If i delete admin user,what can i do

help me!I delete the admin user on the tm1 server,and can not enter the tm1 server by admin.
How can i recover it?


Which version of TM1 do you use and do you use the Cognos 8 security for TM1 Contributor?

For a TM1 user to access any data, you might have to assign that user to other TM1 groups. For example, for a user to publish public objects to the Web through TM1 Web, the user must be a member of the TM1 Admin group.

Did you only have one Admin group member or do you have multiple members. If so use the other admin user to fix the security.

thank u very much.I have solved the problem.

Can you tell us what you did to solve this?

thx! :slight_smile:

I have another user belong to admin group,i enter the tm1 server by this user and then fix it.
thank u again!