CNC-JOB-0006 Unable to create the run history for the job

CNC-SDS-0350 Content Manager returned an error. The requested information may not have been retrieved. The error was: [The client did something wrong]
CNC-JOB-0006 Unable to create the run history for the job
CNC-SDS-0347 An error occurred while beginning a transaction
CNC-JOB-3300 unable to retrieve the job details from the content manager.

Scheduled reports do not run anymore and the following error messages are found in Cognos Connection and in the cogserver.log

Possible corruption in the NC tables within the Content Store

Recreate the NC tables within the content store. This does not affect the content of the reports that are scheduled rather clears out the scheduled reports that are in the queue or pending state.
This is a recoverable operation if followed correctly.

  1. Stop Cognos 8 service
  2. Have your database administrator back up the Cognos 8 content store
  3. Connect to content store database and run the following script:
  4. Start Cognos 8 service USING Cognos Configuration. During startup the NC tables are checked and created if they do not exist.