Creating line feed for output in excel

Hi all,
I am trying to make a listing in Cognos Report Studio (8.4); output has to be in excel. I have a data item that is a list of names, separated by comma’s. If the column for this data item is displayed, then each time a new name occurrs, it should start on a new line. Example: “PersonA, personB, personC” should be displayed like
I tried using replace([DATA ITEM],’,’, chr(13) + chr(10) ). This works fine if I run the report in pdf, but NOT in excel. Does anybody know how I can make this work in excel?

Hello Anke,

I have not tried this but i was thinking about this:

you get now probably something in Excel like:
PersonA chr(13) + chr(10) PersonB chr(13) + chr(10) personC

Excel just displays the complete text.

if you try 0x0D 0x0A instead? and if you use the xls extentions instead of csv?

Hi Cognosgirl,
It does not seem to work, it appears that cognos cannot handle the codes you suggested. But thanks anyway for your quick response!
Kind regards, Anke