Cognos Access Manager Crypto Errorcodes

Cognos Access Manager (CAM) Crypto errorcodes in version 8.3

CAM-CRP-0000;No error.
CAM-CRP-0001;The XML document initializeDocument is not provided.
CAM-CRP-0002;The XML document initializeDocument is invalid. Unable to find the root element '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0003;The XML document initializeDocument is invalid. Unable to find the service identifier '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0004;The XML document initializeDocument is not well formed.
CAM-CRP-0005;The XML document terminateDocument is not well formed.
CAM-CRP-0006;The XML document terminateDfocument is not provided.
CAM-CRP-0007;The XML document terminateDocument is invalid. Unable to find the root element '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0008;The session is unable to create a last error XML document.
CAM-CRP-0009;The pointer handle is not defined in the application.
CAM-CRP-0010;The API calls were not performed in the correct order.
CAM-CRP-0011;A parameter passed to the API is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0012;The cryptographic engine is not initialized.
CAM-CRP-0013;The cryptographic engine is already initialized.
CAM-CRP-0014;The cryptographic engine is unable to find the specified (or default) configuration file.
CAM-CRP-0015;Unable to process data in the configuration file of the cryptographic engine.
CAM-CRP-0016;Unable to process the configuration data in the cryptographic engine.
CAM-CRP-0017;The data in the configuration file of the cryptographic engine is not well formed.
CAM-CRP-0018;The trace section in the cryptographic engine configuration is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0019;The providers section in the cryptographic engine configuration is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0020;The qopDefs section in the cryptographic engine configuration is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0021;The default section in the cryptographic engine configuration is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0022;The routing section in the cryptographic engine configuration is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0024;The call to WSAStartup was not successful.
CAM-CRP-0025;The requested version of Winsock is not available on this platform.
CAM-CRP-0026;The underlying socket: '<IBM Cognos>' returned an error.
CAM-CRP-0027;No providers are defined or loaded by the cryptographic engine.
CAM-CRP-0028;A default persistent provider is not defined in the cryptographic engine configuration.
CAM-CRP-0029;The request of the provider is not well formed.
CAM-CRP-0030;The requested cryptographic provider does not exist.
CAM-CRP-0031;A default transient provider is not defined in the cryptographic engine configuration.
CAM-CRP-0032;A default persistent provider is not defined in the cryptographic engine configuration.
CAM-CRP-0033;The cryptographic provider manager does not exist.
CAM-CRP-0034;The algorithm type requested is unknown.
CAM-CRP-0035;Unable to reach the requested address in the defined routing table.
CAM-CRP-0036;The GetInfo request is not well formed.
CAM-CRP-0037;The SetInfo request is not well formed.
CAM-CRP-0038;You can set the XML property '<IBM Cognos>' only once in each cryptographic engine session.
CAM-CRP-0040;The property contains a value that is improperly base64-encoded.
CAM-CRP-0041;A mandatory property is not set.
CAM-CRP-0042;The pointer handle is not defined in the application.
CAM-CRP-0043;The call to SSL_accept was not successful.
CAM-CRP-0044;The call to SSL_connect was not successful.
CAM-CRP-0045;The call to SSL_write was not successful.
CAM-CRP-0046;The call to SSL_read was not successful.
CAM-CRP-0047;The call to SSL_shutdown was not successful.
CAM-CRP-0048;Unexpected SSL_shutdown Error
CAM-CRP-0049;The Input XML document is not valid.
fCAM-CRP-0050;The type of the XML document is not correct.
CAM-CRP-0051;Early initialization error.
CAM-CRP-0052;Unable to load a certificate file.
CAM-CRP-0053;Unable to load a private key.
CAM-CRP-0054;The certificate's private key does not match the certificate's public key.
CAM-CRP-0055;Unable to load the certificate authority (CA) certificate.
CAM-CRP-0057;Unable to create the SSL data.
CAM-CRP-0058;Unable to query the context attributes.
CAM-CRP-0059;Unexpected InitializeSecurityContext error.
CAM-CRP-0060;Unexpected AcceptSecurityContext error.
CAM-CRP-0061;Unexpected EncryptMessage error.
CAM-CRP-0062;Unexpected DecryptMessage error.
CAM-CRP-0063;Unexpected AcquireCredentialsHandle error.
CAM-CRP-0064;Unable to allocate memory in the persistent crypto provider.
CAM-CRP-0065;Specify location for the data.
CAM-CRP-0066;Set an identity and then perform signing.
CAM-CRP-0067;You can set only one originator for signing.
CAM-CRP-0068;Specify a name for the output file.
CAM-CRP-0069;Unable to open the file '<IBM Cognos>' for input during a persistent crypto operation.
CAM-CRP-0070;Unable to open the file '<IBM Cognos>' for output during a persistent crypto operation.
CAM-CRP-0071;Unable to find the originator's certificate for signing.
CAM-CRP-0072;Unable to find the originator's private key.
CAM-CRP-0073;Unable to find the originator's public key.
CAM-CRP-0074;Unable to perform signing.
CAM-CRP-0075;Unable to encode the signed data during the signing operation.
CAM-CRP-0076;The signed data is not properly encoded in PKCS7 format. Unable to verify the signature.
CAM-CRP-0077;Unable to verify the signed data.
CAM-CRP-0078;The signature is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0079;Unable to retrieve the length of the originator's private key.
CAM-CRP-0080;Unable to specify the type of the originator's private key.
CAM-CRP-0081;Unable to specify the type of the originator's public key.
CAM-CRP-0082;Unable to perform a digest operation.
CAM-CRP-0083;Unable to decode the originator's certificate.
CAM-CRP-0084;The originator of the signed data to verify is not trusted.
CAM-CRP-0085;Set the originator's X.509 certificate and then verify.
CAM-CRP-0086;Set the name of the digest algorithm and then verify.
CAM-CRP-0087;Unable to recognize the digest algorithm '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0088;Unable to recognize the algorithm '<IBM Cognos>' , which is used to create the originator's public key.
CAM-CRP-0089;Set at least one recipient to perform encryption.
CAM-CRP-0090;Unable to encrypt the data.
CAM-CRP-0091;Unable to encode the encrypted data during the encryption operation.
CAM-CRP-0092;Unable to decode the encrypted data during the decryption operation.
CAM-CRP-0093;Unable to decrypt the data because the appropriate private key was not found.
CAM-CRP-0094;Unable to decrypt the data.
CAM-CRP-0095;Unable to recognize the encryption algorithm name '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0096;Unable to find the recipient's certificate for encryption.
CAM-CRP-0097;Unable to find the recipient's public key in the certificate.
CAM-CRP-0098;The cryptographic engine did not provide a session key for one of the recipients of the encrypted data during a basic decryption operation.
CAM-CRP-0099;The configured encryption algorithm has no associated OID, therefore, it cannot be used to encrypt and encode data.
CAM-CRP-0100;The length of the initialization vector for the encrypted data is not correct to perform a basic decryption.
CAM-CRP-0101;The OpenSSL provider does not include an implementation of the selected digest algorithm that can be used with the originator's public/private key type (i.e. RSA/DSA).
CAM-CRP-0102;Unable to acquire an MS Crypto API context.
CAM-CRP-0103;Unable to open the MS Crypto API system store.
CAM-CRP-0104;Unable to retrieve a public key parameter.
CAM-CRP-0105;Unable to generate a session key.
CAM-CRP-0106;Unable to generate the random initialization vector.
CAM-CRP-0107;Unable to set the initialization vector.
CAM-CRP-0108;Unable to set the cipher mode during encryption.
CAM-CRP-0109;Unable to use a session key to decrypt data.
CAM-CRP-0110;A required identity is not set.
CAM-CRP-0111;This persistent crypto provider does not support multiple identities.
CAM-CRP-0112;Unable to find the certificate for the identity '<IBM Cognos>' in the certificate store.
CAM-CRP-0113;The password is incorrect or the private key for the identity '<IBM Cognos>'cannot be found in the file '<IBM Cognos>', or in the file '<param type="string" index="3"/>'.
CAM-CRP-0114;Set the subject DN or filename for the identity certificate.
CAM-CRP-0115;Unable to add the file or directory '<IBM Cognos>' to the OpenSSL certificate store.
CAM-CRP-0116;The certificate with the subject DN '<IBM Cognos>' is not found in the configured OpenSSL certificate store.
CAM-CRP-0117;Unable to find the certificate with the subject DN '<IBM Cognos>' in the OpenSSL certificate store.
CAM-CRP-0118;The supplied certificate issuer DN and serial number do not match the identity certificate.
CAM-CRP-0119;Set an encryption algorithm and then perform a basic encryption.
CAM-CRP-0120;Set an encryption algorithm and then perform a basic decryption.
CAM-CRP-0121;Set a digest algorithm and then perform a basic signing.
CAM-CRP-0122;Set an encryption algorithm and then perform a basic signature verification.
CAM-CRP-0123;A non-exportable algorithm is used by a provider. The algorithm must be exportable.
CAM-CRP-0124;The XML encryption type is not specified.
CAM-CRP-0125;Unable to find the element specified for encryption in the XML document.
CAM-CRP-0126;The element to encrypt '<IBM Cognos>' is a child of another element to encrypt.
CAM-CRP-0127;Unable to specify the crypto action type.
CAM-CRP-0128;The persistent crypto action is invalid.
CAM-CRP-0129;The provider does not support persistent data signing.
CAM-CRP-0130;The provider does not support persistent data encryption.
CAM-CRP-0131;Unable to find the default persistent provider.
CAM-CRP-0132;Unable to create a session with the persistent crypto provider because of a previous error.
CAM-CRP-0133;Unable to open the XML file '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0134;The signature of the XML document is invalid or the signer is not trusted.
CAM-CRP-0135;The XML document contains more than one signature.
CAM-CRP-0136;Unable to recognize the signature type of the XML document.
CAM-CRP-0137;The signature type of the XML document is not specified.
CAM-CRP-0138;Unable to recognize the digest algorithm type '<IBM Cognos>' of the XML document.
CAM-CRP-0139;The XML signature is invalid. The signed data may have been altered.
CAM-CRP-0140;The provider did not return a certificate for the originator.
CAM-CRP-0141;The action ('<IBM Cognos>') must be set by the first CAM_SetInfo call on a persistent crypto session.
CAM-CRP-0142;The response of the provider to a query does not contain some required information.
CAM-CRP-0143;The XML document used to set the cryptographic session information is invalid because the XML element '<IBM Cognos>' could not be found.
CAM-CRP-0144;The XML document passed is not well formed.
CAM-CRP-0145;The type of the XML document passed is different than expected; the root element should be ' <IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0146;Unable to recognize some elements in the XML document passed.
CAM-CRP-0147;The XML document passed contains a property with a value '<IBM Cognos>', which is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0148;The document passed contains an XML property with an invalid base64 encoding ' <IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0149;The XML document passed does not contain the mandatory property '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0150;Unable to impersonate the user.
CAM-CRP-0151;Unable to revert the user.
CAM-CRP-0152;Unable to create a session with the provider.
CAM-CRP-0153;Unable to close a session with the provider.
CAM-CRP-0154;Unable to set the information about the provider.
CAM-CRP-0155;Unable to retrieve the information about the provider.
CAM-CRP-0156;Unable to complete a call to the cryptographic provider's wrap function.
CAM-CRP-0157;Unable to complete a call to the cryptographic provider's unwrap function.
CAM-CRP-0158;Unable to parse XML.
CAM-CRP-0159;Unable to merge two XML documents.
CAM-CRP-0160;The digest algorithm '<IBM Cognos>' cannot be used to sign XML.
CAM-CRP-0161;The encryption algorithm '<IBM Cognos>' cannot be used to encrypt XML.
CAM-CRP-0162;An unrecognized algorithm '<IBM Cognos>' is used to encrypt XML.
CAM-CRP-0163;Unable to process an XML document.
CAM-CRP-0164;Unable to process an XML document.
CAM-CRP-0165;Unable to decode the base64-encoded data.
CAM-CRP-0166;Unable to retrieve the attribute's value.
CAM-CRP-0167;Unable to find the configuration document for the provider ' <IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0190;A path for the Entrust .ini file is not specified.
CAM-CRP-0191;The identity is unable to log on to Entrust using '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0192;Unable to search for the recipient in PKI.
CAM-CRP-0193;Unable to find any recipients.
CAM-CRP-0194;Unable to retrieve unique names from the search list.
CAM-CRP-0195;Unable to copy the recipients to the RecipientList.
CAM-CRP-0196;There are no valid recipients.
CAM-CRP-0197;'<IBM Cognos>' is not a valid security operation.
CAM-CRP-0198;An unsupported confidentiality algorithm is specified.
CAM-CRP-0199;A Cleartext data is not specified.
CAM-CRP-0200;An unsupported signature algorithm is specified.
CAM-CRP-0201;The location of data '<IBM Cognos>' is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0202;Set the name of the input file.
CAM-CRP-0203;Unable to complete the file protect operation.
CAM-CRP-0204;Unable to complete the file unprotect operation.
CAM-CRP-0205;Unable to complete the file unprotect operation.
CAM-CRP-0206;The type of the configured provider-specific document it not correct.
CAM-CRP-0207;The type of the configured provider-specific document it not correct.
CAM-CRP-0208;Unable to retrieve a search base.
CAM-CRP-0210;Unable to process the provider's configuration data.
CAM-CRP-0211;Unable to initialize the provider '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0212;A parameter passed to the socket function is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0213;The XML document applicationConfigDocument is not well formed.
CAM-CRP-0214;The applicationConfigDocument XML document is not valid because the root element '<IBM Cognos>' could not be found.
CAM-CRP-0215;The XML document sessionConfigDocument is not well formed.
CAM-CRP-0216;Unable to find the XML document sessionConfigDocument.
CAM-CRP-0217;The application is not configured with the cryptographic engine.
CAM-CRP-0218;The XML document sessionConfigDocument is not available.
CAM-CRP-0219;Unable to find the engine configuration file '<IBM Cognos>', specified in the initialization document.
CAM-CRP-0220;The certificate supplied by the remote peer is not trusted.
CAM-CRP-0221;Unable to load the provider '<IBM Cognos>' specified in the configuration file.
CAM-CRP-0222;Unable to load XML from file '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0223;The value for the parameter '<IBM Cognos>' is not a valid number or is empty.
CAM-CRP-0224;The subject DN in the recipient's certificate is empty.
CAM-CRP-0225;This certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain is not time-valid.
CAM-CRP-0226;Certificates in the chain are not properly time-nested.
CAM-CRP-0227;Trust for this certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain is revoked.
CAM-CRP-0228;This certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain does not have a valid signature.
CAM-CRP-0229;The certificate or the certificate chain is not valid when used under these circumstances.
CAM-CRP-0230;The root on which the certificate or the certificate chain is based is not trusted.
CAM-CRP-0231;Unable to specify the revocation status for this certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain.
CAM-CRP-0232;The certificate trust is cyclic.
CAM-CRP-0233;The certificate chain is not complete.
CAM-CRP-0234;A certificate trust list (CTL) used to create this chain is invalid or expired.
CAM-CRP-0235;The signature of the certificate trust list (CTL) used to create this chain is invalid.
CAM-CRP-0236;A certificate trust list (CTL) used to create this chain is not valid for this usage.
CAM-CRP-0237;Unable to build the certificate chain.
CAM-CRP-0238;Unable to create the certificate chain.
CAM-CRP-0239;The certificate is not valid yet.
CAM-CRP-0240;The certificate is expired.
CAM-CRP-0241;The certificate is not valid.
CAM-CRP-0242;The default quality of protection (qop) is not defined.
CAM-CRP-0243;Unable to find the certificate with the subject DN '<IBM Cognos>' in the configured certificate store of the cryptographic API.
CAM-CRP-0244;Unable to find the certificate with the subject DN '<IBM Cognos>' in the cryptographic API certificate store.
CAM-CRP-0245;A Microsoft Crypto API error occurred: '<IBM Cognos>'.
CAM-CRP-0246;An unknown Microsoft Crypto API error occurred.
CAM-CRP-0247;Unable to parse the route '<IBM Cognos>' because of a syntax error.
CAM-CRP-0248;The start of the range is bigger than the end.
CAM-CRP-0249;An internal assertion failed:<IBM Cognos> Location: <IBM Cognos>.
CAM-CRP-0250;A CCL error occurred. Details: <IBM Cognos
CAM-CRP-0251;An unexpected error occurred.
CAM-CRP-0260;Unable to recognize the encryption algorithm name '<IBM Cognos>' .
CAM-CRP-0261;Unable to recognize the signing algorithm name '<IBM Cognos>' .
CAM-CRP-0262;An unexpected InitContext error occurred.
CAM-CRP-0263;An unexpected AcceptContext error occurred.
CAM-CRP-0264;An unexpected WrapData error occurred.
CAM-CRP-0265;An unexpected UnwrapData error occurred.
CAM-CRP-0266;An unexpected CloseContext error occurred.
CAM-CRP-0267;An unexpected logout error occurred.

CAM-CRP-0268;An unexpected logon error occurred.
CAM-CRP-0269;No authority could be contacted for authentication. The current domain could be a running in mixed or NTLM mode, or there might have been a trust relationship failure.
CAM-CRP-0270;The supplied XML document is not a valid SOAP request. Please check and try the operation again.
CAM-CRP-0271;The supplied XML document is not a valid protected SOAP request. Please check and try the operation again.
CAM-CRP-0272;Unable to open the Common Symmetric Key (CSK) key store file ‘<IBM Cognos>’. Please run the Cognos Configuration application.
CAM-CRP-0273;The content of the Common Symmetric Key (CSK) key store file ‘<IBM Cognos>’ is not in the expected format. Please remove it and re-run the Cognos Configuration application.
CAM-CRP-0274;Unable to decrypt the content of the Common Symmetric Key (CSK) key store file ’ <IBM Cognos>’ because the CSK password is incorrect.
CAM-CRP-0275;Unable to request the Common Symmetric Key (CSK) from the URL: ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-0276;The URL ‘<IBM Cognos>’ is invalid.
CAM-CRP-0277;Unable to open the key store file ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-0278;The key store password for the file ‘<IBM Cognos>’ is not correct.
CAM-CRP-0279;The key store filename is not set. Unable to load the key pair with alias ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-0280;Unable to request a new certificate from the Certificate Authority service at the URI: ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-0281;Unable to request a new certificate from the Certificate Authority service at the URI: ‘<IBM Cognos>’. The server returned: <IBM Cognos
CAM-CRP-0282;The certificate received from the Certificate Authority service at the URI: ‘<IBM Cognos>’ is invalid.
CAM-CRP-0283;The signing key pair has expired. The System Administrator must use a third-party certificate tool to generate a new signing key pair and a new certificate.
CAM-CRP-0284;The encryption key pair has expired. The System Administrator must use a third-party certificate tool to generate a new encryption key pair and a new certificate.
CAM-CRP-0285;Unable to find an appropriate Common Symmetric Key (CSK) to decrypt the data.
CAM-CRP-0286;Unable to decrypt the Common Symmetric Key (CSK) obtained from the remote peer.
CAM-CRP-0287;Unable to read the CRYPTO section of the ‘cogstartup.xml’ configuration file.
CAM-CRP-0288;Unable to transmit the CA Cache message using following URI: ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Dispatcher URL. ex http://localhost:8080/dispatch”/>’.
CAM-CRP-0289;Unable to encrypt the empty file ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-0290;The error returned from the peer was: ‘’ <IBM Cognos> ‘’.
CAM-CRP-0291;The serialized impersonation handle was invalid.
CAM-CRP-0292;A decryption operation resulted in plaintext that was encoded using an unrecognized version.
CAM-CRP-0293;The provider does not support persistent data hashing.
CAM-CRP-0294;The provider does not support persistent data HMAC.
CAM-CRP-0295;The provider does not support the Decision Stream Access Token Service.
CAM-CRP-0296;The provider does not support persistent Password HMAC.
CAM-CRP-0297;The password supplied is invalid or empty.
CAM-CRP-0298;The provider does not support persistent Report Specification Signing.
CAM-CRP-0299;The external flag was not specified.
CAM-CRP-0300;The validation flag was not specified.
CAM-CRP-0301;The provider does not support persistent CDS signing.
CAM-CRP-0302;The provider does not support persistent PDF encryption.
CAM-CRP-0303;Invalid User Password provided.
CAM-CRP-0304;Invalid Owner Password provided.
CAM-CRP-0305;Invalid format for AllowCopy flag.
CAM-CRP-0306;Invalid format for AllowEditAnnotation flag.
CAM-CRP-0307;Invalid format for AllowEdit flag.
CAM-CRP-0308;Invalid format for AllowPrint flag.
CAM-CRP-0309;Error Processing PDF permissions.
CAM-CRP-0310;Error Processing PDF file identifier.
CAM-CRP-0311;Both the Owner and User passwords are missing.
CAM-CRP-0312;The PDF key is not available.
CAM-CRP-0313;The PDF Keylength for the encryption algorithmn is not valid .
CAM-CRP-0314;An error occured while generating content for the PDF encryption.

CAM-CRP-1003;Unable to create a certificate request.
CAM-CRP-1004;An invalid response was received from the server. The Certificate Authority protocol was violated.
CAM-CRP-1005;Unable to verify the response of the Certificate Authority service.
CAM-CRP-1006;Unable to decode the generated certificate.
CAM-CRP-1007;Unable to decode the certificate of the Certificate Authority service.
CAM-CRP-1008;createEncryptingOutputStream: building Cipher object
CAM-CRP-1009;setMessageTrust: building Mac object
CAM-CRP-1010;setMessageTrust: building Document object
CAM-CRP-1011;Unable to generate a certificate signing request (CSR).
CAM-CRP-1013;The required configuration XML value is empty.
CAM-CRP-1022;The keystore was not stored successfully. There was an I/O problem with the data.
CAM-CRP-1023;The keystore was not stored successfully. The keystore may not have been loaded properly.
CAM-CRP-1024;The keystore was not stored successfully.
CAM-CRP-1025;The key ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Alias of the key ex:?TODO?”/>’ was not retrieved successfully. The keystore may not be loaded properly.
CAM-CRP-1026;The key ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Alias of the key ex:?TODO?”/>’ was not retrieved successfully. The algorithm used to verify the integrity of the keystore is not available in the provider.
CAM-CRP-1027;Unable to retrieve the certificate ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Alias of the certificate ex:?TODO?”/>’. The keystore may not be loaded properly.
CAM-CRP-1037;The certificate request content was invalid.
CAM-CRP-1038;The CA certificate from the keystore was invalid.
CAM-CRP-1039;Unable to generate a new certificate.
CAM-CRP-1040;Unable to calculate a hashing message authentication code (HMAC).
CAM-CRP-1041;An invalid subject distinguished name was found when creating the certificate request.
CAM-CRP-1042;Unable to create a PKCS#10 certificate request.
CAM-CRP-1043;Unable to set the socket option ‘SO_TIMEOUT’.
CAM-CRP-1044;Unable to connect to the Certificate Authority service. Ensure that the Content Manager computer is configured and that the Cognos 8 services on it are currently running.
CAM-CRP-1045;The Certificate Authority service returned the following connection error: <IBM Cognosusage=“non-localized HTTP-style connection result (e.g. CAM-CA/1.0 400 Bad Request)”/
CAM-CRP-1046;The Certificate Authority service returned the following error: <IBM Cognos
CAM-CRP-1047;An error occurred when the response of the Certificate Authority service was verified.
CAM-CRP-1048;The Certificate Authority client timed-out without receiving a response from the server.
CAM-CRP-1049;An error occurred when the Certificate Authority service was contacted.
CAM-CRP-1052;Retrieving the key ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Alias of the key ex: encryption”/>’ was not successful. The provided password may be wrong.
CAM-CRP-1054;No configuration was loaded.
CAM-CRP-1055;Unable to process the PKCS #7 data because its format is invalid or unsupported.
CAM-CRP-1056;Unable to process the PKCS #7 data because the underlying security provider does not support the algorithm: ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“algorithm name or OID (eg: RC5 or 1.2.12345.3”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1060;’<IBM Cognosusage=“content type (object id) ex:”/>’ is not a valid content type.
CAM-CRP-1061;’<IBM Cognosusage=“algorithm name ex: SHA”/>’ is not a valid algorithm name.
CAM-CRP-1062;There is no certificate in the certificate set.
CAM-CRP-1063;Unable to find a certificate with the serial number: ‘<IBM Cognos usage=“serial number ex: 26”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1064;Unable to process the PKCS #7 data because of an internal error.
CAM-CRP-1069;Unable to serialize the trusted XML message to a byte stream.
CAM-CRP-1070;Unable to decode the supplied certificate.
CAM-CRP-1071;Unable to process a remote request for the common symmetric key.
CAM-CRP-1072;The certificate with the DN ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“DN fex: cn=user, o=cognos, c=ca”/>’ issued by the Certificate Authority with the DN ‘<param index=“2” usage=“DN ex: cn=someca, o=cognos, c=ca”/>’ is not trusted.
CAM-CRP-1073;Unable to parse the file ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“file name ex: ./somefile”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1074;Unable to parse the cryptographic configuration.
CAM-CRP-1075;Unable to parse the dispatcher configuration.
CAM-CRP-1076;Unable to parse the initialize document.
CAM-CRP-1077;The initialize document does not contain a service identifier.
CAM-CRP-1078;Unable to write to the file ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“file name ex: ./somefile”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1079;A configuration object error occurred.
CAM-CRP-1080;Unable to find peer (dispatcher) configuration.
CAM-CRP-1081;Unable to connect to peer ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“host:port”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1082;Unable to load the Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE) classes. Ensure that the JCE jar files are on the classpath or in the JRE extensions directory.
CAM-CRP-1083;Unable to load the Bouncy Castle (JCEJDK) security provider classes. Ensure that the ‘bcprov’ jar file is on the classpath or in the JRE extensions directory.
CAM-CRP-1084;Unable to load the JSSE security classes. Ensure that the JSSE jar files are on the classpath or in the JRE extensions directory.
CAM-CRP-1085;An error occurred while verifying that the security provider classes were loaded.
CAM-CRP-1086;Unable to start the Certificate Authority service.
CAM-CRP-1088;The index is invalid or out of range (it is either less than zero or greater than the size of the list).
CAM-CRP-1089;HttpClientFactory: Unable to end the HttpClient object session. An I/O exception occurred.
CAM-CRP-1090;HttpClientFactory: Unable to add the element to the table of http client objects.
CAM-CRP-1091;Unable to request the common symmetric key from the remote content store using the following URI: ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Dispatcher URL. ex http://localhost:8080/dispatch”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1092;Reason: <usage=“Error message from a caught Java exception (possibly non-localized)”/
CAM-CRP-1093;Unable to read the contents of the keystore ‘<usage=“Keystore filename”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1094;Unable to calculate the digest of the current common symmetric key.
CAM-CRP-1095;Unable to find the encryption certificate with alias ‘<IBM Cognos “Key/cert name in keystore”/>’ in the keystore ‘<IBM Cognos/>’.
CAM-CRP-1096;Unable to find the decryption private key with alias ‘<IBM Cognos “Key/cert name in keystore”/>’ in the keystore ‘<IBM Cognos/>’.
CAM-CRP-1097;Unable to find an appropriate decryption key to decrypt the data.
CAM-CRP-1098;Unable to find the common symmetric key with alias ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Key/cert name in keystore”/>’ in the keystore ‘<IBM Cognos/>’.
CAM-CRP-1099;Unable to find an appropriate common symmetric key to decrypt the data.
CAM-CRP-1100;Unable to generate a new common symmetric key.
CAM-CRP-1101;Unable to generate a new encryption key pair.
CAM-CRP-1102;Unable to generate a new signing key pair.
CAM-CRP-1103;Unable to generate a new Certificate Authority key pair.
CAM-CRP-1104;The common symmetric key has already been created and could not be overwritten.
CAM-CRP-1105;The encryption key pair has already been created and could not be overwritten.
CAM-CRP-1106;The signing key pair has already been created and could not be overwritten.
CAM-CRP-1107;The Certificate Authority key pair has already been created and could not be overwritten.
CAM-CRP-1108;Unable to find the encryption certificate chain for alias ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Key/cert name in keystore”/>’ in the keystore ‘<IBM Cognos/>’.
CAM-CRP-1109;Unable to save a common symmetric key to the PEM-style keystore ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Keystore filename”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1110;Unable to save the contents of the keystore to ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Keystore filename”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1111;Unable to find the signing certificate with alias ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Key/cert name in keystore”/>’ in the keystore ‘<IBM Cognos/>’.
CAM-CRP-1112;Unable to find the signing private key with alias ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Key/cert name in keystore”/>’ in the keystore ‘<IBM Cognos/>’.
CAM-CRP-1113;Unable to find the signing certificate chain for alias ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Key/cert name in keystore”/>’ in the keystore ‘<IBM Cognos/>’.
CAM-CRP-1114;Unable to find the Certificate Authority self-signed certificate with alias ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Key/cert name in keystore”/>’ in the keystore ‘<IBM Cognos/>’.
CAM-CRP-1115;Unable to find the Certificate Authority private key with alias ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Key/cert name in keystore”/>’ in the keystore ‘<IBM Cognos/>’.
CAM-CRP-1116;Unable to renew the expired common symmetric key.
CAM-CRP-1117;Unable to renew the expired signing key pair.
CAM-CRP-1118;Unable to renew the expired encryption key pair.
CAM-CRP-1119;Unable to renew the expired Certificate Authority key pair.
CAM-CRP-1120;An error occurred when the application was parsing the common symmetric key response that was returned from the remote server.
CAM-CRP-1121;The Certificate Authority service has started.
CAM-CRP-1122;The Certificate Authority service has stopped.
CAM-CRP-1123;Unable to find a private key to decrypt the data.
CAM-CRP-1124;Unable to find the digest algorithm of the common symmetric key.
CAM-CRP-1125;A null SOAP request was provided.
CAM-CRP-1126;The message is already trusted.
CAM-CRP-1127;Unable to generate a temporary session key.
CAM-CRP-1128;Unable to generate a deployment session key.
CAM-CRP-1129;The specified password cannot be empty. Please specify a password.
CAM-CRP-1130;The length of the specified password is invalid. The password must have a minimum of 8 characters.
CAM-CRP-1131;An error occurred while using Content Manager. The install may be missing components. Ensure CM is installed.
CAM-CRP-1132;An error occurred while attempting to request a certificate from the Certificate Authority service.
CAM-CRP-1133;SSL cannot be enabled to obtain the server’s initial certificates. Please disable SSL, save your configuration, enable SSL, and save your configuration again.
CAM-CRP-1134;Unable to calculate the SHA1-HMAC to create a Certificate Authority service stop request.
CAM-CRP-1135;Unable to send a shut down request to the Certificate Authority service.
CAM-CRP-1139;One or more of the following URLs must be configured: Content Manager, Dispatcher, and Gateway.
CAM-CRP-1140;The HTTP result code ‘<IBM Cognos>’ was returned from the server.
CAM-CRP-1141;Content Manager is unable to return the requested common symmetric key. Ensure that the encryption certificate for this computer was generated by the Certificate Authority service located on the computer where Content Manager is installed.
CAM-CRP-1142;Unable to find the file cogstartup.xml.
CAM-CRP-1143;The file cogstartup.xml is empty.
CAM-CRP-1144;The file cogstartup.xml contains XML code that is not well-formed.
CAM-CRP-1145;The file cogstartup.xml may contain more than one <name> and one <value> tags.
CAM-CRP-1146;The DOM parser reported a runtime document parsing error.
CAM-CRP-1147;An internal error occurred when processing the cogstartup.xml file.
CAM-CRP-1149;Unable to load the Entrust keystore file.
CAM-CRP-1150;Access Manager has detected that Content Manager is installed locally. Both the Dispatcher and the Content Manager URL must point to the same host and port.
CAM-CRP-1151;Unable to set up the trusted certificates for use with SSL. Ensure that the CA keystore (also known as jCAKeystore) and the Encryption keystore (also known as jEncKeystore) have passwords.
CAM-CRP-1152;Unable to create an SSL context.
CAM-CRP-1153;The provided encrypted data is incomplete or corrupted.

CAM-CRP-1154;There is no encryped data provided.
CAM-CRP-1155;The signing key pair has expired. The System Administrator must use a third-party certificate tool to generate a new signing key pair and a new certificate.
CAM-CRP-1156;The encryption key pair certificate created by third party certificate authority has expired. The System Administrator must use a third-party certificate tool to generate a new encryption key pair and a new certificate.
CAM-CRP-1157;Unable to synchronize the local common symmetric key store with Content Manager.
CAM-CRP-1158;The type of the configured common symmetric key algorithm ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“what the user typed in the config tool”/>’ is not valid.
CAM-CRP-1159;The configuration parameter ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“name from cogstartup.xml. This should closely match the ui of the config tool”/>’ is not valid
CAM-CRP-1160;An error occurred when the certificate authority Serial Number was updated.
CAM-CRP-1161;An AutoCA communication error occurred.
CAM-CRP-1162;An error occurred when the additionalInfo document was processed.
CAM-CRP-1163;Unable to find the DES encryption algorithm for Deployment Cipher Stream in any of the configured providers. Ensure that the Sun JCE provider is installed.
CAM-CRP-1164;The common symmetric key was requested by a remote computer that does not have the Enhanced Encryption Module for OpenSSL installed. Please ensure that the Cognos 8 installations on all computers include this module.
CAM-CRP-1056;The configured security provider does not support the confidentiality algorithm: ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“algorithm name or OID (eg: RC4 or RC4-40”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1057;Unable to generate the machine specific symmetric key.
CAM-CRP-1058;The host with the common name ‘<IBM Cognos>’ has successfully requested the CSK.
CAM-CRP-1059;The host with the common name ‘<IBM Cognos>’ has unsuccessfully requested the CSK.
CAM-CRP-1060;The host with the internet address ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“host address ex:”/>’ has been issued the certificate with distinguished name ‘<param index=“2” usage=“comma seperated name string”/>’ and thumbprint ‘<param index=“3” usage=“hex”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1061;The host with the internet address ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“host address ex:”/>’ has not been issued the certificate with distinguished name ‘<param index=“2” usage=“comma seperated name string”/>’. Reason: ‘<param index=“3” usage=“string explaining why”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1062;The host with the internet address ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“host address ex:”/>’ has requested a certificate with distinguished name ‘<param index=“2” usage=“comma seperated name string”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1170;Unable to process a remote request for the CA Certificate Cache.
CAM-CRP-1171;Unable to find the digest algorithm for CA Cache request. This may mean that your JRE environment is missing security jar files or you are using a different JRE than you anticipated.
CAM-CRP-1172;Invalid message type for CA Cache message.
CAM-CRP-1173;Unsupported message version given in CA Cache message.
CAM-CRP-1174;Error removing BIBus wrapper from CA Cache message.
CAM-CRP-1175;Unable to transmit the CA Cache message using following URI: ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Dispatcher URL. ex http://localhost:8080/dispatch”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1176;A Certificate Authority information update request was not authorized. The client machine’s CA password may not match the server’s CA password.
CAM-CRP-1177;An error occurred when the application was parsing the CA Cache Message.
CAM-CRP-1178;Cannot write freshness temporary file.
CAM-CRP-1190;Unable to request the URL of the Content Manager: ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“CM URL. ex http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1191;An error occurred when the application was parsing the active Content Manager response that was returned from the remote server.
CAM-CRP-1192;An error occurred while attempting to contact the active Content Manager to check the freshness of the local CA information. Check you configuration to ensure that the configured URIs are valid and that there are services running at those locations.
CAM-CRP-1193;An error occurred while attempting to contact the active Content Manager to update the local CA information. Check you configuration to ensure that the configured URIs are valid and that there are services running at those locations.
CAM-CRP-1194;An error occurred while attempting to update Content Manager with the local Certificate information. Check you configuration to ensure that the configured URIs are valid and that there are services running at those locations.
CAM-CRP-1195;DocBuilderPool could not create a DocumentBuilder object.
CAM-CRP-1196;TransformerPool could not create a Transformer object.
CAM-CRP-1197;CanonicalizerPool could not create a Canonicalizer object.
CAM-CRP-1198;A SOAP header element was not found in the BI Bus document when signing a message with TrustedRequestSession.
CAM-CRP-1199;A BI Bus header element was not found in the BI Bus document when signing a message with TrustedRequestSession.
CAM-CRP-1200;Could not obtain the URL of the active Content Manager service.
CAM-CRP-1201;Unexpected text: ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-1202;Unknown flag: ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Error flag”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1203;Unable to find file ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-1204;Unable to read file ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-1205;Not decode certificate from file ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-1206;Please specify a DN using the -d command line parameter.
CAM-CRP-1207;Please specify a CSR file location using the -r command line parameter.
CAM-CRP-1208;Please specify a Key Store location using the -D or -k command line parameter.
CAM-CRP-1209;Please specify a CA certificate using the -t command line parameter.
CAM-CRP-1210;The -a argument was specified but ‘<IBM Cognos>’ is not a valid signature algorithm.
CAM-CRP-1211;Unable to write file ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-1212;Unable to load CA cert from file ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-1213;Loaded CA certificate: ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Subject DN”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1214;Unable to load signing cert from file ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-1215;Loaded certificate: ‘<IBM Cognosusage=“Subject DN”/>’.
CAM-CRP-1216;Stored signing certificate and CA certificate(s).
CAM-CRP-1217;Unable to load encryption certificate from file: ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-1218;Stored encryption certificate and CA certificate(s).
CAM-CRP-1219;Stored CA certificate(s).
CAM-CRP-1221;Main operation mode:
CAM-CRP-1222; -c Create a new CSR
CAM-CRP-1223; -i Imports a certificate
CAM-CRP-1224;Operation modifiers:
CAM-CRP-1225; -s Work with the signing identity
CAM-CRP-1226; -e Work with the encryption identity
CAM-CRP-1227; -T Work with the trust store (only with -i and -E)
CAM-CRP-1228;Information flags:
CAM-CRP-1229; -d DN to use for certificate
CAM-CRP-1230; -r CSR or certificate file location (depends on mode)
CAM-CRP-1231; -t CA certificate chain file (PEM or binary PKCS#7 CA certificate chain or single DER-format CA certificate)
CAM-CRP-1232; -k Key store location
CAM-CRP-1233; -E Exports a certificate
CAM-CRP-1234; -p Key store password. If missing, prompt.
CAM-CRP-1235; -a Key pair algorithm. RSA or DSA (default RSA)
CAM-CRP-1236;Parameter examples:
CAM-CRP-1237;Unable to store the third party signing certificate.
CAM-CRP-1238;Unable to store the third party encryption certificate.
CAM-CRP-1239;The CA certificate file is missing the root CA certificate.
CAM-CRP-1240;Unable to build the entire certificate chain. Ensure that the CA certificate file contains the entire CA certificate chain.
CAM-CRP-1241;The signing certificate was successfully exported.
CAM-CRP-1242;The encryption certificate was successfully exported.
CAM-CRP-1243;The CA certificate was successfully exported.
CAM-CRP-1244;Unable to find the signing certificate in the keystore.
CAM-CRP-1245;Unable to find the encryption certificate in the keystore.
CAM-CRP-1246;Unable to find the Cognos 8 CA certificate in the keystore. Please note that this certificate will only be present when using the Cognos 8 CA.
CAM-CRP-1247;Please specify an exported certificate file name using the -r command line parameter.
CAM-CRP-1248;This will create a new signing keypair and PKCS#10 CSR:
\t-c -s -d cn=Me,o=MyCompany,c=CA -r sign.csr -k sign.ks -a DSA -p password
CAM-CRP-1249;This will import the third party CA generated encryption certificate and PKCS#7 CA certificate chain:
\t-i -e -r encr.cer -k encr.ks -p password -t cacert.p7b
CAM-CRP-1250;This will import the third party CA generated signing certificate and PEM CA certificate chain:
\t-i -s -r sign.cer -k sign.ks -p password -t cacert.pem
CAM-CRP-1251;This will add ‘ca.cer’ as a trusted certificate:
\t-i -T -r ca.cer -k cacerts.ks -p password -t cacert.cer
CAM-CRP-1252;This will export the signing certificate to ‘sign.cer’:
\t-E -s -r sign.cer -k sign.ks -p password
CAM-CRP-1253;This will export the Cognos 8 CA certificate to ‘ca.cer’ (when NOT using a third party CA):
\t-E -T -r ca.cer -k ca.ks -p password
CAM-CRP-1254;Unable to store the third party certificate in the keystore because a certificate already exists for that keypair.
CAM-CRP-1255;The error returned from the peer was:
CAM-CRP-1256;The CSK request was rejected because the signed request’s signature was not successfully verified.
CAM-CRP-1257;CSK request failed. The remote certificate is not trusted.
CAM-CRP-1258;CSK request failed. The CSK could not be encrypted.
CAM-CRP-1259;Unable to authorize a Certificate Authority Service certificate request. The client computer’s CA password may not match the server’s CA password.
CAM-CRP-1260;Response of CSK request was not a recognized version.
CAM-CRP-1261;Unable to generate the CSK request. Empty host IP address.
CAM-CRP-1262;Unable to generate the CSK request. Empty locale value.
CAM-CRP-1263;Unable to generate the CSK request. Empty certificate.
CAM-CRP-1264;Unable to generate the CA message. Invalid message type.
CAM-CRP-1265;Unable to generate the CA message. Empty locale value.
CAM-CRP-1266;Unable to generate the CA message. Empty digest value.
CAM-CRP-1267;CSK request was not a recognized version.
CAM-CRP-1268;Unable to read the Entrust password file ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-1269;Extended characters are not permitted in the Common symmetric key store password property. Enter a different password.
CAM-CRP-1270;The remote client request to obtain a CSK failed.
CAM-CRP-1271;CSK Request Test
CAM-CRP-1272;Checking CSK availability.
CAM-CRP-1273;An error occurred while initializing the cryptographic service.
CAM-CRP-1274;An error occurred while attempting to synchronize the local key stores with Content Manager.
CAM-CRP-1275;An error occurred while attempting to get a certificate and private key from the key store.
CAM-CRP-1276;An error occurred while attempting to create the version one CSK request.
CAM-CRP-1277;An error occurred while attempting to create the CSK request.
CAM-CRP-1278;An active Content Manager was not found.
CAM-CRP-1279;An error occurred while trying to encrypt using the system protection key.
CAM-CRP-1280;An error occurred while trying to decrypt using the system protection key.
CAM-CRP-1281; -D Key store directory location
CAM-CRP-1282;Unable to create SSL socket factory.
CAM-CRP-1283;Unable to acquire method.
CAM-CRP-1284;Unable to invoke method.
CAM-CRP-1285;Unable to acquire weblogic SSL Context instance.
CAM-CRP-1286;Failure to associate Hostname Verifier with SSL Context.
CAM-CRP-1287;Failure to associate Trust Manager with SSL Context.
CAM-CRP-1288;Failure to load SSL Context Class.
CAM-CRP-1289;Failure to create SSL socket object.
CAM-CRP-1290;Socket factory provided is invalid.
CAM-CRP-1291;Failure to load SSL socket Class.
CAM-CRP-1292;New Certificate Lifetime
CAM-CRP-1293;A decryption operation resulted in plaintext that was encoded using an unrecognized version.
CAM-CRP-1294;Unable to verify signature. Detached signatures are not supported.
CAM-CRP-1295;Unknown provider specified.
CAM-CRP-1296;RSA security RC2
CAM-CRP-1297;RSA security RC2 (40-bit key)
CAM-CRP-1298;RSA security RC4
CAM-CRP-1299;RSA security RC4 (40-bit key)
CAM-CRP-1300;Data Encryption Standard with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode
CAM-CRP-1301;Triple DES/DES EDE (Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt)
CAM-CRP-1302;Advanced Encryption Standard with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode
CAM-CRP-1303;Could not integrate into JVM environment due to missing JCE provider class (<IBM Cognos>) or an error when trying to set up the JCE.
CAM-CRP-1304;Could not integrate into JVM environment due to missing JSSE provider class (<IBM Cognos>) or an error when trying to set up JSSE.
CAM-CRP-1305;Could not integrate into JVM environment due to missing SecureRandom provider (<IBM Cognosu>) or an error when trying to set up a SecureRandom implementation.
CAM-CRP-1306;Could not integrate into JVM environment due to an error when adding the JCE provider to the provider list.
CAM-CRP-1307;Could not integrate into JVM environment due to an error when adding the JSSE provider to the provider list.
CAM-CRP-1310;Unsupported message version given in Decision Stream token.
CAM-CRP-1311;Unable to find the digest algorithm for Decision Stream token.
CAM-CRP-1312;Trust Root Test
CAM-CRP-1313;Checking for same Trust Root.
CAM-CRP-1314;Failed to initialize CaFreshness subsystem.
CAM-CRP-1315;Current configuration points to a different Trust Domain than originally configured.
CAM-CRP-1316;The given parameter is invalid.
CAM-CRP-1317;is valid from ‘<IBM Cognos ex:mm/dd/yyyy"/>’ to ‘<date ex: mm/dd/yyyy"/>’
CAM-CRP-1318;Do you want to proceed?
CAM-CRP-1320;Unknown URL
CAM-CRP-1321;Securty Alert
CAM-CRP-1322;The certificate received from peer is not trusted.
CAM-CRP-1323;Certificate name: <IBM Cognosusage=“DN ex: cn=user, o=cognos, c=ca”/> , issuer: <param index=“2” usage=“DN ex: cn=user, o=cognos, c=ca”/>.
CAM-CRP-1324;Unable to create temporary client certificate
CAM-CRP-1325;Unable to generate a generic hmac session key.
CAM-CRP-1326;The HMAC security object does not exist. Please set the HMAC password.
CAM-CRP-1327;The version of the token is invalid.
CAM-CRP-1328;The JVM version is not supported.
CAM-CRP-1350;Failed to initialize PDF Encryption subsystem. Cannot find RC4 algorithm. Check your Java environment to ensure it is correctly setup.
CAM-CRP-1351;Failed to initialize PDF Encryption subsystem. Cannot find MD5 algorithm. Check your Java environment to ensure it is correctly setup.
CAM-CRP-1352;Failed to initialize PDF Encryption subsystem. Cannot find RC4 padding selection. Check your Java environment to ensure it is correctly setup.
CAM-CRP-1353;Must have keysize of 40 bits for Revision 2.
CAM-CRP-1354;Error generating O value. Encryption error during step 6.
CAM-CRP-1355;Error generating O value. Encryption error during step 6. Error creating key definition.
CAM-CRP-1356;Error generating O value. Encryption error during step 7.
CAM-CRP-1357;Error generating U value. Encryption error during step 4.
CAM-CRP-1358;Error generating U value. Encryption error during step 5.
CAM-CRP-1359;Error generating U value. Encryption error during step 2.
CAM-CRP-1360;Invalid keylength provided. Ensure keylength provided in bytes.
CAM-CRP-1361;Error attempting to use MD5 digest before initialized. This means there was an error during initialization of the PDF Encryption subsystem.
CAM-CRP-1361;Error attempting to use RC4 encryption algorithm before initialized. This means there was an error during initialization of the PDF Encryption subsystem.
CAM-CRP-1362;Cannot find definition of PDF encryption algorithm in Cognos configuration file.
CAM-CRP-1362;PDF encryption algorithm retrieved from configuration file is not supported.
CAM-CRP-1363;Failed to initialize PDF Encryption subsystem. Cannot find AES algorithm. Check your Java environment to ensure it is correctly setup.
CAM-CRP-1363;Failed to initialize PDF Encryption subsystem. Cannot find AES padding selection. Check your Java environment to ensure it is correctly setup.
CAM-CRP-1364;Error attempting to use encryption algorithm before initialized. This means there was an error during initialization of the PDF Encryption subsystem.
CAM-CRP-1365; -P Create a CA keystore including the certificate authorities trusted by OpenSSL and current JR
CAM-CRP-1366;This will create the trusted publisher keystore ‘jCAPublisherKeystore’ at ‘…/configuration/certs’:
\t-P -r …/…/isv/win32/openssl/0.9.8/Distribution/certs -D …/configuration/certs
CAM-CRP-1329;An error occurred while getting the encoding information from the certificate.
CAM-CRP-1330;An error occurred while attempting to add a certificate to the Content Store. This may mean the Content Store is unavailable or some components are inaccessible or missing from the installation.
CAM-CRP-1331;An error occurred while attempting to update the Content Store with the CA certificate from the CA certificate keystore.
CAM-CRP-1332;An error occurred while loading Content Manager Data Store access class. CM may not have started yet or the install may be missing components. Ensure CM is installed.
CAM-CRP-1333;The Content Manager Data Store access class was loaded but we cannot see important pieces. The install may be missing components. Ensure CM is installed.
CAM-CRP-1334;Error invoking Content Manager Data Store function to add a CA certificate to the Content Store.
CAM-CRP-1335;Error invoking Content Manager Data Store function to remove a CA Certificate from the Content Store.
CAM-CRP-1336;Error invoking Content Manager Data Store function to retrieve a CA certificate from the Content Store.
CAM-CRP-1337;Error invoking Content Manager Data Store function to retrieve all CA certificate from the Content Store.
CAM-CRP-1338;Error invoking Content Manager Data Store function to retrieve all CA certificate from the Content Store.
CAM-CRP-1339;Error invoking Content Manager Data Store function to retrieve the freshness value of the content store.
CAM-CRP-1340;Error loading local freshness file. Reverting to defaults and continuing.
CAM-CRP-1341;Failure to setup temporary freshness file and directory.
CAM-CRP-1342;BIBus returned error: ‘<IBM Cognos>’.
CAM-CRP-1343;Failed to process the trusted request.
CAM-CRP-1345;Failed to parse the given XML field.