i have a problem:
I changed DList(respectively and DCube) and trying to Publish that changes, but I get this error:
Could not create an items table for DList {Name};42S01 :[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]There is already an object named ‘it_dimension_0’ in the database.;Error context: CREATE TABLE {Name}. .it_dimension_0 ( itemid char(38) NOT NULL ,dimensionid char(38) NOT NULL ,itemname varchar(500) NULL ,displayname varchar(500) NULL disporder not NULL ,itemiid int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED( itemiid )ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY];CREATE TABLE {Name}…it_dimension_0 (itemid char(38) NOT NULL .dirnensionid char(38) NOT NULL ,itemname varchar(500) NULL .displayname varchar(500) NULL .disporder int NULL , itemiid int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED( itemiid )ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]
Very similar to http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21347079
But this issue does not help (( I have version 8.4.
Please help!!!