IBM C8_ContentStoreInfo

In the Cognos 8.4 distribution some diagnostic tools are default installed in the directory <cognosinstalldir>\bin\utilities\diagnostictools\win32. One of them is “IBM C8_ContentStoreInfo”. These tools were earlier available on the support site of Cognos.

IBM C8_ContentStoreInfo retrieves Content Store Database Information.

Use this diagnostic is executed when you have problems with creating tables in IBM Cognos 8.
All Diagnostic Tools results will be found at <system temp>/ IBMCognos_Diagnostic/<name of diagnostic>

The output generated are displayed in 2 forms:
A Text file called DatabaseType_Config_30Jul2008_0914.txt and an XML file called C8_ContentStoreXML_30Jul2008_0919.xml

Output looks like this:

C8_ContentStoreInfo diagnostic RESULTS 7Jun2009 06:35

Database: ContentStore83

MSSQL Database Collation Sequence: Latin1_General_CI_AS

Connection established : true
Connection URL : jdbc:JSQLConnect://localhost:1433;database=ContentStore83
Driver Name : JNetDirect JSQLConnect - JDBC 2.0
Driver Version : 5.55
Database Name : Microsoft SQL Server
Database Version : 9.0.3077