Cognos Metric Studio Errorcodes

CMM-ERR-1000;An unexpected error has occurred.
CMM-ERR-3052;The metric datastore does not need to be initialized.
CMM-ERR-3053" id="error.3053" type="String;The parameter value '<IBM Cognos>' is invalid. An SQL injection attack may have been attempted.
CMM-ERR-3056;An error occurred while determining the status of the metric store.
CMM-ERR-1010;The requested metric store cannot be accessed because it is being initialized.
CMM-ERR-1011;The requested metric store cannot be accessed because it is being upgraded.
CMM-ERR-1012;The requested metric store cannot be accessed because it is locked for an unknown reason.
CMM-ERR-1013;The package cannot be created. You do not have permission to update the selected datasource.
CMM-ERR-1014;The package cannot be created. The selected datasource does not exist.
CMM-ERR-1015;The requested metric store cannot be accessed because a previous install has failed.
CMM-ERR-1016;A database upgrade is not required at this time.
CMM-ERR-5015;The request cannot be completed because the metric store needs to be initialized.
CMM-ERR-5016;The request cannot be completed because the metric store needs to be upgraded.
CMM-ERR-5019;This metric store is not accessible because it requires an upgrade. Contact your metric store administrator.
CMM-ERR-5017;The request cannot be completed because the metric store does not have a calendar.
CMM-ERR-5018;Unable to locate or load the required <RDBMS> database driver. See the product documentation for additional information or contact Cognos Customer Support.
CMM-ERR-5020;The database for this package could not be determined.
CMM-ERR-5021;This metric store is not accessible; it needs to be initialized. Contact your metric store administrator.
CMM-ERR-5022;This metric store is not accessible because it does not have a calendar. Contact your metric store administrator.
CMM-CAL-4000;The custom calendar specification contains errors. See the staging reject tables in the database for more information.
CMM-CAL-4001;The level number is not valid. It must be greater than 0 and less than 24.
CMM-CAL-4002;The level number must be sequential across all levels.
CMM-CAL-4003;A language text ID must be specified.
CMM-CAL-4004;A language code must be specified.
CMM-CAL-4005;Either the short name or the long name must be specified.
CMM-CAL-4006;The 'default row' flag must be specified.
CMM-CAL-4007;The 'period_number' was not being specified so it must continue to not be specified.
CMM-CAL-4008;The 'period_number' was being specified so it must continue to be specified.
CMM-CAL-4009;The start time must represent a date after the end time of the last period.
CMM-CAL-4010;The start time must be a date after the start date of the parent period.
CMM-CAL-4011;The start time must represent a date after the end time of the previous period.
CMM-CAL-4012;This time period record was not processed. Ensure that it has a full set of ancestor time periods and that its level ID is valid.
CMM-CAL-4013;The start time must represent a date before the end time.
CMM-CAL-4014;Failed to delete the calendar. It is not valid because it has staging errors.
CMM-CAL-4015;Either the start time or the end time is missing or is not valid.
CMM-CAL-4016;The sequence number must be greater than zero.
CMM-CAL-4017;The language_text_id field must be specified.
CMM-CAL-4018;An unexpected error has occurred.
CMM-CAL-4019;This entry was rejected only because other entries were rejected.
CMM-CAL-4020;The level_id field must be specified.
CMM-CAL-4022;The level_number field must be specified.
CMM-CAL-4023;The time period was not loaded because its level ID is not valid.
CMM-CAL-4024;A level must have at least one time period defined.
CMM-CAL-4025;When you extend a calendar, staged time periods that overlap existing time periods cannot differ from the originals.
CMM-CAL-4026;When you extend a calendar, staged levels cannot differ from the originals.
CMM-CAL-4027;When you extend a calendar, you cannot stage new levels.
CMM-CAL-4028;A time period must have at least one child time period unless it belongs to the level that has the highest level number.
CMM-CAL-4029;When you extend a custom calendar, new time periods must specify dates that are beyond existing time periods.
CMM-CAL-4030;The period_number field must be sequential for time periods at the year level.
CMM-CAL-4031;The period_number field must be sequential, although it can be reset to one.
CMM-CAL-4032;The fiscal year must be specified.
CMM-CAL-4033;The fiscal year value must be ascending.
CMM-CAL-4034;The language text ID must be unique.
CMM-SYS-5000;The metrics management service started successfully.
CMM-SYS-5001;The metrics management service failed to start.
CMM-SYS-5002;The metrics management service failed to service a request.
CMM-SYS-5007" id="sys.install.no_dis" type="String;The data source '<datasourceName>' refers to a metric store that has not been initialized. The initialize cannot be done because the Data Integration Service is not running.
CMM-SYS-5008;The data source '<datasourceName>' refers to a metric store that needs to be upgraded. The upgrade cannot be done because the Data Integration Service is not running.
CMM-SYS-5009" id="sys.installCalendar.no_dis" type="String;The data source '<datasourceName>' refers to a metric store that needs a calendar intialized. The calendar initialize cannot be done because the Data Integration Service is not running.
CMM-SYS-5010;The calendar cannot be extended because the data integration service is not running.
CMM-SYS-5011;The metric store needs to be upgraded. It cannot be upgraded because the calendar has been removed. You should delete the metric store and re-initialize.

Alternatively, use the previously installed version of ${} to create a calendar before attempting to upgrade this metric store.
CMM-SYS-5012;An error occurred while determining the datastore status.
CMM-SYS-5013;The metric package cannot be created because the Data Integration Service is not running.
CMM-SYS-5999;The metrics management service encountered an internal error.
CMM-CFG-5100;Failed to configure the metrics management service.
CMM-CFG-5101;Failed to reconfigure the metrics management service.
CMM-CPM-3000;The query for the object "<path>" failed.
CMM-CPM-3001" id="cpms.DATASOURCEQUERYFAILED" type="String;The data source connection "<path>" does not exist or contains invalid connection information.
CMM-CPM-3002;The data source connection is not supported.
CMM-CPM-3003;The data source connection is not valid.
CMM-CPM-3004" id="cpms.error.invalid_datasource_credentials" type="String;The data source connection <"ds"> has an invalid credential.
CMM-CPM-3005" id="cpms.error.invalid_datasource_value" type="String;The data source <connectstring> is invalid.
CMM-CPM-3006;The connection type for the data source <"ds"> is not supported.
CMM-CPM-3007;The data source has more than one accessible connection. A metric store may have only one data source connection and database signon.
CMM-CPM-3008;The data source has more than one accessible signon. A metric store may have only one data source signon.
CMM-CPM-3009;The data source does not contain an accessible connection.
CMM-CPM-3010;The data source does not contain an accessible signon.
CMM-CPM-3011;Unable to find the package's model in order to determine the data source name. A metric store upgrade may be in progress.
CMM-CPM-3012;This metric package does not contain a model. Unable to determine the data source.
CMM-CPM-3013;This metric package contains more than one model. Unable to determine the data source.
CMM-CPM-3014;This metric package does not contain a model. Unable to determine the data source.
CMM-CPM-3015;The model for this metric package does not contain the data source name. Unable to determine the data source.
CMM-CPM-3016;Unable to access the content store. Verify your database connection and its parameters, then contact your database administrator.
CMM-CPM-3017;One query in a multiple query failed.
CMM-APP-3250;The data source "<name>" does not reference an existing database.
CMM-APP-3251;Unable to connect to the database. The data source "<name>" contains incorrect values.
CMM-APP-3252;Creating the metric package failed.
CMM-APP-3253;The upgrade of the metrics store failed.
CMM-APP-3254;The initialization of the metrics store failed.
CMM-APP-3255;The data source "<name>" references a database that could not be accessed.
CMM-APP-3257;The initialization of the new package failed.
CMM-APP-3258;The initialization of the new package file failed. The archive package file does not contain a model.
CMM-APP-3259;The initialization of the new package file failed. The archive package file does not contain a root element.
CMM-APP-3260;The initialization of the new package file failed. The model does not contain a package.
CMM-APP-3261;The initialization of the new package file failed. The model does not contain a namespace.
CMM-APP-3262;The initialization of the new package file failed. The model does not contain a data source element.
CMM-APP-3264;The initialization of the new package file failed. The model does not contain a data source name.
CMM-APP-3265;The initialization of the new package file failed. The model contains more than one data source element.
CMM-APP-3266" id="install.NO_CALENDAR_FILES_FOUND_CREATE" type="String;Metric import directory "<folder>" does not contain any calendar import files of type .cal and .lvl.
CMM-APP-3267;The wait page failed to refresh because of a system error. This does not mean that the installation or upgrade failed. Check the run history or log files to determine the status of the installation or upgrade.
CMM-APP-3268;Could not connect to the specified data source. Ensure that the connection and signon settings are correct and that the database server is running.
CMM-APP-3269;The connection to the data source was lost. Ensure that the database server is still running.
CMM-APP-3270;Extending the custom calendar failed.
CMM-APP-3271" id="install.NO_CALENDAR_FILES_FOUND" type="String;Metric import directory "<folder>" does not contain any calendar import files of type .cal.
CMM-APP-3272;A file used as part of the package creation could not be found.
CMM-DER-5700;The metadata query failed.
CMM-DER-5701" id="ERR_METADATAQUERY_FAILED_MSG" type="String;Quering for metadata failed: <message>