[Report strudio 8.3]Use of Union Qeury

Hi Everybody,

I’m developing a report concerning "sales figures per customer"s comparison between current year and past year.
I need to show on the report the sales per month, the YearToDate’s sales, and the total year’s sales figures for current year and past year.

I’ve developed 4 queries:
1 for the sales per month and ytd sales for the current year
1 for the total sales of the current year
1 for the sales per month and ytd sales for the past year.
1 for the total sales of the last year.

Then, I create an union query in order to bring back all this data in a single query.

2 questions :

  • is it the smartest, simplest way to proceed ?
  • I got empty headers in the report, due to fields for which I do not want to show on the report. (for example, Total year sales in query 1, which is only for the sales per month and ytd sales for the current year) . How can I avoid this ?

Thanks in advance,
