How do I setup Cognos TM1 10.2?

Windows 2008 R2 server
IBM Cognos TM1 10.2
Cognos BI server is installed on a Windows server

How do I setup Cognos TM1 10.2?

Download the file tm1_64b_10.2.0_win_ml.tar.gz (CIPW2ML) from IBM website with your IBM account. More info at

Before you install TM1 10.2 check this things:
On the Windows 2008 Server you need to ensure that the printer spooler service is running.
Go to RUN on the server start menu, and enter Services.msc
Start the "print spooler" service and set it to automatic.

Check that NET framework 4.00 is installed.
Go to Windows Explorer, and check that you have this folder
If you are missing NET framework - please download and install NET framework 4.00 from
Run the file dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe to install Net Framework.
You must have Net framework version 4 to use Architect or Perspectives all functions.

(Recommended that you have a dedicated workstation with Windows 7 and Excel 2010 where you install TM1 Perspectives and Architect for the TM1 developers to use.)

Ensure you have installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable
Go to Control panel - program and features
Check that you have installed
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable - x64 10.0.30319
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable - x86 10.0.30319 or 10.0.40219
If not download the files from
and install by right click and select "Run as Administrator" on the files;
vcredist_x64.exe (size 5585 KB)
vcredist_x86.exe (size 4879 KB)

Log on to the Microsoft Windows 2008 server as a local administrator.
Turn off any running anti-virus software on the server.
Set the User Access Controller settings (UAC) to "never notify".

Run D:\install\tm1_64b_10.2.0_win_ml\winx64h\iisetup.exe to start the installation.
Select all parts, including the IBM Cognos Insight and IBM Cognos TM1 Performance Modeler.
Wait during the installation - it take some time.

Start IBM Cognos Configuration with "Run as Administrator"
Change localhost under the TM1 Application Server tab to the name of the Windows server.
Leave localhost as is under the Environment tab.
Start the TM1 admin server by right click on it and select start.
Do the same for TM1 Application Server, SData, Planning Sample and GO_New_Stores.

Start notepad from start menu by selecting "Run as administrator"
Open tm1p.ini file from folder c:\programdata\applix\tm1 in notepad.
Change it's content from this:
DataBaseDirectory = ..\samples\tm1\PData
AdminHost =
ConnectLocalAtStartup = F
LocalServerNetworkProtocol = tcp
IntegratedLogin = F
AdvancedRulesEditor = F
#AllowImportCAMClients = F
#CognosGatewayURI = http:/LocalHost/cognos10/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi

To this content:
DataBaseDirectory = ..\samples\tm1\PData
AdminHost = tm1servername
ConnectLocalAtStartup = F
LocalServerNetworkProtocol = tcp
IntegratedLogin = F
AdvancedRulesEditor = T
AllowImportCAMClients = T
CognosGatewayURI =

(change biservername to your already installed Cognos BI 10 server)
(change tm1servername to the name of the Windows server where you install TM1)
Save the file and exit notepad.

Start Architect from start menu under IBM Cognos TM1 - 64 folder.
Click on Planning Sample to login
Login with user: Admin and password: apple
Exit Architect
This to test the login of Architect.

Change settings in a TM1 server to allow Cognos authentication (CAM login)

Stop the GO_New_Stores Tm1 application from IBM Cognos Configuration.
Open the file D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\GO_New_Stores\tm1s.cfg
Add these lines to TM1 server configuration file: (Tm1s.cfg)


And save the configuration file.
Start the GO_New_Stores Tm1 application from IBM Cognos Configuration.

Start Architect.
Click on GO_New_Stores to login as the Admin.
Right click GO_New_Stores and select security - client/groups.
Click client menu and select add new client
Click on your domain - not cognos.
Click on search icon in top right corner.
Enter the name of the admin user you want to be able to setup the TM1 application.
Search for him.
Mark the user in the list and click Arrow icon to add him to the group.
Click OK to add him to the TM1 application security.
Mark him as ADMIN in TM1 application.
Click OK and exit Architect.

Stop the GO_New_Stores Tm1 application from IBM Cognos Configuration.
Open the file D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\GO_New_Stores\tm1s.cfg
in notepad as administrator and change the IntegratedSecurityMode line to:
Save the file.
Start the GO_New_Stores Tm1 application from IBM Cognos Configuration.

Start Architect.
Click on GO_New_Stores to login as the Windows user account instead.

To start TM1WEB you surf to this address:

for IBM Cognos TM1 Application use:

for IBM Cognos Performance Management Hub use:

for TM1 Operations Console use:

To get TM1WEB to work you need to add some files to the BI server.

Extract this files D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\tm1web\gateway_files\ to a d:\temp folder.

Rename the variables_TM1.xml.sample to variables_TM1.xml file
Update the variables_tm1.xml file with the tm1 server name.
Copy the varibales_tm1.xml file to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10\templates\ps\portal on the Cognos BI server (both on BI report server and Content Manager server).

Update the file tm1web.html with the name of the TM1server at line:
// Update the following to point to the location of the TM1Web service(s)
var tm1webServices = ["http://tm1servername:9510"];

Copy the tm1web.html file to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10\webcontent\tm1\web on the Cognos BI server. (if the folder \tm1\web does not exist, create it on BI server).

Mostly you do not need to restart the Cognos BI server to make the changes take affect, but if nothing else helps try a restart of Cognos BI.

More information:

To get TM1 Application Web to use Cognos authentication you also need to:

There are three files, that you need to copy to the Cognos BI server:
Extract the contents of the D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\gateway_files\ into three different locations on the Cognos BI C10 server.

variables_plan.xml -> C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10\templates\ps\portal
planning.html -> C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10\webcontent
icon_active_application.gif -> C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10\webcontent\ps\portal\image
icon_active_application.gif -> C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10\webcontent\icd\feeds\image

Update the planning.html with the TM1 server name at this section:
// Update the following to point to the location of the planning service(s)

var planningServices = [""];

More information:
To ensure that Cognos TM1 Applications can properly detect a CAM session termination, set the pmpsvc session timeout to a value higher than the CAM session timeout.

Open the file D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\configuration\ fpmsvc_config.xml

And edit session timeout value to 120 or something higher than what you have set in IBM Cognos Configuration for Cognos BI at the security - authentication - inactivity timeout in seconds.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><fpm_config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="fpmsvc_config.xsd">
<service forceQualifiedPaths="true">
<businessViewpoint enabled="false" uri="http://localhost:9410/bv"/>
<scorecarding enabled="true"/>

<provisioning allowInstalls="true" allowUpdates="true" uri=""/>
<resource path=""/>
<users path=""/>
<external uri="http://localhost:9510"/>
<session timeout="60"/>
<gateway uri=""/>

To start using the TM1 applications you need to add applications.
Surf to http://tm1servername:9510/pmpsvc
Enter TM1servername as Admin host (it will be prepopulated)
Select the TM1 application GO_New_Stores to use.
TM1 application web URL should be:
Cognos BI gateway URI should be:
Click OK.

If you are missing icons in the toolbar for TM1 Application Web, then you are probably using a custom skin in your Cognos BI environment. Change to use a default skin like "business" to get the icons to show.

Restart the TM1 server to make changes take affect.