How run TM1TOP on a windows 2012 server from a bat file?


Cognos TM1 10.2.2
Windows 2012 R2

How run TM1TOP on a windows 2012 server from a bat file?

Create a new folder on you TM1 server, e.g. D:\TM1TOP

Copy the 3 files to a separate folder on your TM1 server.
Tm1top.exe file from a earlier version of TM1.
tm1top.ini should be updated to contain the values for you TM1 server, or as below.

# The possible fields which can be set in this file are listed below. Note that the
# field names are not case sensitive. For example AllowMultiModes and allowmultimodes
# are equivalent.
# adminhost - admin server, default is localhost
# servername - TM1 server name
# logfile - log the status line to a log file
# logperiod - time(sec) that the status lines are written to the log file
# logappend [T,F] - When a new session is started should the log data be
# appended to the log file specified by logfile
# refresh - time(sec) that the display is refreshed. Default is 2 seconds
# adminsvrsslcertid - SSL admin certificate ID, default is tm1adminserver
# adminsvrsslcertauthority - SSL admin server certificate Authority file,
# default is in the ssl directory
# adminsvrsslcertrevlist - SSL admin server certificate revocation file
# exportadminsvrsslcert - export the admin server SSL certificate
# adminsvrsslexportkeyid - id used to export the admin server SSL certificate


# AllowMultiModes=[T,F]
# If AllowMultiModes is set to T, TM1Top supports additional display modes that show details of Sandbox
# and Job Queue operation. The mode is selected when TM1Top is running by processing one
# of the following keys: (N=Normal, S=Sandbox, Q=Job Queue)
# The default value if AllowMultiModes is not specified is T.

# DisplayMode (N=Normal, S=Sandbox, Q=Job Queue)
# DisplayMode selects the display mode that TM1Top that is in effect when TM1Top starts.
# The default value if this configuration entry doesn’t exist in the file is N for Normal mode.

Create a tm1topfap.bat file to start the session. It can contain values like this;
tm1top -servername "FAP" -refresh 1

Save the bat file and run it - if it works you should have a white dos dialog that show tm1top: -adminhost localhost -servername FAP -refresh 1

The different commands in TM1TOP window:
N = Displays TM1 Top normal (thread status) mode.
S = Displays TM1 Top sandbox mode.
Q = Displays TM1 Top queue mode.
W = Writes the current TM1 Top information to a file.
X = Exits the TM1 Top utility.
H = Displays help text.
V = Verifies a TM1 Top administrator session.
Displays a user name and password prompt so the TM1 administrator can log into the current session of TM1 Top and enter commands to cancel processing in other threads.
C = Cancels processing in another thread.
Note: Before using the Cancel command, an administrator must first log into the current session of TM1 Top by using the V (Verify) command.
K = Cancels a sandbox submission in the job queue for a specific job ID number.
Requires administrator login with the V (Verify) command

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