Metric Studio: Metric Type Stage File (.cmm)

The metric type stage file (.cmm) imports metric types into the staging tables. Use this file when you set up metric types for your Metric Studio scorecarding environment.

Information about derived index metric types is included in the metric type stage file, the object link stage file and, optionally, the equations stage file . When you create a new derived index metric type by import, the required information must be present in at least the metric type stage file and the object link stage file.

The metric type stage file loads the metric_type_stage table. The columns in the metric type stage file are as follows.

No. Column Description
1 metric_type_id

The unique identifier for the metric type.

Maximum length: 255


2 metric_type_nm

The name of the metric type.

Maximum length: 255


3 metric_type_desc

The description of the metric type.

Maximum length: 1000

4 metric_type_technical_desc

The technical description of the metric type.

Maximum length: 1000

5 language_cd

The two-character identification code for the language of the data you are importing.

Values: EN (English), FR (French), JA (Japanese), and so on

This code follows the ISO standard.

Default: EN (English)

6 default_from_metric_type_id

Not used.

7 sort_order

The number indicating the ordering of a metric type in relation to other metric types.

8 diagram_object_nm

The name of the diagram associated with this metric type.

Maximum length: 255

This column is used for backward compatibility with version 2.2. You can import the diagram association with the object by using the .cml file for file formats other than version 2.2.

9 kpi_pattern_cd

The code for the performance pattern for the metric type.

Values: GYR (below target is positive), RYG (above target is positive), RYGYR (on target or within a user-defined range of target is positive)

10 tolerance_type_cd

The code for the tolerance type for the metric type.

Values: A (absolute: tolerance values are based on the raw value provided), P (percentage: tolerance values are based on a percentage of the target value)

11 unit_cd

The code for the type of unit defined for the metric type.

Can also be a custom unit.

Values: currency, general, percent

12 unit_display_ind

The flag indicating whether the unit for the metrics in a metric type is shown.

Values: Y (Yes), N (No)

13 decimal_places

The number of decimal places used when showing metric values in the metric type. The number can be changed in the user interface.

Values: 0 to 5

14 benchmark_authority_nm

Not used.

15 actuals_rollup_type_cd

The code for the rollup type for actual quarter and year values for the metrics in the metric type.

Values: AVG (average of individual values), FRST (first of individual values), LAST (last of individual values), MAX (maximum of individual values), MIN (minimum of individual values), SUM (sum of individual values), STAGED (supplied externally and input to Metric Studio)

Default: AVG (if the value of unit_cd is PERCENT), SUM (if the value of unit_cd is not PERCENT)

16 target_rollup_type_cd

The code for the rollup type for target values.

Values: AVG (average of individual values), FRST (first of individual values), LAST (last of individual values), MAX (maximum of individual values), MIN (minimum of individual values), SUM (sum of individual values)

Default: AVG (if the value of unit_cd is PERCENT), SUM (if the value of unit_cd is not PERCENT)

17 tolerance_rollup_type_cd

The code for the rollup type for tolerance values.

Values: AVG (average of individual values), FRST (first of individual values), LAST (last of individual values), MAX (maximum of individual values), MIN (minimum of individual values), SUM (sum of individual values)

Default: AVG (if the value of unit_cd is PERCENT), SUM (if the value of unit_cd is not PERCENT)

18 benchmark_rollup_type_cd

The code for the rollup type for the values in the first user-defined column. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

Values: AVG (average of individual values), FRST (first of individual values), LAST (last of individual values), MAX (maximum of individual values), MIN (minimum of individual values), SUM (sum of individual values)

Default: AVG (if the value of unit_cd is PERCENT), SUM (if the value of unit_cd is not PERCENT)

19 actuals_entry_level_time_id

The level in the business calendar where actual data is entered.

For example, if the standard Year, Quarter, and Month calendar is used, M means the data is supplied at the monthly level. The Quarterly and Yearly results are then calculated.

If a custom calendar is used, then the ID corresponds to a level ID in the custom calendar.

20 target_entry_level_time_id

The level in the business calendar at which target data is entered.

For example, Q means the data is supplied at the quarterly level. The Monthly and Yearly results are calculated. The Monthly level is an even portion of the quarters or 1/3 of the quarterly amount.

21 tolerance_entry_level_time_id

The level in the business calendar where Tolerance data is entered.

For example, Y means the data is supplied for the year level. The Monthly and Yearly results are calculated. The Monthly level would be an even portion of the quarters or 1/12 of the year amount.

22 benchmark_entry_level_time_id

The level in the business calendar at which the first user-defined column data is entered. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

23 udc1_object_id

The identifier for the first user-defined column for the metric type. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

Maximum length: 255

Maximum number of user-defined columns: 5


24 udc2_object_id

The identifier for the second user-defined column for the metric type. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

Maximum length: 255

Maximum number of user-defined columns: 5


25 udc3_object_id

The identifier for the third user-defined column for the metric type. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

Maximum length: 255

Maximum number of user-defined columns: 5


26 udc4_object_id

The identifier for the fourth user-defined column for the metric type. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

Maximum length: 255

Maximum number of user-defined columns: 5


27 udc5_object_id

The identifier for the fifth user-defined column for the metric type. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

Maximum length: 255

Maximum number of user-defined columns: 5


28 url

The definition of what appears on the Reports tab.

Corresponds to the URL on the General tab for a report.

Maximum length: 1000

Required for a custom report

The URL is for backward compatibility with version 2.2. The URL object is imported through the .cmo file (object_type_cd URL). The URL association with other objects is imported through the .cml file.

29 leaf_level_id

The lowest level in the calendar to track data.

For example, Q means only store data for years and quarters, if the standard Year, Quarter, and Month calendar is used.

30 latest_time_level_id

The calendar level to show when the Most recent values is selected.

31 delete_flag

The flag indicating whether the metric type is to be deleted.

Values: Y (Yes), N (No), C (Column)

When you set the value to C, udcn_object_id objects are deleted from the metric type.

Default: N

32 default_group_view_id

The default grouping to show when this metric type is selected.

33 hc_yaxis_min

The minimum value from which bar or line graphs originate. This is used to ensure all graphs have the same scale.

If a value is not provided, the graphs will scale automatically.

34 hc_yaxis_max

The maximum setting for the vertical axis of history charts.

35 hc_include_zero

The flag indicating whether the graphs show zero.

Different from hc_yaxis_min in that if all values are negative, the minimum can be set below zero and then zero will be at the top of the scale.

Values: Y (Yes), N (No)


Default: Not shown

36 default_diagram_id

The identifier of the default diagram for this metric type.


37 default_report_id

The identifier of the default report for this metric type.


38 score_type

The setting to determine how the score is calculated for the metric type.

Values: D (global score calculation setting), T (threshold method using targets or user-defined columns)

39 target_threshold1

The value from which to take the threshold value.

Values: T, B, B2, B3, B4, B5

40 target_threshold1_incl

The setting to determine if the range above (A) the threshold or below (B) the threshold is included.

Values: A, B

41 target_threshold2

The value from which to take the threshold value.

Values: T, B, B2, B3, B4, B5

42 target_threshold2_incl

The setting to determine if the range above (A) the threshold or below (B) the threshold is included.

Values: A, B

43 target_threshold3

The value from which to take the threshold value.

Values: T, B, B2, B3, B4, B5

44 target_threshold3_incl

The setting to determine if the range above (A) the threshold or below (B) the threshold is included.

Values: A, B

45 target_threshold4

The value from which to take the threshold value.

Values: T, B, B2, B3, B4, B5

46 target_threshold4_incl

The setting to determine if the range above (A) the threshold or below (B) the threshold is included.

Values: A, B

47 owner_user_ns_id

The identifier of a Cognos 8 authentication namespace used to resolve the reference in the owner_user_id column.

Used to differentiate the value in the owner_user_id when more than one Cognos 8 authentication namespace is configured.


Maximum length: 255

48 owner_user_id

The unique identifier for the owner of the metric type.

The name of the user, the identification of the user, or the search-path field in IBM Cognos 8.

Value: owner ID

Maximum length: 2000

49 default_weight

The default weight for metrics and metric types associated with the strategy element.

The weight determines how much influence the contributing metrics will have when calculating the status of the strategy element using the weighted average rollup rule. The weight can be overridden when metric and metric types are associated with the strategy element.

Only numerical values are allowed.

Default: 10

50 kpicl_rollup_cd

The rollup code specifying how the actual, target, and tolerance values are calculated. It applies only when the metric type is a derived index.

Required for derived index metric types

Values: WA (weighted average), MIN (min: bubble up red), MAX (max: bubble up green), MODE (majority rules)

Default: WA (weighted average)

51 benchmark2_rollup_type_cd

The code for the rollup type for the values in the second user-defined column. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

Values: AVG (average of individual values), FRST (first of individual values), LAST (last of individual values), MAX (maximum of individual values), MIN (minimum of individual values), SUM (sum of individual values)

Default: AVG (if the value of unit_cd is PERCENT), SUM (if the value of unit_cd is not PERCENT)

52 benchmark3_rollup_type_cd

The code for the rollup type for the values in the third user-defined column. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

Values: AVG (average of individual values), FRST (first of individual values), LAST (last of individual values), MAX (maximum of individual values), MIN (minimum of individual values), SUM (sum of individual values)

Default: AVG (if the value of unit_cd is PERCENT), SUM (if the value of unit_cd is not PERCENT)

53 benchmark4_rollup_type_cd

The code for the rollup type for the values in the fourth user-defined column. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

Values: AVG (average of individual values), FRST (first of individual values), LAST (last of individual values), MAX (maximum of individual values), MIN (minimum of individual values), SUM (sum of individual values)

Default: AVG (if the value of unit_cd is PERCENT), SUM (if the value of unit_cd is not PERCENT)

54 benchmark5_rollup_type_cd

The code for the rollup type for the values in the fifth user-defined column. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

Values: AVG (average of individual values), FRST (first of individual values), LAST (last of individual values), MAX (maximum of individual values), MIN (minimum of individual values), SUM (sum of individual values)

Default: AVG (if the value of unit_cd is PERCENT), SUM (if the value of unit_cd is not PERCENT)

55 benchmark2_entry_level_time_id

The level in the business calendar at which the second user-defined column data is entered. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

56 benchmark3_entry_level_time_id

The level in the business calendar at which the third user-defined column data is entered. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

57 benchmark4_entry_level_time_id

The level in the business calendar at which the fourth user-defined column data is entered. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

58 benchmark5_entry_level_time_id

The level in the business calendar at which the fifth user-defined column data is entered. It only applies when the metric type is not a derived index.

59 created_dt

The date the object was created.

Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (24-hour clock)

hh:mm:ss values are optional.


Source: Metric Studio User Guide 8.4.1