Error config Portal Services: Location of 'applications.xml'

Hi guy
I’m a newbie. I have a quest same like the title.
My server about:

  • Gate way: *.26:80
  • 2 dispatcher: .26:9081 and .25:9080
    All 2 server was installed SDK.
    But i modify file applications.xml in .26: all application connect to http://.26:9081/samples/cps4/
    And i config Location of ‘applications.xml’ in both server is: http://

I go to portal web and create new page and make new IBM Cognos Extended Applications Portlet

but no apps, then i click the ‘Select an application’ … the error show:
Cannot read the file ‘applications.xml’. Make sure that the Cognos Extended Applications Portlet is installed and configured properly.

What’s wrong? Sb have me to fix it !!!