Cognos and Weblogic in a distributed environment -- questions from WLS admin

I am a Weblogic admin working with my first Cognos install, on a distributed system.

We have Cognos 10.2 + Apache Web server on one suse linux server (Server1), and
Weblogic 10.3.6 as the app server on another server (Server2).

I have deployed two cognos-generated WAR files (p2pd and ServletGateway) to Weblogic.
They deploy but don’t exactly start. Stuck in “new” mode. Not sure yet what that means.

My Cognos guy says that his congnos config cannot reach the dispatcher on the WLS admin server.
I’m not sure that’s correct.

My questions:

  1. Does the Cognos configuration on Server1 have to include a reference to my WLS on Server2
    and/or ports involved ?

  2. Is there anything in the WAR files (p2pd and ServletGateway) that should be pointing back to the
    Cognos install on Server1 ?

  3. Is there any requirement that the app server must be co-located with the Cognos app ?

By the way, in an effort to help others with similar problems, here are some issues I ran across as a WLS admin and was able to resolve :

  1. Found out that I needed to store the WAR files on my WLS Server, in a directory OUTSIDE of Weblogic.
    A shared drive (for my cluster).

  2. The WAR files must be unzipped into an exploded format in this shared drive.

  3. Also found out that the deployed p2pd and ServletGateway (on Server2) need to have read access to the
    Cognos install (on Server1). Otherwise the deployed apps will not start on WLS.

Of course your cognos guy can’t reach the dispatcher, it hasn’t started.

See if the following helps you…