One other thought is that back in the mists of time, I recall the Java Cryptographic Environment (JCE) that shipped with the ReportNet install passed an undocumented expiry date, and suddenly all ReportNet installations stopped working and would not install. Sun shipped a set of updated JCE files to Cognos, who then had to quickly distribute them to ReportNet sites to fix the problem.
Here is a copy of the Advisory issued by Cognos at the time:
Expiry of JCE Certificate May Cause Run-time Failure
in Cognos ReportNet and Cognos Metrics Designer
Advisory Reference: ADVCRN04_0405
Updated: July 15, 2005
Impact: Possible fatal run-time error in Cognos ReportNet and Cognos Metrics Designer
Product(s) Affected
• Cognos ReportNet 1.02
• Cognos ReportNet 1.1
• Cognos ReportNet 1.1 MR1
• Cognos ReportNet 1.1 MR2
• Cognos Metrics Designer 2.2
• Cognos Metrics Designer 2.2 MR1
• Cognos Metrics Designer 2.2 MR2
Cognos ReportNet
Existing Cognos ReportNet product for Windows shipped version 1.3.1 of Sun’s Java Runtime Environment (JRE). In addition, Cognos ReportNet for Windows shipped version 1.2.1 of Sun’s Java Cryptographic Provider (JCE 1.2.1). For Cognos ReportNet UNIX, JCE 1.2.1 was provided with instructions to copy to the customer installed JRE, but it was not installed during the Cognos ReportNet installation process.
JCE uses a signed jar verification routine to vet any cryptographic providers. The JCE version 1.2.1 does not allow legitimate providers to load after July 27, 2005. JCE version 1.2.2 addresses this.
Additional information on this issue
To avoid this issue, JCE 1.2.2 must be installed in any JRE 1.3.1 environment. To determine if you are affected by this issue, you must determine if you are using JCE 1.2.1 in JRE 1.3.1 and if so, replace JCE 1.2.1 with JCE 1.2.2. Verify all machines, including Cognos Framework Manager installations.
Cognos ReportNet version 1.1 has fixed this issue in Hot Site kits 1.1.414.36 and above.
Cognos Metrics Designer
Cognos Metrics Designer may also encounter this issue if using ReportNet packages as sources for Cognos Metrics Manager. To determine if you are affected by this issue, you must determine if you are using JCE 1.2.1 in JRE 1.3.1 and if so, replace JCE 1.2.1 with JCE 1.2.2.
Cognos Metrics Designer version 2.2 Windows has fixed this issue in
Suggested Action(s)
To minimize the potential of a fatal run-time error in Cognos ReportNet or Cognos Metrics Designer, we strongly recommend that you determine if your Cognos ReportNet or Cognos Metrics Designer installation relies on JCE version 1.2.1 and if so, download and install the updates for the product applicable to you. Cognos will not be liable for any loss or damages arising from the failure to implement these recommended directions.
Instructions to Determine if JCE 1.2.1 is Installed in Your JRE Environment
To determine if you have JCE 1.2.1 installed in your JRE environment do the following:
Instructions for Cognos ReportNet Windows
- Back up your environment.
- Change directory to the install directory for Cognos ReportNet. (eg. cd c:\Program Files\crn).
- Under the CRN_ROOT directory change directory to the bin\jre\1.3.1\lib\ext.
- Within the ext directory, verify if the file jce1_2_1.jar exists.
If it exists, it must be removed from the ext directory (note that renaming will not be sufficient, copying the file to another directory is acceptable) and replaced with jce1_2_2.jar.
Update the JCE by downloading the compressed file from the link below and copy all four of the uncompressed files to the <ReportNet_Home>\ bin\jre\1.3.1\lib\ext directory.
Instructions for Cognos Metrics Designer Windows
- Back up your environment.
- Change directory to the install directory for Cognos Metrics Designer.
(eg. cd c:\Program Files\pd1).
3. Under the install directory change directory to the bin\jre\1.3.1\lib\ext.
4. Within the ext directory, verify if the file jce1_2_1.jar exists.
If it exists, it must be removed from the ext directory (note that renaming will not be sufficient, copying the file to another directory is acceptable) and replaced with jce1_2_2.jar.
Update the JCE by downloading the compressed file from the link below and copy all four of the uncompressed files to the Pd1\ bin\jre\1.3.1\lib\ext directory.
Instructions for Cognos ReportNet Unix
- Back up your environment.
- Determine the JRE used by Cognos ReportNet.
This may be pointed to by the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
3. Determine the version of this JRE.
If it is version 1.4 and above your installation is not affected by this problem. If you are running version 1.3.1 then proceed to step 4.
4. Change directory to JAVA_HOME/lib/ext.
5. Within the ext directory, verify if the file jce1_2_1.jar exists.
If it exists, it must be removed from the ext directory (note that renaming will not be sufficient, copying the file to another directory is acceptable) and replaced with jce1_2_2.jar.
Instructions for Cognos Metrics Designer Unix
- Back up your environment.
- Determine the JRE used by Cognos Metrics Designer.
This may be pointed to by the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
3. Determine the version of this JRE.
If it is version 1.4 and above your installation is not affected by this problem.
If you are running version 1.3.1 then proceed to step 4.
4. Change directory to JAVA_HOME/lib/ext.
5. Within the ext directory, verify if the file jce1_2_1.jar exists.
If it exists, it must be removed from the ext directory (note that renaming will not be sufficient, copying the file to another directory is acceptable) and replaced with jce1_2_2.jar.
Update the JCE by downloading the compressed file from the link below and copy all four of the uncompressed files to the JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory.
Alternatively, download the following program to the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos Metrics Designer bin directory and run it. It will display the version of JCE used. This program will identify the JCE version even if the file name has been changed in the ext directory. Note that version 1.2 will be displayed if JCE version 1.2.1 is installed.
JCE Version Display Program
UNIX | Windows
If you have JCE 1.2.1 installed in your JRE environment, you must download and install version 1.2.2. Download the compressed file from the link below and copy all four of the uncompressed files to the appropriate directory.
For Windows platforms, copy the files to the <Cognos_product_Home>\ bin\jre\1.3.1\lib\ext directory. For UNIX platforms, copy the files to the JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory.
Cognos ReportNet and Cognos Metrics Designer update for all platforms
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