How do I copy a cube from on TM1 server to another TM1 server in a different environment?

Cognos TM1 10.2.2
Windows 2008 R2 Server

How do I copy a cube from on TM1 server to another TM1 server in a different environment? The 2 TM1 servers are part of two different BI installations, they use the same Active Directory for authentication, and there are no firewall issues between the servers.

Possible Solution:
Use a ODBO connection in Cognos TM1 Architect to create the copy.
Start TM1 Architect and log in to the receiving TM1 server.
Right click and select to create a new process.
Select Datasource type: ODBO – cube.
In connection you need to enter this information:
ODBO Provider: IBM Cognos TM1 OLE DB MD Provider
ODBO Location: (servername of the windows host that have TM1 admin service)
ODBO Datasource: FAP (name of the TM1 server where you want to get data from)
ODBO Catalog:
ODBO UserID: username (name of the admin user in TM1 application)
ODBO Password: password
Additional Connection Parameters: Provider String=”CAMNamespace=CDS”
The additional Connection Parameters is only if you have a TM1 application that use CAM/BI authentication – enter the name of the Cognos BI namespace, in our example CDS.
Click on CONNECT button – if no errors then you wrote the correct values above.
Go to Load ODBO Cube dialog tab
Select ODBO Cube to load from: FAPMonthlyCompanyDetails (or any other cube you want to import)
Select TM1 Cube to load to: FAPMonth (or any other name you have for it)
Cube Type: Physical Cube
TM1 Cube Action: Create Cube
Data Action: Store Values
Click on Cube Dimensions dialog tab
Here you can change what dimensions the values should connect to, or let the import create the new dimensions in your TM1 receiving server.
Click on MDX Query tab
Here you should be possible to adjust the MDX if you need to.
Click SAVE icon to save the process, give it a name like: FAP import from external server
Run the process.
Depending on the size of the TM1 Cube this can take some time.
When done you should have a copy of the cube and the dimensions.

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