GTP error Activex component can\'t create object or Method

Error on Go To Production: Activex component can't create object or Method '~' of object '~' failed
Error when performing a Go To Production (GTP).
Unable to process the toolbar click correctly.
Unable to create the object with ProgID of Production_%v.GTPTransactionDocument Activex component can't create object
Method '~' of object '~' failed

A Flag in the contributor application database stops the GTP. There are invalid values in GTP_Transaction OptionID field which must be removed.

There are 2 options:

1. Clear the flag in the database with a script, to reset the GTP_Transaction OptionID value to blank.
2. Remove the flag manually from the planning store

Steps option 1:
1. Backup the application's schema or database first!.
2. Open Query Analyzer and authenticate against the Contributor Application Database.
3. Execute the below script to reset the value in the admin option table. UPDATE adminoption set optionvalue = '' WHERE optionid = 'GTP_TRANSACTION'
4. When script is complete, excute the GTP or Admin Link again.


To remove the flag manually, go into the adminoption table of the application database in question and remove the entry from the optionvalue column for the GTP_transaction row.
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