Can not add a URL in Cognos Connection to direct users to other server or website

Cognos BI 8.4.1

C8BISRVRRS_name=Cognos 8 Business Intelligence Server Application Tier


Can not add a URL in Cognos Connection to direct users to other server or website. In this case we want to add a link to a TM1 server.

The TM1 link to be used by Contributors

The TM1 classic link looks like this


Error in English

IBM Cognos 8
An error occured.
DPR-ERR-2079 Firewall Security Rejection. Your request was rejected by the security firewall. Please contact your administrator

Error in Swedish

IBM Cognos 8
Det har uppstått ett fel
DPR-ERR-2079 Brandväggssäkerhet – avvisning. Begärn nekades av brandväggsskyddet CAF-avvisningsinformation är tillgängliga i loggen. Kontaka administratören.


In Cognos BI 8.4 and later if the CAF is active – you must specify all HOST and SITES you are going to access via URL in Cognos Connection.


Ensure that every possible valid combination of hostname and port which your gateway requests could come from is specified in the “Valid domains or hosts” property on each application-tier server. Steps:

1. Open Cognos Configuration.
2. In the left pane, click on the Cognos Application Firewall node.
3. Select the Valid domains or hosts property and click the edit button.
4. Add additional webserver “hostname:port” entries as required.
5. Repeat for every application-tier server.

In our case we must use FQDN like to access the server, Therefore the values added in Cognos Configuration are

And the URL entered for the link are

(The port number can be different at your site depending on how you set TM1 up)