Report Server ErrorCodes

RSV-PMG-0000;Parameter '<IBM Cognos>' cannot cascade on itself.
RSV-PMG-0001;There is a cyclic condition in the cascading prompt setup relating to parameter '<IBM Cognos>'. This cyclic condition is not allowed.
RSV-CMN-0003;Unable to parse the expression <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-CMN-0004;Encountered a parameter value with no name or an empty name.
RSV-VAL-0001;Failed to validate the variable expression <IBM Cognos> due to the missing item <IBM Cognos> in any query.
RSV-VAL-0002;Invalid expression <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-VAL-0003;Unable to find the item <IBM Cognos> in the query <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-VAL-0004;Unable to find query information for the item <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-VAL-0005;Cannot burst charts or crosstab reports.
RSV-VAL-0006;Failed to validate the layout expression <IBM Cognos> due to the missing item <IBM Cognos> in the query <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-VAL-0007;Charts or crosstabs may not be sectioned.
RSV-VAL-0010;Failed to load the report specification. <IBM Cognos
RSV-VAL-0015;The burst query <IBM Cognos> cannot be a detail query.
RSV-VAL-0016;The burst query <IBM Cognos> cannot be a nested query.
RSV-VAL-0020;The master-detail link is missing the master query.
RSV-VAL-0021;The master-detail link is missing from the crosstab or chart.
RSV-VAL-0031;Failed to validate the static rich text xml doc against rich text dtd specification.
RSV-VAL-0032;The following expression is not valid: <IBM Cognos>. If the item exists in a query but is not referenced in the layout, add it to a property list.
RSV-VAL-0033;Cannot find the reference to a valid table of contents in the Table of Contents bookmark.
RSV-VAL-0034;Failed to validate the variable <IBM Cognos>. <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-VAL-0035;Failed to validate the conditional layout expression <IBM Cognos>, <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-VAL-0040;Failed to validate the share query definition. Cannot use the same query as the parent element.
RSV-VAL-0042;Failed to validate the share query definition. Cannot be the detail in a master-detail relationship.
RSV-VAL-0043;The data item associated with the tree prompt is not valid.
RSV-VAL-0044;The member caption can only be used in the scope of crosstab or chart.
RSV-RND-0001;Unable to open the CSS file ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0002;Invalid CSS Selector found ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0003;Invalid character found while process a CSS ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0004;Invalid CSS Declaration found ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0006;Parsed token overflows static buffer ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0007;A rule already exists with this key.
RSV-RND-0008;Failed to apply the style <IBM Cognos> due to the missing variable value in the variable <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-RND-0013;Invalid attribute found during formatting of data. Attribute is ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0014;Can not find attribute during formatting of data.
RSV-RND-0015;Wrong object type set for an attribute.
RSV-RND-0016;Reports with more than 256 columns can not be rendered in Excel.
RSV-RND-0017;This report has been truncated since since it exceeds the Excel spreadsheet row limit.
RSV-RND-0023;DOM exception: a node was misplaced in the hierarchy request.
RSV-RND-0026;DOM exception: data is specified for a node which does not support data.
RSV-RND-0027;DOM exception: attempted to modify an object where modifications are not allowed.
RSV-RND-0028;DOM exception: attempted to reference a node that does not exist.
RSV-RND-0030;DOM XALAN exception: attempted to add an attribute that is already in use.
RSV-RND-0032;DOM XALAN exception: an invalid or illegal string is specified.
RSV-RND-0035;DOM XALAN exception: a parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object.
RSV-RND-0036;DOM exception: unknown.
RSV-RND-0018;XSL exception ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0019;SAX exception ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0020;XML exception ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0021;DOM exception: the index size is out of range.
RSV-RND-0022;Unable to fit the specified range of text into a DOM string.
RSV-RND-0024;DOM exception: a node must be used in the same document that created it.
RSV-RND-0025;DOM exception: an invalid character was specified.
RSV-RND-0029;DOM exception: this type of object or operation is not supported.
RSV-RND-0031;DOM exception: the state of this object is invalid.
RSV-RND-0033;DOM exception: Attempted to modify the type of the underlying object.
RSV-RND-0034;DOM XALAN exception: attempted to create or change an object that is incompatible with the namespace.
RSV-RND-0081;There must be one instance of burstGroups.
RSV-RND-0082;burstGroup must be an element.
RSV-RND-0083;Attribute not found: '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0084;Element not found: '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0085;The specified value '<IBM Cognos>' is not a valid enumeration value.
RSV-RND-0086;Circular dependency found for layout component reference element named '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0087;A conditional layout must have an expression that is not data dependent. The expression is ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0088;Invalid attribute: '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0089;Failed to evaluate expression: '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0092;The datasource must be evaluated to a numeric value.
RSV-RND-0093;The metric data store ImageID is empty.
RSV-RND-0094;The map chart data contains references to missing region names. Map file: '<IBM Cognos>', missing region names: '<IBM Cognos>'. Review the chart data and the map dictionary.
RSV-RND-0095;The map chart data contains references to duplicate region names. Map file: '<IBM Cognos>', duplicate region name: '<IBM Cognos>'. Review the chart data and the map dictionary.
RSV-RND-0096;The map chart contains references to missing point names. Map file: '<IBM Cognos>', missing point names: '<IBM Cognos>'. Review the chart data and the map dictionary.
RSV-RND-0097;The map chart data contains references to duplicate point names. Map file: '<IBM Cognos>', duplicate point name: '<IBM Cognos>'. Review the chart data and the map dictionary.
RSV-RND-0098;The map chart data contains references to missing or duplicate features. Map file: '<IBM Cognos>', missing region names: '<IBM Cognos>', missing point names: '<IBM Cognos>', duplicate region name: '<IBM Cognos>', duplicate point name: '<IBM Cognos>'. Review the chart data and the map dictionary.
RSV-RND-0099;This chart cannot be represented in a crosstab report. Unable to render the XML or CSV output.
RSV-RND-0100;The layout does not refer to a query. Unable to render the XML or CSV output.
RSV-RND-0101;The layout does not refer to any data items. Unable to render the XML or CSV output.
RSV-RND-0103;Referenced component '<IBM Cognos>' could not be located in current report'.
RSV-RND-0106;The query context of '<IBM Cognos>' layout element cannot be determined. This may be solved by defining the property list for '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0107;For the '<IBM Cognos>' measures are not allowed on either of the edges.
RSV-RND-0108;Measures are not allowed for '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0109;Attribute PercentScale for percent formatting can not be a positive value
RSV-RND-0110;Invalid chart legend position coordinates.
RSV-RND-0111;Conditional display values associated with prompt controls must not have an expression that is data dependent. The expression is ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0112;This document is a Web archive file. Your browser or editor does not support Web archive files. For more information on the Web archive format, go to
RSV-RND-0113;The element '<IBM Cognos>' is not a valid child element of the '<IBM Cognos>' element.
RSV-RND-0114;The <IBM Cognos> which uses '<IBM Cognos>' on page '<IBM Cognos>' has too many risers.
RSV-RND-0115;The <IBM Cognos> named '<IBM Cognos>' which uses '<IBM Cognos>' on page '<param index="4" type="string" usage=""/>' has too many risers.
RSV-RND-0116;On element '<IBM Cognos>' the attribute 'refDataItem' cannot be empty or missing.
RSV-RND-0117;On element '<IBM Cognos>' the attribute 'parameter' cannot be empty or missing.
RSV-RND-0118;Invalid chart note position.
RSV-RND-0119;On element '<IBM Cognos>' the attribute '<IBM Cognos>' has an invalid value of '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0120;Report variable not found.
RSV-RND-0121;Failed to perform XSL transformation
RSV-RND-0122;Cannot configure the parameter '<IBM Cognos>' using the XSL parameters Run option.
RSV-RND-0123;On element '<IBM Cognos>', the value of the attribute refDataItem cannot be a hierarchy for select and search prompt.
RSV-RND-0124;The Conditional Style Range datatype must be number, date, time, datetime, or interval.
RSV-RND-0125;Crosstab containing a list is not supported.
RSV-RND-0126;Crosstab containing a repeater or repeater table is not supported.
RSV-RND-0127;The object's size (width and/or height) is too large for PDF processing to handle
RSV-RND-0128;The ListColumnRowSpan element '<IBM Cognos>' does not have a corresponding ListGroup element.
RSV-RND-0129;The share query definition for '<IBM Cognos>' and '<IBM Cognos>' is not valid. Only one frame can have a property list.
RSV-RND-0130;The share query definition for '<IBM Cognos>' and '<IBM Cognos>' is not valid. They must both have the same grouping.
RSV-RND-0132;The share query definition for '<IBM Cognos>' and '<IBM Cognos>' is not valid. They must both have the same sort setting.
RSV-RND-0133;The share query definition for '<IBM Cognos>' is not valid. Cannot be detail in a master-detail relationship.
RSV-RND-0134;The share query definition for '<IBM Cognos>' is not valid. Cannot use the same query as the parent.
RSV-RND-0136;The data item reference in the crosstab space is not valid.
RSV-RND-0137;The conditional layout expression is not valid. The expression is ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-RND-0138;More data exists, but this report has been truncated. (Chart matrices containing more than 16 pie charts are truncated after the 16th pie chart.) The truncation symbol is missing from the server installation directory and cannot be displayed.
RSV-RND-0139;The cssUrl run option '<IBM Cognos>' is invalid because the path contains multiple folder redirections.
RSV-RND-0140;The member caption can only be used in the scope of crosstab or chart.
RSV-RND-0145;The share query definition for '<IBM Cognos>' is not valid. Frame cannot be on a prompt page.
RSV-SRV-0001;The request is missing the <IBM Cognos> element.
RSV-SRV-0002;The document contains an error at line '<IBM Cognos>', column ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-SRV-0003;The report specification contains an error at line ' <IBM Cognos>', column ' <IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-SRV-0004;Failed to create a Document Object Model representation of the report specification.
RSV-SRV-0005;The report specification is missing the 'report' root element.
RSV-SRV-0006;The file '<IBM Cognos>' does not exist.
RSV-SRV-0026;The request was cancelled.
RSV-SRV-0029;The user does not have the assigned capability to use bursting.
RSV-SRV-0030;The user does not have the assigned capability to use HTMLItem.
RSV-SRV-0036;An application error has occurred. Contact your Administrator.
RSV-SRV-0037;An application error has occurred while processing the WSDL message '<IBM Cognos>'. Contact your Administrator.
RSV-SRV-0039;An application error has occurred during the asynchronized processing of the WSDL message '<IBM Cognos>'. Contact your Administrator.
RSV-SRV-0040;An application error has occurred. Contact your Administrator.
RSV-SRV-0042;Trace back:
RSV-SRV-0043;The request parameter of the getMetadata method is empty.
RSV-SRV-0044;The given report specification is invalid, the 'report' root element is missing.
RSV-SRV-0045;Expected values for one parameter in the parameters node.
RSV-SRV-0046;Could not find the parameter value in the parameters node.
RSV-SRV-0047;The parameter name is missing from the parameters node.
RSV-SRV-0048;The specified parameter is missing from the report specification.
RSV-SRV-0049;The member unique name is missing from the parameters node.
RSV-SRV-0050;Unexpected parameter value type found in the parameters node.
RSV-SRV-0051;This report specification does not have a version specified.
RSV-SRV-0052;The run option '<IBM Cognos>' is not supported.
RSV-SRV-0053;Failed to retrieve metadata.
RSV-SRV-0054;A user preference in the BI Bus header is missing a name.
RSV-SRV-0055;Failed to open the pipe to execute the command: <IBM Cognos>. Error code: <IBM Cognos>, error string: <IBM Cognos>
RSV-SRV-0056;The Report Server process did not initialize properly. Contact your Administrator.
RSV-SRV-0057;The XSL file '<IBM Cognos>' can not be qualified by a path and must be located in the Report Server templates folder.
RSV-SRV-0058;The document '<IBM Cognos>' contains an error at line '<IBM Cognos>', column '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-SRV-0059;The drill operation can only performed in interactive mode.
RSV-SRV-0061;The drill operation requires at least one drill operation.
RSV-SRV-0062;The contentManagerQuery option '<IBM Cognos>' is not supported.
RSV-SRV-0063;The reportServiceQuery option '<IBM Cognos>' is not supported.
RSV-SRV-0064;An error occurred while executing the 'closeConnection' command.
RSV-SRV-0065;The run option <IBM Cognos> is invalid.
RSV-SRV-0066;A soap fault has been returned.
RSV-SRV-0067;This report contains upgrade errors and cannot run. Open the report in Report Studio to review and fix the upgrade errors.
RSV-SRV-0068;The controller thread for concurrent query execution has encountered an error. All queued queries have been removed.
RSV-SRV-0069;The data item associated with the tree prompt is not valid.
RSV-SRV-0070;The query "<IBM Cognos>" cannot be used by page layers based on the hierarchy "<IBM Cognos>" ("<IBM Cognos>") because it already uses "<IBM Cognos>" in its slicer.
RSV-SRV-0071;"<IBM Cognos>" <IBM Cognos> on page "<IBM Cognos>" cannot contain page layers because it already has master-detail links.
RSV-SRV-0072;The "<IBM Cognos>" page cannot contain page layers because it already belongs to the "<IBM Cognos>" page set.
RSV-SRV-0073;The "<IBM Cognos>" page cannot contain page layers because it already references the query ("<IBM Cognos>").
RSV-SRV-0074;The "<IBM Cognos>" page contains page layer text for "<IBM Cognos>" but "<IBM Cognos>" does not contain page layers.
RSV-SRV-0075;The "<IBM Cognos>" page contains page layer text for the hierarchy "<IBM Cognos>" but "<IBM Cognos>" does not contain page layers based on "<IBM Cognos>".
RSV-SRV-0076;The query "<IBM Cognos>" cannot be used with page layers because it already contains slicer member sets.
RSV-SRV-0077;The report specification "<IBM Cognos>" is not valid because it is missing the following element "<IBM Cognos>".
RSV-SRV-0078;The report specification "<IBM Cognos>" is not valid for the attribute "<IBM Cognos> " in "<IBM Cognos>".
RSV-SRV-0079;The report specification attribute "<IBM Cognos>" is missing from "<IBM Cognos> " .
RSV-SRV-0080;Report specification is not valid: "<IBM Cognos>" is not valid for "<IBM Cognos>".
RSV-SRV-0081;The url "<IBM Cognos>" has an unrecognized protocol. >
RSV-DST-0001;Cannot save output. The report being executed must be specified as a reference to a Content Manager report.
RSV-DST-0002;Multiple formats are not supported unless Save, Print, or Email is selected.
RSV-DST-0003;You must specify Save, Print, or Email when bursting a report.
RSV-DST-0004;You must save the report output before you can mail a report link.
RSV-DST-0005;The requested format '<IBM Cognos>' is not supported.
RSV-DST-0008;Multiple locales are not supported unless Save, Print, or Email is selected.
RSV-DST-0009;The print process returned a status code of <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-DST-0011;The printer name '<IBM Cognos>' contains one or more potentially unsafe characters.
RSV-DST-0012;An error occurred while saving the output for the burst instance <IBM Cognos> with the recipients (<IBM Cognos>). The details are: <IBM Cognos
RSV-DST-0013;The list of recipients is empty for burst instance <IBM Cognos>. The output for this burst instance was discarded.
RSV-DST-0014;An error occurred. See the run history details for more information.
RSV-DST-0015;The following requested format does not support bursting: '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-BBP-0001;The required element '<IBM Cognos>' is missing from the request.
RSV-BBP-0002;The required child element '<IBM Cognos>' is missing from the element '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-BBP-0004;The search path '<IBM Cognos>' references an object class of type '<IBM Cognos>' in Content Manager, but an object class of type '<IBM Cognos>' was expected.
RSV-BBP-0005;Report specifications with the root element localname '<IBM Cognos>' are not supported.
RSV-BBP-0006;The given report specification is not a valid XML document.
RSV-BBP-0007;The requested SpecificationFormat is invalid.
RSV-BBP-0009;The database Password could not be decrypted.
RSV-BBP-0010;The request did not include a report specification to be executed.
RSV-BBP-0011;The request did not include a report specification to be executed, or a reference to an object in Content Manager.
RSV-BBP-0016;No sessions are currently available. Contact your Administrator.
RSV-BBP-0017;The execution of the requested report has been cancelled.
RSV-BBP-0020;Cognos Graphics Service did not return an object with the name '<IBM Cognos>'. Please review the specification or contact your Administrator.
RSV-BBP-0021;The operation '<IBM Cognos>' is not allowed at this time.
RSV-BBP-0022;The absolute affinity request '<IBM Cognos>' failed, the requested session does not exist.
RSV-BBP-0024;The report view '<IBM Cognos>' has no source report.
RSV-BBP-0025;The source report '<IBM Cognos>' referenced by the report view '<IBM Cognos>' is not an authored report.
RSV-BBP-0026;The authored report '<IBM Cognos>' has no specification.
RSV-BBP-0027;The secondary request failed. The requested session does not exist and failover has been disabled. Contact your Administrator.
RSV-BBP-0028;The secondary request failed. The requested session does not exist and the secondary request does not contain enough information to recreate the session. Contact your Administrator.
RSV-BBP-0029;Failed to cancel the request: <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-BBP-0030;Failed to release the request: <IBM Cognos>.
RSV-BBP-0031;The request was improperly signed.
RSV-BBP-0032;The search path '<IBM Cognos>' does not reference an object that contains a report specification.
RSV-BBP-0033;The secondary request failed. The requested session does not exist and is required for the absolute affinity request '<IBM Cognos>'. Contact your Administrator.
RSV-BBP-0034;The specified SOAP action '<IBM Cognos>' does not match the expected value '<IBM Cognos>' of the '<IBM Cognos>' method.
RSV-BBP-0035;The request '<IBM Cognos>' failed because a previous request that returned a status of conversation complete cancelled the conversation.
RSV-BBP-0036;The request '<IBM Cognos>' failed because a previous request that returned a fault cancelled the conversation.
RSV-BBP-0037;The request '<IBM Cognos>' failed because the conversation was already released.
RSV-BBP-0038;The request '<IBM Cognos>' failed because the conversation was already canceled.
RSV-BBP-0039;The request '<IBM Cognos>' failed because the conversation was removed from the system to make room for other conversations.
RSV-BBP-0040;The inactivity timeout (<param type="integer" index="1"/> seconds) is too small for ReportService to be able keep the passport alive during long running requests. The minimum value is <param type="integer" index="2"/>.
RSV-CM-0000;Failed to create an event for this request. The request will continue to execute, but will not be registered with JSM. The exception caught is '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-CM-0003;Can't save report view '<IBM Cognos>'. Existing report view has a different source report.
RSV-CM-0004;The current user does not have the capabilities required to run the '<IBM Cognos>' operation. Contact your Administrator.
RSV-CM-0005;Content Manager did not return an object for the requested search path '<IBM Cognos>'.
RSV-CM-0006;The user does not have execute permission on this report.
RSV-CM-0007;An error occurred while trying to add run history detail information.
RSV-CM-0008;The specification signature is invalid.
RSV-QM-0002;Bursting is not allowed on charts.
RSV-QM-0003;Bursting is not allowed on crosstabs.
RSV-QM-0004;An error occurred while cleaning up data iterators.