Installing Apache Web Server 2.0.47 on Unix

Installing Apache Web Server 2.0.47 applies to all Cognos Series 7 products. You can install Apache Web Server on Windows or UNIX. Although an Apache instance is already running on the default port 80 we will install a new instance in your Home directory.

Installation Procedures:

1. Review all prerequisites such as verifying the system requirements and completing the preparation tasks.

2. Ftp the gunzip file “apache_2.0.47.tar.gz” to your home directory (/space1/home/temp).

3. Unzip the file gunzip apache_2.0.47.tar.gz
4. The file is now in a ‘tar’ format, expand the ‘tar’ file:tar –xvf apache_2.0.47.tar.gz

5.Before installing the Web Server Apache requires the UNIX ‘make’ command and a C compiler as the installation procedure will compile the code To add ‘make’ to the system path:PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin;export PATH
To Add a C Compiler to the system path:PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin;export PATH

6. To Configure the Apache install for your ‘student#’ environment:

./configure --prefix=/home/apache

To install Apache in your environment:

make install The Apache Web Server has now been installed, the next steps will configure the web server for unique web server port and Cognos aliases.

7. Change the Configuration file to change the default port

vi /home/apache/conf/httpd.conf

Search for “Port 80” and change it to “Port 81” Now add the Cognos Aliases: Add the following to the bottom of the file to create the cgi directory:ScriptAlias cgi-bin "/home/cognos/cer3/cgi-bin"

<Directory "/home/cognos/cer3/cgi-bin">

AllowOverride None

Options None

</Directory> Add the following to the bottom of the file to create the doc directories:

Alias /cognos/help "home/cognos/cer3/documentation"

<Directory "/home/cognos/cer3/documentation">Options NoneAllowOverride NoneOrder Allow,DenyAllow from All</Directory>
Alias /cognos "/home/cognos/cer3/webcontent"<Directory "/home/cognos/cer3/webcontent">Options NoneAllowOverride NoneOrder Allow,DenyAllow from All</Directory>
8. Save and close the httpd.conf file.
9. To start: /home/apache/bin/apachectl start
10. Test the Web Server is active, open a browser and type the URL: http://<localhost>:81
11. To stop: /home/apache/bin/apachectl stop

Apache Web Server has now been configured to work with Cognos applications.