PRS-PRH-0221 The file \"portal/variables_TM1.xml\" could not be opened

Cognos TM1 9.5.2 portlets
Cognos BI 10.1

You cannot get a TM1 cube viewer to show up in your Cognos Connection Page.

Error message:
PRS-PRH-0221 The file "portal/variables_TM1.xml" could not be opened.

The variables_tm1.xml file is installed to the Cognos Gateway folder, should be installed to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\templates\ps\portal on the Cognos BI server.

Error message:
The forward URL does not exist or it has failed validation. Ensure that a valid forward URL is specified.

The URL in the variables_tm1.xml file is wrong. Ensure it is correct, by compare it to a variables_tm1.xml file from a working Cognos BI server.

Note that you must always restart the Cognos BI service, after changes to variables_tm1.xml file for the change to take affect.

The variables_TM1.xml file should look like this; replace SRV001 with your TM1 server name.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
IBM Confidential

OCO Source Materials

BI and PM: tm1fragments

(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2009

The source code for this program is not published or otherwise
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<url is-regex="true">http://srv001/TM1Web/TM1WebLogin.aspx</url>
<url is-regex="true">http://srv001/TM1Web/TM1WebLoginHandler.aspx</url>
<url is-regex="true">http://srv001/TM1Web/TM1WebMain.aspx</url>

<param name="cam_passport"/>