Hey All,
We have 10.1.1 64bit installed on a new App tier node for our Cognos system. The new system has 2 x 4 core CPUs (ie 12 total). It also has 32 gigs RAM, of which only about 5-6 gigs are ever being used.
My question is, what is the most effective way to use RAM for a Cognos install, what setting should I change to allow certain areas to have access to more RAM?
Is there any way to get Cognos to use more RAM over TempFiles?
Depending on the size of reports and the amount of available memory, IBM Cognos 8 may access a physical disk when processing reports. To improve performance, you can ensure that report processing uses available memory rather than disk space.
Using memory instead of disk space is particularly beneficial in cases where temporary files are created on IBM Cognos 8 servers, causing information transfer from memory to disk. You can monitor the occurrence of temporary files using the c8_location\temp directory. Monitor this folder during report processing periods to determine whether temporary files are created as cclvpage*.tmp.
To ensure that IBM Cognos 8 uses memory instead of disk space, in the rsvpproperties.xml file, edit the VirtualMemoryDiagnostics property to use unlimited memory (value = 2) rather than limited memory (value = 0):
Note: Remove the comment to enable the VirtualMemoryDiagnostics property.
[quote=“Mike Dale, post:1, topic:562”]Hey All,
We have 10.1.1 64bit installed on a new App tier node for our Cognos system. The new system has 2 x 4 core CPUs (ie 12 total). It also has 32 gigs RAM, of which only about 5-6 gigs are ever being used.
My question is, what is the most effective way to use RAM for a Cognos install, what setting should I change to allow certain areas to have access to more RAM?
Is there any way to get Cognos to use more RAM over TempFiles?