Metric Studio: Time Levels Stage File (.lvl)

The time levels stage file loads the levels in your custom calendar.

The number of levels is unrestricted.

The lowest grain level contains periods that are defined to the seconds level of granularity.

Business users frequently require more detail for recent time periods and less detail for more distant time periods. For example, users might require daily numbers for recent time periods, monthly values for the previous year, and yearly totals for prior years. Currently, Metric Studio does not support ragged hierarchies for the time levels file.

The periods of a level may not have time boundaries greater than that of its parent.

The time levels stage file loads the time_levels_stage table. The columns in the time levels stage file are as follows.

No. Column Description
1 level_id

The code corresponding to the time granularity.

Examples of common levels are year, quarter, month, week, and day.

Values: any value except Y, which is reserved for the year level, and D, which is reserved for the day level.


2 level_number

The ordinal value of the level.

Values: the top level of the hierarchy must be assigned a level_number of 1; descending levels in the hierarchy must be numbered sequentially


3 language_text_id

The external object identifier for a period name. The language_text_id is used as the default period name if no period is provided in the time language text file.


4 reference_display_level_id

The time level that is used as the parent in a history chart.


5 parent_link_rule

The rule used to assign a time period to a parent time period when the time period start and end dates don't fall within the parent time period start and end dates. If null, the dates must be contained within the parent’s dates. Metric Studio will allow only one time level row to contain a non-null value for parent_link_rule.

As parent_link_rule is typically used to define calendars containing weeks, the week example is used in the descriptions of the values.

Values: FIRST_DAY_IN_PARENT (the week will be contained in the month where the week begins), LAST_DAY_IN_PARENT (the week will be contained in the month where the week ends), MOST_DAYS_IN_PARENT (the week will be contained in the month where most of the week’s days fall)


6 created_dt

The date the object was created.

Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (24-hour clock)

(hh:mm:ss values are optional)


Source: Metric Studio User Guide 8.4.1