in the dimensional hierarchy.
Tip: You can use the Show Scope command to check the scope of an allocated measure.

There are no data sources set for category generation.
You have tried to either generate categories or create PowerCubes when no data sources are set to be run as part of the process.
To resolve the problem on the Windows interface, open the property sheet for each of the data sources in your model. On the General tab, ensure that the Generate Categories check box is selected for each data source that provides category values for the model.

There are no data sources set for PowerCube creation.
You have tried to create a PowerCube using either the Create PowerCubes command or the PowerBar button. However, no data sources are set to be run as part of the cube creation process.
To resolve the problem on the Windows interface, open the property sheet for each of the data sources in your model. On the General tab, ensure that the PowerCube creation check box is selected for each data source that provides measure values for the cubes defined in the model.

A circular allocation reference has been detected for measure measure_name1 in level level_name. Measure measure_name1 is allocated using another measure. At the same time another measure is allocated using measure_name1.
This error occurs because you have inadvertently specified an invalid (circular) allocation. Measures cannot be allocated by their own values, or by other measures that are allocated by those values.
For example, if you allocate Measure A using values for Measure B, you cannot then allocate another measure (Measure C) using values for Measure B if Measure C is already allocated using Measure A values.
To resolve the problem, specify a valid measure allocation regime that does not include a circular reference.

A circular allocation reference has been detected for measure measure_name1 in category category_name. Measure measure_name1 is allocated using another measure. At the same time another measure is allocated using measure_name1.
This error occurs because you have inadvertently specified an invalid (circular) allocation. Measures cannot be allocated by their own values, or by other measures that are allocated by those values.
For example, if you allocate Measure A using values for Measure B, you cannot then allocate another measure (Measure C) using values for Measure B if Measure C is already allocated using Measure A values.
To resolve the problem, specify a valid measure allocation regime that does not include a circular reference.

Measure measure_name1 is allocated by the calculated measure measure_name2. Measure measure_name1 is a component of the calculated measure.
This error occurs because you have inadvertently specified an invalid (circular) allocation. A calculated measure cannot reference a measure that uses that calculated measure for allocation.
For example, suppose you use the measure Fixed Costs to calculate the Fixed Cost Ratio measure, as follows:
Fixed Cost Ratio = (Fixed Costs/Sales) * 100You cannot then use the measure Fixed Costs to allocate values for the derived measure Fixed Cost Ratio.
To resolve the problem, specify a valid measure allocation regime that does not include a circular reference.

Category category_name is inaccessible in dimension dimension_name. No data can be reported against it in the PowerCube. A category is accessible if it or a descendant exists in a key level, or it has an ancestor with allocated measure values.
This message warns you that the dimension you have created contains one or more categories that cannot be accessed. This situation can occur for one of the following reasons:
There is no Current Period category.
You have created a special category that is not connected to a source category.
To resolve the problem, from the Diagram menu, select a date category and use the Set Current Period command. Also, ensure that the Automatically set the current period check box is enabled on the Time tab of the property sheet for the time dimension.

Category category_name has no children in dimension dimension_name in at least one dimension view or Cube Group. This category cannot have a partition specified.
The Check Model tool has detected a condition in which a dimension view has caused one or more categories to become the lowest-level active categories in a dimension. These categories become leaf level categories. Transformer does not allow partitioning on leaf level categories.
To resolve the problem, you can do one of the following:
completely repartition the model, to avoid partitioning on the categories that become leaf level categories in the dimension view
change the dimension view so that the partitioned categories are not at the lowest level in the view

Dimension dimension_name has no measures associated with it. During PowerCube generation, no data source will be able to provide data for this dimension.
In a model that reads data from multiple data sources, the data sources that are used to provide category values for the named dimension have no measures associated with them.
A possible solution is to ensure that when you set up multiple data source models, you include data sources that contain measures for each dimension. For multiple data source models, this requires you to set up
a structural data source that provides category values for the dimension
one or more transactional data sources that contain one or more columns with measure values
at least one column associated with a unique level in the dimension

Data source data_source_name contains no measures. It is referred to as a structural data source and should come before all measure data sources in the Data Sources list.
Transformer assumes that data sources without measures are intended to provide structure for the model. It processes these sources to generate the dimensional hierarchy before processing the sources that contain measures.
To resolve the problem, ensure that the items in the Data Sources list use the same sort order that Transformer uses when processing the data. Make the required adjustments to place your structural data sources at the top of the list, followed by the transactional sources.

Measure measure_name has a time-state rollup specified. For this reason, no categories may be summarized or cloaked in time dimension views. Category category_name is summarized or cloaked in at least one view in dimension dimension_name.
Transformer does not allow dimension views that use Summarize or Cloak for time dimensions that specify a time-state rollup for one or more measures.
To resolve the problem, do one of the following:
Eliminate the summarized or cloaked view from the time dimension.
Eliminate the time-state rollup for the measure.

A gap has been detected between partition n and n+1. No gaps in partition numbers are permitted.
You have tried to specify partition level numbers for a model, and you have inadvertently missed a number. You cannot leave a gap in the series of numbers assigned to partition levels.
For example, suppose your dimension contains four levels: 1 through 4. You cannot assign partition level 1 to the highest-level categories and partition level 3 to their immediate descendants.
In the above example, you must assign partition level 2 to categories at the level between levels 1 and 3.The same constraint applies when you specify partition level numbers across different dimensions. You must avoid setting level 1 for categories in one dimension and level 3 for categories in another dimension, without setting level 2 somewhere else.

Partition n is defined in dimensions dimension_name1 and dimension_name2. A partition number cannot be assigned in more than one dimension.
You have tried to specify partition level numbers for a model, and you have inadvertently assigned the same number to categories in different dimensions.
To resolve the problem, change the partition numbers currently specified for the categories in your model to avoid duplicate partition numbers in different dimensions.

Category category_name1 is a descendant of category category_name2 and shares the same partition number in dimension dimension_name. A partition number can only occur once in a category path of a dimension.
You have tried to specify partition level numbers for a model, and you have inadvertently used the same level number more than once in the path from the root to the leaf category of a dimension.
For example, in a time dimension, you assign partition level 1 to the years 2000 through 2005, and then use the same level number for the quarters in 2006. This is valid. However, having assigned level 1 to a year, you cannot then assign the same level number to any category in any lower level of that year.
To avoid this problem, when you specify partition level numbers, ensure that you do not use the same level number more than once in the path from the root to the leaf category of a dimension.

Category category_name1 is a descendant of category category_name2 in dimension dimension_name. The partition number specified for category_name2 cannot be greater than the partition number of category_name1.
You have tried to specify partition level numbers for a model, and have inadvertently assigned numbers for the lower levels that are less than the numbers specified for their ancestors.
For example, in a time dimension, you assigned partition number 1 to categories in the Year level and number 2 to categories in the Month level. You cannot assign partition level 3 to categories in the Quarters level.
To avoid this problem, when you set up partition levels, ensure that you start numbering at 1 for the highest levels, 2 for child categories of that level, 3 for their descendant child categories, and so on.

Measure measure_name1 is an allocated measure which is referenced by the Before Rollup calculated measure measure_name2. A Before Rollup calculated measure cannot have allocated measures as components.
When setting up a calculated measure with a rollup timing of Before Rollup, you have tried to use an allocated measure in the expression for the calculated measure.
Because allocation is performed at run time, the allocated value is not available to perform the calculation before rollups are performed.
To avoid this problem, do not use an allocated measure in the expression for a calculated measure.

Data Source data_source_name is an .iqd definition which references database database_name. This database has no database type specified.
Transformer is unable to locate a database type for an .iqd file, such as OR for Oracle or CT for Sybase Client Library.
Check the entry for the database in IBM Cognos Configuration or the [PowerPlay Server List] section of the .ini file. It must match the database definition specified in IBM Cognos Impromptu when the .iqd file was created.

Measure measure_name has a time state rollup specified. This measure does not touch the lowest level in dimension dimension_name causing time state rollup values to be zero in any cubes that reference this measure.
The column providing date values for the time dimension does not contain enough detail to allow calculation of the time-state rollups for the measures in the model.
For example, you define a time-state measure called Inventory Level and your time dimension contains Year, Month, and Week. However, you discover that the dates in your source files do not provide details down to the Week level in the time dimension.
When defining time-state measures, ensure that the column providing date values for your model is sufficiently detailed to calculate the specified time-state rollups. If necessary, open the property sheet for the column associated with your time dimension and reset the Degree of detail property on the Time tab.

Cube group cube_group_name is not defined in the primary drill-down path in dimension dimension_name. A cube group must be specified in the primary drill down of a dimension that has alternate drill downs.
You have tried to define cube groups based on a target level that exists in an alternate drill-down path. Cube groups can exist only for levels in the primary drill-down path.
To resolve the problem, first ensure that the current primary drill-down path does not contain features such as allocated measures or partitioning that are not allowed in alternate drill-down paths. Then, on the General tab of the appropriate Drill Category property sheet, make the drill-down path, in which you define the cube group, the primary drill-down path. Then convert the path that was originally the primary path to an alternative drill-down path, if required.

The target category category_name in cube group cube_group_name which summarizes external categories cannot be suppressed or cloaked in any dimension views in dimension dimension_name. In defining a cube group, you have tried to omit one of the categories in the target level by applying a dimension view that uses Suppress or Cloak. For example, suppose you create a cube group based on the level State in the Regions dimension. The level contains three categories: California, New York, and Massachusetts. You cannot then apply a dimension view that suppresses or cloaks any of those three states.
To resolve the problem, redefine either your cube group or your dimension view so that categories are not suppressed or cloaked.

Data Source data_source_name is not associated with any dimensions that are included in cube cube_name. This data source will be ignored during PowerCube (.mdc file) generation. The PowerCube does not contain any dimensions associated with the named data source. Because measure values are not required, Transformer ignores the data source when it creates the cube (.mdc) file.
If you want the cube to contain information from the named data source, on the Dimensions tab of the PowerCube property sheet, include at least one dimension with which the named data source is associated.

All cubes have been disabled. PowerCube (.mdc file) generation is not possible. All of the PowerCubes in the model are disabled. No cube (.mdc) file can be created.
To resolve the problem, open the PowerCube Status dialog box from the Tools menu and enable at least one PowerCube so that Transformer can proceed with the cube creation process.

Measure measure_name1 has an average regular rollup with a weighted measure measure_name2 specified. Both measures must exist in the same data source in order for the weighted measure to be applied. The measure used to provide the weighting for another measure is not found in the same data source. Because Transformer analyzes one data source at a time, both measures must exist in the same data source. To avoid this problem, ensure that measures used to weight other measures exist in the same data source.

Measure measure_name1 has an average time-state rollup with a weighted measure measure_name2 specified. Both measures must exist in the same data source in order for the weighted measure to be applied. The measure used to provide the weighting for another measure is not found in the same data source. Because Transformer analyzes one data source at a time, both measures must exist in the same data source.
To avoid this problem, ensure that measures used to weight other measures exist in the same data source.

Measure measure_name1 has an average duplicates rollup with a weighted measure measure_name2 specified. Both measures must exist in the same data source in order for the weighted measure to be applied. The measure used to provide the weighting for another measure is not found in the same data source. Because Transformer analyzes one data source at a time, both measures must exist in the same data source.
To avoid this problem, ensure that measures used to weight other measures exist in the same data source.

Measure measure_name has a time-state rollup specified. There is no time dimension in this model so the time-state rollup setting will have no effect. This message may indicate that you have inadvertently set a time-state rollup instead of a regular rollup. Time-state rollups have no effect on models that do not contain a time dimension. Confirm that the rollups set for the specified measure are defined correctly.

Transformer could not read the connection information for database database_name from file COGNOS.INI. Transformer is unable to read the database information for a database that you are accessing from an .iqd file. Confirm that the entry for the database connection is correctly specified in the Cognos.ini file.

Transformer could not create the directory directory_name. You may have insufficient space in your temp directory or on the drive where the temp directory resides.
To resolve the problem, try the following:
Free up some disk space.
Check the size of, and available space for, free conventional memory and the swap file.
Run disk scan and defragmentation utilities on the Transformer computer, to ensure that the free hard drive space is contiguous.

The root user class identifier in the model file was not found in the namespace. Ensure that you have selected the IBM Cognos Series 7 namespace that corresponds to the model file. You are upgrading a model containing user class views that was created using Transformer version 7.x. The current IBM Cognos 8 namespace is not the same Access Manager namespace that the IBM Cognos Series 7 model was designed with. In IBM Cognos 8, use the IBM Cognos Series 7 namespace that you used to create the IBM Cognos Series 7 user class views.

An error occurred during data retrieval from the database. If available, refer to the Details. You may get this error message when you try to create a PowerCube using an .iqd file that accesses an Oracle data source. If the error only occurs during periods of peak network traffic, the problem may be that the expire_time parameter has been changed from its default setting (zero) in the sqlnet.ora file. If you suspect that a default setting is at fault, please contact your database administrator.

This calculated category definition is not valid. The calculation expression you have defined for your calculated column is invalid because it does not follow the right syntax rules. If you have specified incorrect parameters for your function, this error message will appear. For example, the Transformer-specific share function requires the first parameter to be a child category of the second parameter. Reversing the order of the child and parent categories within this function causes an error in the predefined syntax.