Presentation Service Errorcodes

PRS Messages generated the Presentation Service, also known as the XML Transformation Service (XTS)
PRS-OUT-0005;The output option "<IBM Cognos>" is not recognized.
PRS-OUT-0010" type="String;The content-ID entity header could not be found in the reply.
PRS-OUT-0011" type="String;A content element cannot be added because the entityBody element has already been referenced.
PRS-OUT-0012" type="String;An error occurred while attempting to generate an input stream for an unreferenced entityBody element.
PRS-OUT-0013;The syntax "<IBM Cognos>" for the Set-Cookie protocol header is invalid. Refer to the appropriate HTTP documentation for the correct syntax.
PRS-OUT-0015;The value "<IBM Cognos>" is not a valid output option.
PRS-OUT-0016;Unable to process the output option "<IBM Cognos>" because no attachment was returned.
PRS-OUT-0017;The parameter "<IBM Cognos>" specified in the "<IBM Cognos>" cookie of the Set-Cookie protocol header is invalid. Refer to the appropriate HTTP documentation for the correct syntax.
PRS-OUT-0018;The parameter value "<IBM Cognos>" provided for the parameter "<IBM Cognos>" specified in the "<IBM Cognos>" cookie of the Set-Cookie protocol header is invalid. Refer to the appropriate HTTP documentation for the correct syntax.
PRS-OUT-0019;An error occurred while attempting to convert reader to input stream.
PRS-OUT-0020;The content ID "<IBM Cognos>" does not refer to valid content.
PRS-BKP-0051;An unknown implementation of "<IBM Cognos>" was encountered.
PRS-BKP-0052" type="String;The block processor cannot be initialized.
PRS-BKP-0053;Failed to compile the "<IBM Cognos>" block processor named <IBM Cognos>.
PRS-BKP-0054;The "<IBM Cognos>" block processor has not been compiled.
PRS-BKP-0055;An error was encountered while executing the "<IBM Cognos>" block processor named <IBM Cognos>.
PRS-BKP-0056;Empty or multiple root elements were encountered in the "<IBM Cognos>" block processor.
PRS-BKP-0061;The "<IBM Cognos>" block processor has already been compiled.
PRS-BKP-0063;The specified output option "<IBM Cognos>" is not supported by the block processor.
PRS-BKP-0064;The result returned by the "<IBM Cognos>" block processor could not be parsed.
PRS-BKP-0065;The "<IBM Cognos>" block processor does not support the result object type "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-BKP-0066;The "<IBM Cognos>" block processor was missing the mandatory parameter "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-PRH-0202" type="String;Target is not defined.
PRS-PRH-0203;The target "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-PRH-0207;The URL "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-PRH-0208" type="String;Error encountered when submitting a URL request.
PRS-PRH-0210" type="String;Input/Output exception error encountered.
PRS-PRH-0216;The URL "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-PRH-0218" type="String;SOAP request failed.
PRS-PRH-0221;The file "<IBM Cognos>" could not be opened.
PRS-PRH-0225;The protocol handler "<IBM Cognos>" encountered an UnsupportedEncodingException.
PRS-PRH-0226" type="String;Failed to initialize BUS connection pool.
PRS-PRH-0227;The Content-Type HTTP header "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-PRH-0229;The BUS connection pool initial size "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-PRH-0230;The BUS connection pool maximum size "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-PRH-0233;The header parameter for the protocol handler "<IBM Cognos>" must be formatted as NAME=VALUE.
PRS-PRH-0231;The BUS connection pool maximum wait time "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-PRH-0232;There is no BUS connection available for the target "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-PRH-0234" type="String;The protocol handler failed to parse the returned content stream from the internal XTS call.
PRS-PRH-0236;The "<IBM Cognos>" protocol handler encountered an invalid interface. The namespace "<IBM Cognos>" is not bound to the virtual path "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-PRH-0237;The "<IBM Cognos>" protocol handler encountered an invalid operation. The operation "<IBM Cognos>" is not defined for the namespace "<IBM Cognos>" bound to the virtual path "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-PRH-0238;Failed to parse the contents of the "<IBM Cognos>" protocol handler.
PRS-PRH-0239;The "<IBM Cognos>" protocol handler request failed.
PRS-PRH-0240;The "<IBM Cognos>" protocol handler could not determine the target namespace of the request because the instructions are incomplete.
PRS-PRH-0241;The "<IBM Cognos>" protocol handler encountered an invalid interface. The interface name "<IBM Cognos>" is not bound to the virtual path "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-PRH-0242;The request to XTS could not be completed.
PRS-PRH-0243;The request to target "<IBM Cognos>":"<IBM Cognos>", "<IBM Cognos>", secure="<IBM Cognos>" could not be submitted.
PRS-PRH-0244;The response from target "<IBM Cognos>" could not be read.
PRS-PRH-0245;The Content-Type HTTP header "<IBM Cognos>" returned from "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-PRH-0246;An unexpected end of stream was encountered from "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-PRH-0247;The boundary string encountered from "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-PRH-0248;The MIME headers returned from "<IBM Cognos>" are not valid.
PRS-PRH-0249;An error occurred closing the file.
PRS-PRH-0250;The target server returned an HTTP error code.
PRS-PRH-0251;The request to target "<IBM Cognos>" could not be submitted.
PRS-PRH-0252;The response received is invalid. An XML result was expected from "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-SOA-0300" type="String;Unexpected end of stream encountered.
PRS-SOA-0301" type="String;Invalid boundary string encountered.
PRS-SOA-0302" type="String;Encountered an error when parsing the SOAP reply.
PRS-SOA-0303" type="String;Invalid SOAP envelope encountered.
PRS-SOA-0305;The Content-Type "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-SOA-0306" type="String;Invalid MIME headers were returned with the SOAP response.
PRS-SOA-0307" type="String;Empty SOAP body encountered.
PRS-SOA-0309" type="String;Input/Output exception error encountered.
PRS-SOA-0311;A SOAP error was encountered.
PRS-SOA-0312;The servlet input stream is invalid.
PRS-SOA-0313;The SOAP error message could not be sent to the client.
PRS-SOA-0314;The SOAP error is invalid.
PRS-SOA-0315;The SOAP body is missing.
PRS-SOA-0316;The response received is invalid. An XML result was expected.
PRS-TPR-0351" type="String;Cannot locate the template root setting in the properties file.
PRS-TPR-0352;The template file "<IBM Cognos>" could not be opened.
PRS-TPR-0353;The template file "<IBM Cognos>" could not be read.
PRS-TPR-0354" type="String;Failed to instantiate the template reader.
PRS-TPR-0360;A security violation occurred. The path "<IBM Cognos>" could not be accessed.
PRS-TPR-0361;The full path could not be built from the base path "<IBM Cognos>" and the relative path "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-TPR-0363;The file "<IBM Cognos>" does not exist.
PRS-TPR-0364;The configuration files "<IBM Cognos>" could not be loaded from the directory "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-ACF-0401" type="String;Invalid XML encountered in the system option file.
PRS-ACF-0402;XML encountered in the application option file "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-ACF-0403;XML encountered in the interface option file "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-ACF-0410" type="String;Invalid XML encountered while parsing the processing options.
PRS-ACF-0411" type="String;Failed to upgrade the <IBM Cognos> file.
PRS-ACF-0412" type="String;Failed to write the upgraded <IBM Cognos> file.
PRS-ACF-0413" type="String;Successfully wrote the upgraded <IBM Cognos> file.
PRS-OBF-0454" type="String;Failed to initialize the object factory.
PRS-OBF-0455" type="String;Failed to terminate the object factory.
PRS-OBF-0452" type="String;Unable to create a new template object.
PRS-OBF-0453" type="String;Failed to lock the object factory for the object creation.
PRS-PRO-0501" type="String;Starting page unspecified.
PRS-PRO-0502" type="String;Invalid execution mode encountered.
PRS-PRO-0503;The object "<IBM Cognos>" cannot be created based on language "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-PRO-0504" type="String;An error occurred while generating the requested Web page. Please contact your system administrator.
PRS-PRO-0505;The processor could not build the full path from the base path "<IBM Cognos>" and the relative path "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-PRO-0506;The current configuration information could not be obtained.
PRS-PRO-0507;The XTS processor could not be initialized.
PRS-PRO-0508;The XTS processor could not be terminated.
PRS-PRO-0508;The XTS processor could not be reinitialized.
PRS-PRO-0509;The request could not be executed. The XTS processor is currently locked by one of the administration operations (restart/reconfigure/terminate).
PRS-PRO-0510;A full reinitialization of the XTS processor is required.
PRS-PRO-0511;A partial reinitialization of the XTS processor is required.
PRS-MSG-0552" type="String;Failed to initialize the message transform cache.
PRS-MSG-0553" type="String;Failed to terminate the message transform cache.
PRS-MSG-0554;The message transform for message file "<IBM Cognos>" could not be compiled.
PRS-MSG-0557;The message file "<IBM Cognos>" could not be loaded in a DOM.
PRS-MSG-0558;The message file "<IBM Cognos>" is missing.
PRS-MSG-0559;The input source is invalid.
PRS-MSG-0560;The message transformation could not be completed for the message file "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-OBJ-0602;The root element "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-OBJ-0603;The namespace URI "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-OBJ-0604;The object "<IBM Cognos>" could not be created based on language "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-OBJ-0606;The block organizer for block "<IBM Cognos>" could not be created.
PRS-OBJ-0609;The block for object "<IBM Cognos>" could not be created.
PRS-OBJ-0615;The dependency in block "<IBM Cognos>" for object "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-OBJ-0616;A cyclical block dependency exists in "<IBM Cognos>" for object "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-OBJ-0617;The object "<IBM Cognos>" could not be created because a required capability is missing.
PRS-BLK-0651" type="String;Block with empty id encountered.
PRS-BLK-0652;A type is not defined for block "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-BLK-0653;The type "<IBM Cognos>" encountered for block "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-BLK-0654;The mode "<IBM Cognos>" encountered for block "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-BLK-0655;The mandatory value "<IBM Cognos>" encountered for block "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-BLK-0656;The block processor for block "<IBM Cognos>" could not be created.
PRS-BLK-0659;An exception was encountered when creating the source element "<IBM Cognos>" for block "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-BLK-0662;A compile failed for block "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-BLK-0663;An exception was encountered while processing block "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-BLK-0665" type="String;Block execution interrupted.
PRS-BLK-0666" type="String;Interrupt encountered when locking input document.
PRS-BLK-0667;An exception was encountered when block "<IBM Cognos>" was executed.
PRS-BLK-0668;An initialization error was encountered for block "<IBM Cognos>". The "mode" option is invalid for fault or test blocks.
PRS-BLK-0669;An initialization error was encountered for block "<IBM Cognos>". The "faultBlock" option is valid only for fault blocks.
PRS-BLK-0673;The "<IBM Cognos>" attribute value "<IBM Cognos>" on the instruction "<IBM Cognos>" is not supported.
PRS-BLK-0675;The resolver for block "<IBM Cognos>" failed to load the file "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-BLK-0676;Failed to parse the result of the logicsheet transform for logicsheet "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-BLK-0677;Failed to parse the result of the message transform for message file "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-BLK-0678;The condition "<IBM Cognos>" encountered for block "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-BLI-0702" type="String;An internal error occurred because a Null document was encountered.
PRS-BLI-0703" type="String;Locking the input document was interrupted.
PRS-BLI-0704;The select attribute for "<IBM Cognos>" is missing or invalid.
PRS-BLI-0705;A test block with ID "<IBM Cognos>" does not exist.
PRS-BLI-0706;A fault Block with ID "<IBM Cognos>" does not exist.
PRS-BLI-0713" type="String;The sequence handling thread is in an inconsistent state.
PRS-BLI-0714;The request was interrupted by one of the administration operations (restart, reconfigure, or terminate).
PRS-BLI-0725" type="String;The input document is missing a root element.
PRS-BLI-0726" type="String;The input document is missing an output element.
PRS-BLI-0727" type="String;XTS interpreter execution failed.
PRS-BLI-0728;XTS Fault returned from fault block execution.
PRS-REQ-0753" type="String;Unable to send response back to the caller.
PRS-REQ-0756" type="String;Empty request encountered.
PRS-REQ-0758;The URI "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-REQ-0759;The interface "<IBM Cognos>" "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-REQ-0760;The operation "<IBM Cognos>" "<IBM Cognos>" "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-REQ-0761" type="String;Input stream generation failed.
PRS-REQ-0762" type="String;Failed to parse the content stream.
PRS-REQ-0763" type="String;Encountered an empty cleanup list.
PRS-REQ-0765;The XTS "<IBM Cognos>" HTTP servlet request handler requires a Content-Type header.
PRS-REQ-0766;The servlet request handler implementation is not recognized. The servlet request handler "<IBM Cognos>" is not mapped in the properties file.
PRS-REQ-0767;The servlet request handler class "<IBM Cognos>" could not be instantiated.
PRS-REQ-0768" type="String;Interrupt encountered when locking the HTTP servlet request generator cache.
PRS-REQ-0769;The servlet request handler class "<IBM Cognos>" could not be loaded.
PRS-REQ-0770;The servlet request handler class "<IBM Cognos>" could not be instantiated because access was denied.
PRS-CGX-0801;An error occurred serializing the request "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-CGX-0803;An error occurred processing the request for Cogx target "<IBM Cognos>". Connection to server "<IBM Cognos>:<IBM Cognos>" failed.
PRS-CGX-0811;An Input/Output error occurred while trying to read from the connection "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-CGX-0812;An error occurred while processing the request for Cogx target "<IBM Cognos>". The request could not be sent to the server "<IBM Cognos>:<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-CGX-0814;The received request is invalid. "<IBM Cognos>" could not be found.
PRS-CGX-0821;The CogX request document could not be parsed.
PRS-CGX-0822;The CogX request was missing the element "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-CGX-0826;The CogX request failed to parse the target "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-CGX-0827;The Upfront result did not contain a result code. >
PRS-CGX-0828;The Upfront result did not contain a result code. >
PRS-CGX-0829;The routing slip returned in the Cogx response from target "<IBM Cognos>" could not be parsed. >
PRS-CGX-0830;The Cogx response from target "<IBM Cognos>" could not be parsed. >
PRS-TRS-0901;The "<IBM Cognos>" transform instruction failed to compile the source at location "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-TRS-0902;The "<IBM Cognos>" transform instruction encountered an error while processing the source at location "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-TRS-0903;The "<IBM Cognos>" transform instruction was missing the mandatory parameter "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-TRS-0904;The "<IBM Cognos>" transform instruction could not parse the given XML content.
PRS-TRS-0905;The "<IBM Cognos>" transform instruction could not parse the given XML content.. A parser object could not be acquired.
PRS-TRS-0906;The "<IBM Cognos>" transform instruction could not validate the given XML content.
PRS-TRS-0907;The "<IBM Cognos>" instruction could not validate the given XML content. An Input/Output error occurred.
PRS-TRS-0908;The "<IBM Cognos>" instruction could not open the file "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-TRS-0909;The transformer factory "<IBM Cognos>" could not be instantiated.
PRS-LS"-0950" type="String;Failed to initialize the message transform cache.
PRS-LS"-0951" type="String;Failed to terminate the message transform cache.
PRS-LS"-0952;Failed to process the logic sheet "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-LS"-0953;Failed to compile the logic sheet "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-NOP-1051;An empty node set was encountered from selection "<IBM Cognos>" for the mandatory operation "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-NOP-1052;A non-element node was encountered from selection "<IBM Cognos>" for operation "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-NOP-1053;The Select option for operation "<IBM Cognos>" is missing.
PRS-NOP-1054;The node encountered from selection "<IBM Cognos>" for operation "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-NOP-1055;Multiple roots were created from selection "<IBM Cognos>" for operation "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-NOP-1056;The contents of the node operation "<IBM Cognos>" could not be parsed.
PRS-SEF-1152" type="String;Failed to initialize the security factory.
PRS-SEF-1156;Undefined XTS security "<IBM Cognos>" encountered.
PRS-FN"-1203" type="String;Failed to create a security provider object.
PRS-FN"-1207" type="String;Failed to create a security provider object.
PRS-FN"-1223;The parameter "<IBM Cognos>" provided for the function "<IBM Cognos>" cannot be empty.
PRS-FN"-1224;An exception was encountered in function "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-FN"-1225;The user-defined message to IPF "<IBM Cognos>" could not be created.
PRS-FN"-1226;The indication "<IBM Cognos>" encountered in the IPF log is invalid.
PRS-FN"-1227" type="String;Failed to create a security provider object.
PRS-FN"-1228" type="String;Unable to create a security provider object.
PRS-CSE-1251" type="String;Failed to initialize security provider.
PRS-CSE-1252" type="String;Security provider has not been initialized.
PRS-CSE-1253" type="String;Empty security session encountered.
PRS-CSE-1254" type="String;Exception error encountered in data encryption.
PRS-CSE-1255" type="String;Exception error encountered in data decryption.
PRS-CSE-1256;The connection object (host: "<IBM Cognos>", port: "<IBM Cognos>", secure: "<IBM Cognos>") could not be created.
PRS-CSE-1257" type="String;Exception error encountered in report specification signing.
PRS-LOG-1316;A debug message could not be logged because "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-LOG-1317;The manifest file could not be generated because "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-LOG-1318;The directory name could not be generated because "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-LOG-1326;Logger manager "<IBM Cognos>" failed to start: "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-LOG-1327;Logger manager "<IBM Cognos>" failed to terminate: "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-LOG-1328;Failed to obtain a logger from "<IBM Cognos>": "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-INS-1400;The interpreter instruction "<IBM Cognos>" is not defined.
PRS-INS-1401;The interpreter instruction "<IBM Cognos>" could not be instantiated.
PRS-INS-1402;The interpreter instruction "<IBM Cognos>" could not be initialized.
PRS-INS-1403" type="String;Failed to lock the interpreter instruction factory cache.
PRS-INS-1404" type="String;Failed to initialize the interpreter instruction factory cache.
PRS-INS-1405" type="String;Failed to terminate the interpreter instruction factory cache.
PRS-INS-1406;The transform instruction "<IBM Cognos>" was missing the "<IBM Cognos>" parameter.
PRS-INS-1407;The "<IBM Cognos>" transform instruction does not support the object type "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-INS-1409;The instruction "<IBM Cognos>" failed to write to the given OutputStream.
PRS-INS-1411;The output option "<IBM Cognos>" is not supported on the "<IBM Cognos>" instruction.
PRS-INS-1412;The protocolHeader output option is not supported on the "<IBM Cognos>" instruction.
PRS-INS-1413;The instruction "<IBM Cognos>" failed to parse a returned SOAP fault.
PRS-INS-1414;The instruction "<IBM Cognos>" failed to process the fault block with ID "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-INS-1416;The instruction "<IBM Cognos>" failed to read its content.
PRS-INS-1417;The output context for the instruction "<IBM Cognos>" could not be generated.
PRS-INS-1418;The instruction "<IBM Cognos>" failed to copy its contents.
PRS-INS-1419;The result returned by the "<IBM Cognos>" instruction could not be parsed.
PRS-INS-1420;The "<IBM Cognos>" instruction could not build the full path from the base path "<IBM Cognos>" and the relative path "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-INS-1421;The "<IBM Cognos>" instruction is no longer supported.
PRS-INS-1422;A non-element node was encountered in "<IBM Cognos>" selection "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-INS-1423;The transform instruction "<IBM Cognos>" encountered an unsupported output encoding "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-INS-1424;The transform instruction "<IBM Cognos>" generated an invalid Content-Type HTTP header "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-INS-1425;An error encountered executing operation "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-CHF-1450" type="String;Failed to initialize the cache factory.
PRS-CHF-1451" type="String;Failed to terminate the cache factory.
PRS-CHF-1452" type="String;Empty hash key encountered.
PRS-CHF-1453" type="String;Failed to lock the factory cache.
PRS-CHF-1454" type="String;Empty class name encountered.
PRS-CHF-1455;The cache object "<IBM Cognos>" could not be instantiated.
PRS-CHF-1456" type="String;Cached object could not be cleaned up.
PRS-CCL-1500" type="String;Failed to retrieve the last modification time of the configuration object.
PRS-CCL-1501" type="String;Failed to retrieve the configuration information.
PRS-CCL-1502;The physical path from "<IBM Cognos>" could not be retrieved.
PRS-CCL-1503;The property value from "<IBM Cognos>" could not be retrieved.
PRS-CCL-1504;The locale from "<IBM Cognos>" could not be normalized.
PRS-CCL-1505;The content locale from "<IBM Cognos>" could not be mapped.
PRS-CCL-1506;The product locale from "<IBM Cognos>" could not be mapped.
PRS-CCL-1507;The version information for component "<IBM Cognos>" could not be retrieved.
PRS-CIF-1550" type="String;Failed to initialize the configuration information factory.
PRS-CIF-1551" type="String;Failed to initialize the configuration information object.
PRS-BST-1600" type="String;XTS handler must be initialized before being invoked.
PRS-BST-1601;The XTS engine is not running.
PRS-BST-1602;The dispatched request could not be executed.
PRS-BST-1603;The XTS engine is currently in suspend mode.
PRS-BST-1604;The XTS engine is stopped.
PRS-PRP-1650;The property "<IBM Cognos>" could not be retrieved from the configuration.
PRS-PRP-1651;The URL "<IBM Cognos>" encountered in property "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-PRP-1652;The property file "<IBM Cognos>" could not be loaded.
PRS-PRP-1653;The relative path for property "<IBM Cognos>" could not be resolved.
PRS-THP-1700;The thread "<IBM Cognos>" is not ready to be executed.
PRS-THP-1701;The thread "<IBM Cognos>" could not be created.
PRS-THP-1702;The thread "<IBM Cognos>" could not be acquired.
PRS-THP-1703;All "<IBM Cognos>" threads are busy.
PRS-THP-1704;The thread pool termination process of "<IBM Cognos>" had been interrupted.
PRS-THP-1705;The thread pool "<IBM Cognos>" failed to initialize.
PRS-THP-1706;The thread pool "<IBM Cognos>" failed to terminate.
PRS-THP-1707;The reader pool "<IBM Cognos>" failed to initialize.
PRS-THP-1708;The reader pool "<IBM Cognos>" failed to terminate.
PRS-THP-1709;The reader "<IBM Cognos>" could not be acquired.
PRS-THP-1710;All "<IBM Cognos>" readers are busy.
PRS-THP-1711;The reader pool termination process of "<IBM Cognos>" had been interrupted.
PRS-THP-1712;Dependencies of "<IBM Cognos>" are not initialized.
PRS-THP-1713;The pool size encountered in "<IBM Cognos>" is invalid.
PRS-THP-1714;The SAX Parser factory failed to initialize.
PRS-THP-1715;The SAX Parser object could not be created.
PRS-MGR-1750;Dependencies of "<IBM Cognos>" are not initialized.
PRS-MGR-1751;Failed to initialize "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-MGR-1752;Failed to terminate "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-UTL-1770;The size limit of the input stream has been exceeded.
PRS-UTL-1771;The resolver failed to load the file "<IBM Cognos>" from base "<IBM Cognos>".
PRS-UTL-1772;The xslt transformation failed.
PRS-CF"-1790" type="String;Unable to initialize the capability factory.
PRS-CF"-1791;An undefined XTS capability object "<IBM Cognos>" was encountered.
PRS-VAL-1800" type="String;Failed to initialize validator provider.
PRS-VAL-1801" type="String;Failed to verify in validator provider.
PRS-VAL-1802" type="String;Security Rejection. Your request was rejected because it failed XTS input validation. Rejection details are available in the log. Please contact your administrator.
PRS-VAL-1803" type="String;Failed to prepare in validator provider.