Content Manager - (CM)


Content Manager - (CM)


Content Manager is the Cognos 8 service that manages the storage of customer application data, including security, configuration data, models, metrics, report specifications, and report output.
Content Manager is needed to publish models, retrieve or store report specifications, manage scheduling information, and manage the Cognos namespace. Content Manager stores information
in a content store database, which is typically located in Tier 3 of the architecture.

Each Cognos 8 environment may only have one Content Store and each Content Store may have one and only one Active Content Manager. You can have many Content Managers installed and configured in your environment but only one active at a time. Other Content Managers are in 'Stand-by' mode in the event the active Content Manager becomes unavailable.

There is a component which lives in Content Manager called CAM or Cognos Access Manager.

Content Manager resides in it's own servlet.