DPR-ERR-2072 Unable to load balance a request with absolute affinity

We are using Cognos 10.1.1
Database: Teradata
Multiserver environment
server 1: Gateway
server 2: dispatcher 1
server 3: dispatcher 2

We have a report that runs fine in html but produces the following error when run as csv or xml.
Unable to load balance a request with absolute affinity, most likely due to a failure to connect to the remote dispatcher. See the remote dispatcher detailed logs for more information. Check the health status of the installed system by using the dispatcher diagnostics URIs.

Handler trace back: [the_dispatcher] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.performance.PerformanceIndicationHandler [the_dispatcher] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [service_lookup] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.engine.ServiceLookupHandler [load_balancer] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [lb_forwarder] com.cognos.p2plb.clerver.LoadBalanceHandler

Does anyone know the fix? Thanks in advanceā€¦

I also have this kind of error, anyone with knowledge about this issue?