RQP-DEF-0137 Column: ACTIVE_FL (Datatype: kDataTypeCharacterLength16)

Hi All;

Getting a bunch of these listed in the CQE logs under a DMS SQL header…
RQP-DEF-0137 Column: ACTIVE_FL (Datatype: kDataTypeCharacterLength16).

04/02/10 09:12:32 RQP-DEF-0429 Metadata Callback Retrieval Type: 0x01.
04/02/10 09:12:32 RQP-DEF-0135 Metadata Callback Start: Database: COSTPOINT, Catalog: {1}, Schema: {2}, Table: PSR_HDR.
04/02/10 09:12:32 RQP-DEF-0137 Column: ACTIVE_FL (Datatype: kDataTypeCharacterLength16)
…then a bunch more RQP-DEF-0135 errors

This is a Cognos 8.4 instance pulling from a SQL Server 2005 data source.

Let me know if I should post back more…

Any ideas?

Thank you very much;


What is the query you try to execute and what is the format of the columns in the queried tables?
