Error while validating stored procedure on framework manager - RQP-DEF-0272 The parameter value \'tes

The problem occurs when configuring a stored procedure call from the metadata on Framework Manager. This stored procedure expects a parameter as an input that will be set by the report execution with the following value:


When we validate the stored procedure’s call we get the error: RQP-DEF-0272 The parameter value 'testValue' of type 'float64' is not valid.

That’s because Cognos asume varchar as the data type of the parameter “id_load” to validate the SP. Therefore the call is made with the text ‘testValue’.

What we must do is to modify the parameter value to “#prompt('id','integer')#”. The reason for this is to specify the data type for the id_load report parameter. Cognos will validate de SP with a valid number. Also, a default value could be set for the Framework Manager.

Prompt example:

prompt ( prompt_name , datatype , defaultText , text , queryItem , trailing_text)

Only the prompt_name is required, all other parameters are optional.Sample: #prompt('StartingCountryCode', 'integer', '10')#